Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

yes an infinite that does less damage than a B&B combo off a specific setup is so hella broken in SIX PILEDRIVERS the game

the ps2 version was patched.

and japanese players dont play the ps2 version competitively.

it’s dissapointing that it appears that inf can work on anyone if you get a single anti air counter. So do you think if you see it’s going to happen you could easily call your partner in time and counter it? it would seem like that. In that video however, it looks like the other player just risigned himself to losing that round and let his partner level up. It seems to be a choice, call out a weak assist or lose the round.

Henaki, you know this shit is way more fucked up than those piledrivers, lol.

EDIT: it doesn’t even have to be an anti air counter. That seems a bit game breaking, if you get countered early on, you’re pretty fucked. If there’s no patch coming then people are going to have to specifically change their tactics against that one character in the first round. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot more brokeness to come aswell :slight_smile:

For DP glitch and stop glitch… Not for Bounces. That counter thing doesn’t look like a glitch. The glitch with it would be where it freezes people.

Also the infinite is kind of broken because it seems to work on everyone plus it’s time out bullshit which is really the worst kind of infinite.

I’m rather disappointed to see that kind of stuff 3 years after Hokuto No Ken, I’d think ARC learnt the lesson.

but… they must have bought a single copy, and put it in a ps2 and turned it on!

the glitch part is that kenshin doesn’t land and keeps hitting in the air floating to victory…
and the player couldn’t engun counter on the 1st round cuz he didn’t have enough levels.
no matter how this affects the game, the fact the the game isn’t popular as exepcted cuz of all this BS means it will be very stupid NOT to patch the game, not to mention the ps2 version. remember the public apology over the japanese ggxxac? they won’t leave ps2 sbx as it is now…

The public apology was because the fucked the port up and made it glitchier… It has nothing to do with fixing problems that the arcade game itself had. I’m not saying they shouldn’t fix the problem I’m just saying don’t hold your breath.

That inf is looking very disappointing =/

Hope its patched… otherwise… meh…

I’m sure if they were aiming for another Hokuto no Ken, they will leave it and pat themselves on the shoulder for a job well done.

I always thought HNK never got patched because the game was just made for fans to buy more HNK shit. Hype before the release of the movie. LOL yes, I’m digging deep here.

Maybe SBX will get a patch since Arc actually seems to care about this game not sucking. Too bad they’ve been doing a bad job so far.

Well, granted in HnK practically everyone has infinites and can compete (except Jagi lol), so the fact that practically everyone has something broken about them is probably one of the reasons it never got patched.

As long as Basara X has broken shit for everyone I don’t see a big reason to patch it so soon. Currently it’s a “wait and see” situation, IMO.

I’m curious as to what Capcom thinks of this, if they’ll start cracking the whip on ArcSys to clean things up.

Well, actually, it wasn’t really intended to be that way, but that’s what it ended up becoming.

HnK was crafted around the weird period just before ASW was getting ready to sever ties with Sega-Sammy. There was actually talk about how they wanted to do more with the PS2 port of the game (remember those old “GG chars in HnK” rumor?), but nothing ever came of that, thanks largely to both Hara/Buronson and Sega both putting a stop to such things like that.

Furthermore, the main reason why the PS2 port was so late in coming, because Sega did indeed want to hold it off until they thought it was appropriate (namely, when a whole bunch of other HnK crap was getting released). Time passed on, and eventually, ASW had to wash their hands of the matter and stopped caring about the game, which is basically why the port ended up being so relatively bare bones.

Ideally, I would like to believe that things are different here with SBX. First of all, the game is on System 256 architecture, which means playing around with the source code isn’t that difficult, such that they could be actively taking a close look at all the bugs that are emerging now, and patching it as we speak. Secondly, at the moment, it looks like Capcom and ASW are partners in this project, so it’s not the same as it was with HnK, where Sega and Hara/Buronson pretty much ran the show, and ASW just supplied the game.

I’d like to hope that with both parties having invested enough in this project, they’ll take it seriously enough when it comes to making sure the longevity of the game is secured. If not, then it could only be said that the two companies have done a lot to waste a good deal of time and money…not something that I think either party wants.

i dunno the game involves assists so i figured they were like “lets market marvel… to japan” and the committee leader went “thats… thats… insane… i would have never… thought of such a brilliant idea” and they all had a pizza party but instead of pepperoni they asked for 500 yen coins. they ordered 50 pizzas.

they were never heard from again.


its not an infinite if you drop the combo!

Maybe i will talk shit here, but im very disappointed with this game with all this infinite stuff… and im very sure that Arcsys will not fix anything, why?, because im very sure that when the game was in development, the company was thinking “great, lets make this a competitive game for SBO” but when they start to make Blaz Blue they think “ah, the hell with this game, we got Blaz Blue now so lets port this fast to PS2, get some profit for all those fans of the original game and dont give a shit anymore”, i mean, lets face it, this game is the “second project” of Arcsys when Blaz Blue was confirmed, so i dont get my hopes too high on fixes for the Arcade or PS2 edition.

Except the only thing that puts a hole in that line of thinking is that BlazBlue was something that ASW has been working on for literally years, and it’s being crafted by the Guilty Gear team. All those Guilty Gear updates were little more than just the minimal work necessary to give them the time and funding, because BB was going to be the hugest undertaking the development team took upon themselves.

Meanwhile, the team behind SBX is also the same one who worked on HnK. They probably started work on this particular game a mere few months before it was announced last year. The notion that BB will be both the “figurehead” IP, as well as ASW’s individual IP not-withstanding, it’s more of a thing that, in spite of the time they had, the HnK/SBX team just was not able to get all of the errors out.

In other words, to say the least, BB has little or nothing to do with SBX being the way it is. Different teams, different time frames allowed and all that jazz.

Now, maybe we can’t expect any miracles, but we can only wait and see what’s going to happen. MB:AC’s PS2 port wasn’t anything outstanding either, but it did at least remove a number of the silly things that made the original arcade release something that people also complained about.

dude are you kidding, its clearly intentional SBX is this broke, theres NO WAY they’d overlook some of this shit, and i dont understand why people on this board will jack off at marvel but when Arcsys makes a game that has similar brokeness, people are bitching.