Thanks to you guys who have the game and have discovered that the infinites aren’t as hard as the Japanese said they were…because ASW didn’t remove the infinites in the port :blu:
At least Oichi’s bug was removed, that’s better than nothing.
Thanks to you guys who have the game and have discovered that the infinites aren’t as hard as the Japanese said they were…because ASW didn’t remove the infinites in the port :blu:
At least Oichi’s bug was removed, that’s better than nothing.
as for tournament standards, i have no idea. Though i have seen a tournament video where a Nobunaga player did a space race infinite.
edit: here is said video
Damn, you know shit is dumb when they got to manually skip the infinite in the match. It’s HNK, alright.
Hi fellas, by this time, so short before the release is it known if it will have the 480p feature?
I’m sorry to keep bothering you guys. If anybody knows a way to verify this or where this is known please let me know. I contacted Capcom and Arc, but Arc told me it is a Capcom game and they didn’t know until it was released. Capcom told me something generic like that it was the Japan region. For now I will go and soak my head!
It’s a PS2 game so it’s not going to be HD I’m pretty sure.
Has anyone been playing around as Oichi much? I’ve only had the time to play through Arcade mode with Date and her so far due to other stuff going on yesterday. Is she actually able to combo off her 2c? I think if it’s possible it would be nice to have an air combo to do over spear spin over and over. Also, I believe it was possible for her to chain evil hand moves together, but it seems like whenever I try to go from one move to next, I’m stuck hitting the neutral move from that button. I don’t know if I’m just trying to do the hands too soon, or if I’m just failing to do it correctly.
Has anyone figured out what the “Another” versions (hold start when picking a character) are?
No 480p. The game is 480i only, with the typical Arc PS2 muffled sound quality. The music in particular is of pretty bad sample quality. Can’t compare it to the arcade version since the place I go to is way too noisy to hear anything clearly.
Surprisingly the third round was kinda interesting.
What button defaults to the taunt? Can you configure the taunt button? Actually how is the control config menu looking? Can I understand everything, like in the jap GGAC menu, or is everything in japanese like in arcana?
I can’t wait to jump on this when I get home. It’s waiting for me but I didn’t get time to play last night.
I wish I was a pirate this time around…
I played it a little this morning. Good game but the HNK factor is there. But it is solid can not wait til I get off today.
Yo, on the real? You already got it? Son, if I come home to this game even earlier this shit will be great. Here’s to hope.
Have to say the load times are immsensely annoying, the first time I sat looking at the black screen for ten seconds I thought my ps2 had crapped out on me.
I’m liking this game so far, but am I the only one here playing Date?
R2 is the default for taunt. Most of the menus and stuff are in english however the config menu is not, you’re gonna have to wing it but I can give you the standard config when you first get the game.
Square = Weak (A)
Triangle = Mid (B)
Circle = Strong ©
Cross = Assist (D)
R1 = B+C
R2 = Taunt
You know I had to play a little with him last night. He’s pretty cool but he’s you know who…
Is the game really that good…?
/me will look for this game tomorrow
So, does anyone have the OST yet? Please let me know…Kenshin’s BGM is pretty awesome.
what about the hideyoshi infinite and the wall to wall infinites?
Any B&B combos with Oichi?
A B cr.C C qcb+C, then if you wanna be crazy you can just an engun to launch off it to air combo!
I’m gonna play as Oichi more once I learn all the evil hand stuff, but I’ll use Date as a backup for sure.