Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

i was going to post something to this extent…really, it will not hurt you to mod your PS2 or use a swap magic if you really want to play this game…we’ll hear a lot less whining on the forums…

I really need to get a new gfx card… can’t watch any vids atm. Shit is killin me! :mad:

This is the correct answer.

If it’s been said once, it’s been said probably a thousand times by now: the BASARA brand just doesn’t have a future here, according to Capcom of America, who will just cite Devil Kings’ poor sales.

Sad, but true. If you don’t want to miss out (and really, what self-respecting FG hasn’t modded his rigs by now?), then go and find a way to make it happen.

Official site’s been updated with new sample combos for Kenshin, Oichi, and Motochika:

New combo vids on the official website:

Edit: Episode_667 why you… XD

I so can’t wait for my copy to get here…sounds like they recycled sound effects originally created for CFJ (Fierce Punch)…I guess Ono is making his rounds with everything lol.

I’m definitely using Kenshin…

And the music is awesome in this game! Where is June 26!!!

Oichi’s BGM is way too good.

Yo any new vids?

Anyone know when the soundtrack will be released?

the soundtrack is going to be bundled with the special edition of the game…but other than that i dont thin there has been any announcement of the soundtrack being released by itself…

Goddammit…I need to change my pre-order then…but I won’t have the coupon anymore im assuming. Why did they have pre-orders for that later?

The OST doesn’t come with the special edition. It is being sold seperatly on June 25th.

The special edition comes with the game, some data cards, and a voice CD. All of that comes in a fancy box.

“…” So, yeah I guess I’m gonna switch my order back the regular one then…this is aggrevating. Nonetheless it saves me some cash. The box looks nice but I don’t want a voice CD.

Final set of sample combos is up on the official site. Honda has some particularly nice ones:

Seems like I only reply when infinites are found.


If you don’t engun counter fast enough… It’s Counter proof!

HAHAHAHA, That actually made me laugh out loud. I’m guessing that’s character specific though? and I knew that character would be vunerable to infinites the 1st time I played against him. I guess they thought because of the combo breakers they’d just let the characers have some stupid combo’s.

dooble edit: it’s not character specific
it might be weight specific. whatever, it’s definitely broken.

nah it looks like a glitch…

patch the game already ><
don’t let that game go down the battle fantasia road!

Haha I also laughed out loud especially at the whiffed engun counter.

Even if it is a glitch its still an infinite… I doubt they will patch the game, they didnt’ patch hokuto.

Actually, in some ways they DID patch HnK. Mainly a number of the sillier things, such as the “basketball bounce” combos, and Rei’s infinite DP.

Besides, the thing that this game has to its advantage, is that the game is crafted specifically on PS2 hardware. Even if their patch work had to be done entirely within the course of the next few weeks, as long as the PS2 DVDs have not been pressed yet, they can feel free to edit the PS2 version as much as they wish, thanks to the source code being easy enough to play around with.

Then, following that, they could go on to release an “Updated” Arcade port, so that the Arcade goers will have something as well.

The Dp glitch and boucne glitches weren’t patched… They work in every arcade version I’ve seen videos of… unless they patched it and everyone was like fuck you were not playing this…

combo is still LOL

and the fun continues… Poor oichi.