Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

Oh boy Turbo…its a high possibility u’ll see me in Denton, much much more often:wink:

edite: Is it me or are there any other Guilty Gear players who wish you could use other bottom combinations for Perfect Guard?? I mean, adapting shouldn’t be that difficult…I can just seeing some players who play both games might find it slightly unpleasent.

I’m still playin the fuck outta this one, my fav character changes like every other day, so its safe to say i love all of them. but everyone at the arcades knew from day one that OICHI was gonna have some problems. in fact everyone pretty much knew that if arc was on this there would be some kind of silliness. but the great thing about good players is that they don’t have to use any of that silly shit to win. so i say don’t worry about it unless your playing against a guy who’s got social issues and needs to prove how big his dick is or something.

i really do hope that there is an arrange mode AND arcade mode included…but if the game is already made, then we will have to just accept it, bullshit and all.

no one i have played (and thats a lot of people) here has done or cares about doing any broken shit in the game besides finding those things and reporting them as quickly as they can before the game is finally released. its probably too late, but better safe than sorry.

i hear ya on this. i have more than a few friends here who enjoyed the game very much for the first week and now are M.I.A.

i tried to get them back in the game but they hate GG and said that the game is getting to be a bit too similar for their taste now.

you cant please everyone though right? I’m in no way shape or form a good player of this game but i still have fun playing it. then again, I’m not a “only the strong survive, doin 100% combos on newcomers who are playing for the first time kind o guy” either.

this is a VERY fun game, don’t give up hope yet!

p.s. HIDEYOSHI is wack-kaaay indeed!

this game seems crazy as fuck. I was watching the vids on the page before and Hideyoshi was doing spinning piledrivers and the opponent was stuck in the ground and he kept doing combos and that spinning piledriver haha. Can you mash out of that when your head is stuck in the ground to get out? That shit looks hilarious to me. I wanna play this game bad.

The main thing that peeps like tian and myself believe, is that it’s highly likely that ASW will just make note of all the bugs that may be found now, and just patch the PS2 version to reflect those changes. I’m willing to believe that 2 months would be enough time to allow for that. Following that, they can just go back and patch the arcade game, and release a “Version B” that includes those fixes as well, thus making us all happy because we’d all be playing the same game, whether we’re in the arcades or on our PS2s.

The fact that this game is on System 256 (PS2-style arcade hardware, in layman’s terms) would make that easy enough. And in hindsight, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if ASW put this game on that platform just for that type of reason, which would be overall conducive to patching the game, as well as possibly future work in successive sequels/updates.

Well my local arcade just got this game today, here’s my impressions of it posted over at dustloop.

I don’t see myself playing this game again.

lol if he gets that combo off even 3 times it will be improbable you will ever get out of it the 4th unless you manage to get a lot of meter very fast. engun counters cost progressively larger amounts of meter.

i mean, this game will probably broken as all fuck anyway, but still its another retarded tool raoh 2.0 has to threaten you. i certainly wouldnt wanna get hit by that combo if ive had to engun counter even twice already.

meh i guess nothing will change the law of nature that every 1st game in a series will be broken as fuck.

gogo SBX#R…

You got few wrong points :

  • Engun/Striker/Assist has features unseen before (please don’t compare with MvC2)
  • There is no Boost system, except for Honda Tadakatsu. You’re mistaking the Blast Attack pursuit with HNK’s Boost System.

Also, if you don’t like the game, just let people have their own opinion.
After all, you’ve played Shaq Fu and Primal Rage … :wgrin:

The site(s) were updated long ago with all the new info from the vids. :angel:

i dont think its that big a deal

think of all the things he needs to win with the infinite:

has to get in and hit you
level 100 engun (i presume)
opponent without capability to engun counter
a lead in life/a small enough disadvantage and enough time on the clock to overtake you in life before the round ends

it seems more like a powerful tool for forcing you to give up meter and engun levels than anything else

i seriously doubt this alone will break him

That’s a REALLY nice group of players, Kurokuma! I think that’s because the game is not in SBO. Otherwise you have to deal with the Play To Wins all day long. No wonder it didn’t enter SBO this year, Capcom knew this game could be more much fun in a causal environment than SBO driven hypes. :rofl:

Actually, I agree with you there. While the player base might not be as strong come SBO, maybe that will help Capcom get it in a competetive state, before it gets ruled out entirely, like HnK “did.” Glad to see it’s here this year though, it’s going to be hillarious…

Does this game use new BGM tracks, or ones from the previous Basara games? If these are in fact older tracks, does anyone have the Hondam stage track? It sounds too beast. >:D

i really really hope this is the case. but even if its not, ill play this one into the ground. i think some people forget that the first game is like a test game. if you dont like it then give some input into why you dont to the company and if you support it enough then we could get a better animated game and a better playing game later.

the game is populare for now, but im not gonna lie, the kof98um cabs are getting 3 to 4 times more play than basara is.

you are sooooooo right man, the players here are all about having a good game. i know they can do all that junk we see in the vids becouse they take turns trying to break the game when the arcades are a bit empty. but i guess some folk dont feel like they won if they had to use bad game desighn to do it instead of winning for themselves.

im happy the game is really fun. its really back and forth. i still love fist of the north star also.


Well I think Superking disliked it because it’s nothing “new”. Too bad he didn’t feel the Basara Love but we can at least respect his opinion. Peace…

superking is one person…he can never sway my hype for this game

same. i only hope capcom brings this over seas.

Doubtful since if it comes under here it will be released under the Devil Kings title,and we all know how badly Devil Kings bombed.

Capcom could always retcon Devil Kings out of existence. :rofl:

That being said, it would probably be better to call it Devil King’s: Sengoku Basara X if not Sengoku Basara X. It would sound pretty stupid being called Devil King’s X. Either that or the just don’t put out a western release…

This game will not come out in the US…the end.

Pre-order the game. Mod your shit–because that’s the ONLY way you’ll play it in the US unless you’re at a hotspot where people import cabs. Otherwise–believing the pipedream of a US release is silly. Devil Kings did not do well here so I don’t see it coming out in the US. Play-Asia has pre-orders available so I would just look into it.

I pre-ordered mine like 2 weeks ago.