Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

Gameplay feels about the same speed as a Guilty Gear game. I still haven’t gotten used to the whole assist stuff, though I’m playing Oichi without a clue as to what I’m doing.

Speaking of which, thank you tianyuan for that link! Maybe I can finally figure out what I’m supposed to do in this fun-but-blasted game.

More to come~

Those are the “basic” combos?! Oh man this game is going to be a seizure, I love it already.


this game looks sex…cant wait for 6/26 :pray::pray::pray:


Tianyuan you my nigga!!!

Very nice, thanks tian!

I can tell me and this game are going to have some fun together…thank the good Lord I only have to wait two months! :rofl:

Of course can’t we assume that the Engun counter will be called?

I’m glad I pre-ordered mine.

Man! I’m on this game come June…

So is there any Banishing Strike elements in this game?

Looks like a mix of GG, Marvel, and just a dash of that CRACK. I must have this.

where did you guys pre-ordered the game because i can’t find at is the game going more characters to unlock on the console version?

I pre-ordered at…there was a link posted for pre-order in this thread.

Four vids:

Hideyoshi vs Oichi

Mouri vs Keiji x 3

That early console release is beast. I’m excited. :tup:

Oh god, this looks bloody insane. Can’t wait for this to come out on consoles.

tian is that “kubo” the melty blood player?

keiji looks solid, but i want to main mouri…idk i wanna try everybody :woot:

Hideyo looks beastly! Does anyone play Nobunaga?