Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

Whoa Yukimura has Azai’s colors? Nice


Don’t count on that.
ARC System Works.

They might as well. There’s no glory to be had, Rei already won the space race.

…We just talked about that earlier this evening on campus… :rofl::rofl:

haha. Mannn…this game looks cool as fuck. I’m so disappointed in the latest turn of events regarding the balance. Oh well, theres next time haha.

Official site now has more advanced combos for people. And Basara K.O.'s Dailymotion channel now has a swank Keiji / Date match up.

I love that combo, it’s jokes! :bgrin:

This hails from my pal BlackKite…

This is not a complete scan, but nevertheless…

Now…from the looks of this…they went and made the ENGUNS playable in the PS2 PORT?!

HOLY CRAP. If true, now I get to play Nagamasa and NouHime, like I wanted to in the first place!

VERY awesome…but means nothing without the tweaks dammit…oh who am I kidding, I get to play Azai, Kojuurou and Sasuke? Fuuuuck yeah!..This scream arcade update equivalent though, come on!

My guess?

They probably just let the Arcade release be released as is, because they were pre-occupied with working with the “definitive” PS2 port, including these possible extra characters, and maybe, just maybe, re-balancing the game to account for these errors that I’m SURE they know damn well about. I’d like to think that all the time that SBX was spent in “limbo” may have yielded great things for the PS2 port, at least.

If that be the case, then I’m pretty much sure that they’ll probably make a “SBX Upper” port for the Arcades before the summer is over. This type of thing happening is probably half the reason they may have chosen the System 256 in the first place: the ease of translating an arcade release to PS2 and back again. :rock:

So the home port being so close to the Arcade release is more or less a chance for them to take a look at things they missed and can put in check on the home version yeah? Assuming they caught wind of any of these problems.

This just sealed the deal though, pre-order’s goin in.

RyanDG also states this (post taken from NeoGAF):

Sounds about right, in my opinion. In that case, maybe the PS2 version’s success may help the game’s overall campaign, assuming it does indeed get a “Ver. B” release in the Arcades.

This game has enough popularity as a non SBO game. Once it gets into SBO 09 with the new patch, its future is looking good…

I thought it wasn’t getting a new patch? Seems like Capcom said “fuck it” and is just gonna focus on the ps2 port.

Most people who are going to buy PS2 port aren’t going to care any effort Capcom put in now. For them is just another Sengoku Basara or new 2D fighting game. It’s not likely players are going to buy the PS2 port simply because Capcom fix some glitches, or add a couple new characters.

It sounds like Capcom is god telling the mere mortal Arc System works what to do lol. :rofl:

Yeah, you described me, I would buy the game even if it was broke.

I mean a couple of us still got HNK. And we knew by that time that it was hella broke. It was just a chance to play something new and manly X 10

HYPE HYPE HYPE holy shit this is looking epic ps2 port goodness :smiley:

Well, I must say I honestly didn’t expect these developments Pretty awesome nonetheless.

:lol: To me the arcade release was like Juda x 10, but Juda x 20? I’m not sure I’ll live to experience it…