Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

Where did you play it?

Arcade Infinity. I think some people may be playing, I just happened to be playing when no one was there.

I knew it was going to be there:bgrin:

I’ll definitely check out that game at a slow day so I can get used to it :tup:

Just retarded…

What’s retarded about it? Mouri has an infinite…and? I don’t get why people get so “pussy” over infinites. Its just a cut-throat game–why do people feel so hopeless when they see an infinite. Learn them, or don’t play–its just that simple. MVC2 has infinites and practically no one bitches about them because its a decent game. I’m happy that this game won’t be boring as hell to play. I like rush down and “flashy” combos so this game is up alley in a sense. If people can learn to adapt to defensive play why not learn the opposite?

Its a matter preference, so to each his own. It seems like everyone is eventually going to have something “broken” in SBX so it will more likely even itself out.

Then again, I like XVSF, and using Guy in A1 so I guess something’s wrong with me…:bluu:

I was talking about the way it looks playa… I didn’t go into a whole rant about infinites and shit like that. I would simply not play this if I had a problem.

The game’s drawn pretty well, what’s weird about it? The character designs? They’re pretty typical for Sengoku Basara–but I guess some people find them weird.

About my prev post: Usually when people come into this thread its either that they’re excited for the game, or they bitch because it has infinites or cry out “OMG its HNK all over again.”–so I assumed you were saying its retarded because of Mouri’s infinite.

So, sorry about that.

The way the infinite looks not the art style…

The infinites are kind of dumb in this game, but maybe it’s only a matter of time before people find an infinite for everyone. The major issue in this game, IMO, is the lack of big damage combos. Bread and butter in this game does like… 10% life, and big damage combos are either rare or they’re infinites, which drags out rounds way too long.

The key is knowing when to drop the combo, or go for a reset…

i feel that the battles wont be so long if they didnt do the infinites in the first place

the oichi combos make a a great damage, and the game is new, they are still figuring out how to deal with it

I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not. D:

it might not even be an infinite. Either Satoken was able to escape or Muu dropped the combo, im going with the former.

Muu dropped it for sure…


This is what happens when you allow for ridic wallbounces like that. You think they would have learned from Hokuto.

i still think its escapeable because Satoken was able to to recover after Muu did Motonari’s qcf+A move which normaly would have made Satoken bounce off the wall into Motonari’s engun.

Did anyone ever figure out how to summon the second engun for characters who have 2 (Nobunaga, Yukimura)?

no, maybe they are only decorative, or maybe they work as an assits for a certain super, who knows

I would think that there’s still potential to find the MAX damage combos. While the damage scaling is pretty harsh in this game, you can still take off a good chunk of damage and put your self in a good position. It leaves good reason to either just drop the combo (regardless of whether it can be extended or not), or position your self for a damage reset. I don’t know, I just feel the majority of what we’ve seen is the “exebition” matches if you will, where big things have been done. But realistically there’ll likely be more beneficial options available than continuing with the infinite…

New PS2 trailer featuring footage of Kojuuro (sp?) and Hanbei:

damn, I really need this game.