Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

i like nico video because you can write rediculous comments that pop up on the screen at the time you wrote it…other than that these vids are too fukin sexxy!

a few very short combo clips
[media=youtube]_O50CRWaYnM[/media] monkey guy
[media=youtube]FI2N6oVZazM[/media] flame guy
[media=youtube]ixcyGDvOxLA[/media] lightning guy

So what’s the general response from this game in Japan?

MVC2? :looney:


That’s a good thing.

Minorities, crack, and Marvel go hand in hand. SON GOKOU BARAKA XDESU should fit in just fine.

I dunno, considering Marvel’s status in Japan this is not looking too good at all.

Or it could be the greatest thing ever for American players. shrug

That or tianyuan meant that their response is similar to our view of MvC 2. Which would mean it’s pretty popular thus far.



edit: how does yukimura call his master? (what he yells when he loses?)

Pirate dude looks like owange so is Sentinel wannabe

He’s saying “oyakata-sama!”, which means boss or chief according to this Japanese dictionary I have.

That third match vid (Honda vs. Hideyoshi) has some really crazy loops by the big grappler, including one with like, 4 piledrivers! Honda’s gimmick of randomly having his Engun kidnapped seems to kick in at the worst of times.

I am a bit worried that the amount of loops and similar-type combos will drive at least one of my friends away from the game, but I can’t say for sure. Even I was getting somewhat turned off at some points (don’t get me started on Nobunaga’s powerup), but I’ll wait until I have first-hand experience to pass final judgement, of course.

Omg, I might have to play Evil-Johnny

if oda catches you blocking i guess you can try pushing him away across the screen with the “just perfect guard”.
if he catches you on hit well… save your engun counters i guess
spirit juice thanks for the translation :wink:

Wow, that Nobunaga shit was absolutely stupid. I mean like potemkin stupid. Still don’t know if I want to go with Hideyoshi or Kenshin for a secondary, those Hideyoshi vids just put him way over the top though o.o

this game looks amazing

uhh that combo was fucking hilarious and made me want to play this game

i cant say i was very hyped for this game before seeing vids seeing as the only people who seemed to care about it were annoying wap fags but after watching match vids that went up on nico today holy shit this game looks amazing

HOOOOOOoOOOOOooOOooooly shit this looks like the best game ever

6 pile drivers

Motherfuck!! Motochika, stop hurtin’ em please!!