Infinite Smmmfinite… Infinite only make the games bad if someone does them. There is infinites in almost every 2d fighter it does stop people from playing them. HNK was broken and people still love it. If it is a good game then PLAY ON :rock:
Overall, I like the game, something sort of new, especially certain characters can only summon their assist in special ways, like that dude with the anchor, it looks like you have to catch money from treasure chest that appear on the screen and buy an assist or something like that, not to mention you can destroy his Statue/Machine assist by hitting it, very original :bgrin:
I’m going to play it again this week, hopefully I can ask the manager to fix the buttons.
In the one round he launched off it and put the other guy into the air infinite. So even if the ground part isn’t an infinite, it can lead to one anyway.
For the first timers I wouldn’t recommend starting off with the chick with the shadows, she gives you that WTF feeling on how to use her and her weak attacks sucks!
It looks like your assist character can only do a different stronger attack when he/she reaches level 100, I tried using the assist during higher levels and I didn’t saw a difference, I have to check it out more just to be sure.
are any of u gonna get together and play this after it comes out on the 26th? i think it looks good and i’m gonna buy it, but i dont know any human opponents to play against
Well, I got e-mail confirmation that its already been shipped and when I tracked it said it would be “on-time” with an arrival date of June 25th–so I just thought maybe Play-Asia peeps are getting it early. Then again, I ordered the collector’s version so maybe that has something to do with it.
Maybe, who knows. I preordered the regular edition, and my e-mail says it’s just been shipped (first departure scan) and will arrive “on time” on the 26th.