Well in a day and age where version B releases are all too common, it’s got a really good chance of that. The fear of it not getting patched comes from how HnK turned out…which was really just a result of Sega not having an indirect contract with Arcsys anymore wasn’t it?
werd em up on that!:wgrin::looney::karate:
I sure hope the game does well.can’t wait till it comes out. I hope they fixed all the bugs by then.
I don’t think it’s about fixing the bugs per say, rather than making the game well enough to stand on it’s own without need of them.
In light of that, however, I see a lot of Kenshin players spamming counter now just to get that shit, it doesn’t matter how much life they lose. I do think it would be better if it got fixed for the port. But then it would be mostly like HnK, that if it did make it into SBO sometime the glitch infinite would most likely be allowed [same with Rei’s DP glitch infinite and basketball combos], but maybe that’s what the hopeful patch is for and I’m just ranting.
I am honestly glad to see that Yukimura has something stupid finally. He needed to have that wallbounce loop, I honestly almost gave up on him .
Official site has news about ps2 port: http://www.capcom.co.jp/basara-x/ps2.html. Can someone translate so we know whether only Kojuuro and Hanbei are playable? Oh yeah, and more advanced combos have been posted in the usual spot on the official site.
They don’t specifically say only Kojuuro and Hanbei are playable, but they are the only ones mentioned so it’s probably only them. It also says that Training and Challenge Mode are added, as well as Easy Command mode. Probably like Auto Mode from SFA2 or something.
I dunno…like I said over at the BASARO KO forums, I’d like to think that, if not every Engun is playable, they’ll make do for at least a few more. Namely, Nagamasa (Oichi’s Engun), and the two Ninjas (Sasuke and Kasuga).
Nagamasa I think is likely because, like Kojuuro and Oichi, he was a popular NPC in SB2 that finally was made playable in HEROES last year. If Oichi is already playable by default, and Kojuuro stands to get added, then why would they leave out the 3rd main attraction from HEROES?
As for the ninjas? Well, both of them are pretty popular (especially Sasuke, who’s voiced by famous Seiyuu, Takehito Koyasu), and we even got see them tussling in the anime intro for the game. Fanboys and fangirls would call shenanigans if they didn’t get to actually play those characters that they saw “doing cool shit in the intro”.
2ch and other places have been going just as crazy as a number of us are, wanting to know who might have also made the cut. But for right now, again, I’m willing to bet that Nagamasa and the Ninjas are a high probability, if nothing else. 5 more characters (this would include Kojuuro and Hanbei), to raise the grand total to 15? That’s still quite reasonable.
Here’s how I look at it, Basara as a series is known for doing updates/sequels in which previous NPCs are now regular characters with added moves and animations. Everyone who was in Basara playable or unplayable, were playable in Basara 2 and the trend continued in Basara Heroes. Don’t see why they wouldn’t continue the trend.
See here for some high quality pics…
Regardless. I still dig the game and can’t wait to play it on 6/28
New info of the PS2 version: “Challenge” mode, Anime Opening… and that sort of things.
Huh? What is that move he is doing? O_o
basara ko
Damn this game has me pumped. Can’t wait to get my hands on it. LOL @ the KO glitch.
:woot::woot: what Ko glitch?
The KO glitch is just wow… anyone wanna explain how that happens
apparently no one knows, maybe you need to do some criteria in the figth to be able to do that glitch (and we dont know if this gltch can be done over other characters), its like nobunaga stucked on the ground, how the hell happened
I played this game for the first time yesterday and I personally think it’s a fun game. I don’t know what I’m doing for the most part with Oichi, but she did feel like Eddie as soon as she burrowed into the ground. It was funny beating the game for the first time because I just stared at the picture and then all of a sudden it’s like “yep, you’re done”