Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

play-asia almost always ships early, they get their stock in before almost everyone else.

Play-asia prerorder

did you order the game as.because i just placed a order myself.we need to game sometime because am not that far from you.

Yeah I ordered it–should have it by Wedenesday. PM me .


I can’t wait for my copy to arrive, that and another fighter I ordered that is coming out this week :bgrin:

i am sick waiting for this one. :crybaby: someone help me. i tried to play GG and HNK to tide me over. It was a NO GO . 2 more days JESUS

Okay, I was juss checkin to see if I was the only one who would receive my copy on the 26th…I had thought something was wrong…

Does anyone know the actual inputs for Kenshin’s or Nobunaga’s infinite air combos? I’d like to try to see if they still actually exist in the PS2 version or if they did get fixed.

They’re in, and easy to do for kenshin.

For Kenshin all you have to do is hit with your counter (example 214 B), run up, and do your taunt for about 30 hits (your taunt hits).
You then do your 2BC launcher, jump cancel, and do j.B>j.C (repeat inf).

Kenshin’s infinite is still in, lol. Seems like they didn’t change a thing…

Kenshin’s infinite: Counter, juggle with his taunt until gravity kicks in (around 40 hits), 2BC, j.B,C, mash on B,C until time over or they’re dead.

So much for doing something right with the PS2 port. Considering the only thing significantly new with the PS2 is just 2 new characters.

its me, or the sound feels very low in quality in the ps2 port

Yes, I think that’s the standard for all Arcsys PS2 releases these days.

but ac+ has a really good quality, and as far as i know, sega made the port of hnk, and aparently capcom made the port for sbx, maybe the info is wrong, but who knows


and the sprites seems to be very little if you compare them with ggac+ and hnk, and the sounds really feel ackwards when i compare it with gg, even hnk sounds good when i compare the bgm and other sounds with sbx


So disappointing.

it seems that they fix the nobunaga infinite, is that or i suck and i cant do it:shake:

Ugh…this doesn’t sound well at all…I was hoping they would make a better port. Sounds like the same issue HNK had–and the sprites are smaller too? Weak.

My copy from play-asia should be here on Wedenesday so I can see for myself.

is not that the sprites are smaller, its more like that they look small in the screen if you compare them with hnk and gg, they seem very like to ah in size, still very good quality in the sprites, but seeing themin life i can say that they dont wow me, except for tadakatsu


the damage scaling feels good

I’ll get to play it here in a bit to test some things out on it as well.

Will be getting it soon. Too bad about the infinite. :shake: