Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

No, he is the Toki player in Hokuto no Ken… … Of course he is that legendary MB player. This game attract plenty Hokuto, MB, GG and Arcana players to play. So you might see more familiar names in the future.

and also Tokido when the game will be in SBO :wgrin:

Can’t wait until this game makes SBO.

Completely agree with Pablo Mexican.

For any of you that’re interested in Oichi, here are some stuff I discovered while playing her some more yesterday. Copy-pasted from basarako forums.

I’d rep you if I could.

That sounds dumb (recovery)

mouri is nutso with all those soldiers I can’t wait to play him.

good vids :tup:

Cannot wait to see some Pirate AT AT in action. It’s like RTS in a fighting game character.

Can anybody predict whether or not it will have a 480p mode based on history, capcom, arc?

Sorry, can’t find my magic 8 ball.

Got Nico?

Hopefully, tian or some one else will put 'em up on youtube for everyone else…

I finally got an account at Nico, watching now!!!

Man this game is looking better every video. I really like the look of the damage in this game, seems to make comboing meaningful without ruining the oppertunity for gameplay. However, is it only me who thinks that everyone has really wierd looking moves? For those that have played, how do the hit boxes compare to the way the sprites look? I think the only “normal” looking move I saw was Hideyoshi’s (?).


Now we need moar characters being used.

I’m interested in seeing how Motochika(Pirate guy)plays

I notice quite often, loops come to an end by a knockdown, what causes that? I gather they’re trying to loop but it’s failing, does repeating a juggled special cause knockdown?

If it’s anything like GG or HnK, then it’s probably gravity kicking in, minus the dribbling. Or maybe they don’t know they can tech.

Probably vertical pushback or gravity. This is what’s stopping broken shit from happening. Melty Blood has such a thing like that with repeated loops. Its either guaranteed knockdown or a bigger chance to tech out the combo.

I can’t wait to give eddie chick a try, she looks really fun.

Eddie chick= O-ichi


That set-up was nice!

It seems like anti air is a really important part of this game, most of the damage seems to be coming from it…