why should they be banned?
what are the chances evo is gonna run it and sbo aint runnin it
not only that who the fuck has actually played the arcade version in an arcade in the usa
its not like everyone is use to the arcade version
i say let the console only characters stay in tourney play
unless they are broken beyond fuck
This is pretty much what I was talking about, trying to hard to compensate for this game’s shortcomings is gonna turn people off…plenty of people going games where infinites are possible, sure it’s pure cheese but maybe it’ll be best to forego the rules before an actual U.S. competition can be held and see how players react. It may not be that big of a problem, like Hecatom said, people play Marvel yeah?
If people are blocking you get an easy 2-way mixup of 6B (overhead) vs. 236B (low) in your strings, though you can also use 2C as your low. From 6C you can cancel the 1st hit into an overhead if you want, or let the 2nd hit go through since it hits low. Pretty standard for this game, really. Masamune has similar stuff.
Is there anywhere I can find a list of general combos and infinite listed for each character? I’m interested in learning Kenshin, Yukimura, and Hanbei.
I checked the forums and I didn’t see any FAQS made for each character.
This game is great, Mori rulez: 6C (throw), in the begining of the throw animation D, soldier hits B jB jC (2 hits) in the second hit press D, j236A land,soldier B jB jC (2 hits) land C+D 214214C. You can do more reps of the loop but thats just a basic combo.
So is this game more broke than Hokuto? My bro got it last night and I was watching him play it. Looks fun but I hear people in Japan don’t even mess with it much.
I’ve managed to get the second version of Yukimura’s QCFx2 super where the Phoenix turns into a giant version of Shingen - the key is in the timing of the Engun summon. You have to hit D (Engun button) right as Yukimura crosses his staffs together, so you’ve hit the button before they are actually crossed. You don’t need a full Basara gauge for this , but you do need your Engun level to be 100.
Now to try the same thing with Nobunaga…
EDIT: For Nobunaga, do the Engun summon after the flames have disappeared. Again, your Engun level must be 100.