thanks for the names man. as i said before, i am addicted to this game. cant wait!
so when are we gonna get some vids of people playing it in arcades? i wanna see some gameplay then decide who i wanna main.
I certainly hope magic swap works with this game…that’s something I should consider. It works for my HNK game so I’m assuming it will work.
Dun know. My guess is, they’re either too busy playing the game and having fun (or trying their damndest to break it), or the ones who actually did do their work are busy compiling their footage for release on the net.
In any case, all we can do is wait. But if kurokuma is any indicator, it looks like people might really be too busy having fun with the game to care about the rest of us, for the moment.
I woulsn’t mind seeing some videos either.
I’m maining Oishi. I had that decided as soon as I knew she was in the game.
you are right man. there is nothing but oooohs and ahhhs in the arcades these days. the game is just too much fun. i am not one of those makin movie of other people playin type o guys, but even if i was id be just like everyone else whos playin it right now, just enjoying the hell outta it too much to even think about vids.
i should also note about the game that i really feel every move in the game is useful. i rarely ever get that feeling.
also when some guys doin air combos on you, you do not feel dominated like in gg games. you can get outta just about everything. also the supers are not so strong, so it feels like they want you to actually work for your wins which (for me) is always good. also from what i know there are two kinds of launchers. those little short ones that some characters may have from their regular punches or kicks and the official one where you have to push the medium and strong buttons together and down to launch. now its not so easy to just launch away. at least theres a chance of you not hitting both buttons at the same time every single time. feels more like skill is involved for launching now and just about everyone in the arcade the other night missed a launch at least once or twice which opened up a nice attack chance for their opponent.
oh oh, if your plannin on playin the game against the computer then get ready for a fuckin quick game man. its over in a flash. i mean i felt like it took me 10 mins to beat the game. i honestly believe its wasting money to play the game alone if your in the arcade. when you beat it, you get the game over sign. no ending, no point screen, no nothin. just game over.
hey Cynistar, one thing i found when i finally got to play the game is that the vids of combos didnt show the feel of that character. what i mean is what you see is not what you get, at least thats how i feel. the characters are really quite different than i thought they would be based off of their combos. i ussualy love the ryu ken type characters. but you really never feel like theres a ryu or ken type of fighter here. just about everyone has their own move with a dragon punch motion. all of the characters are very different from one another. if your lookin for a main character, i think the only way your gonna know who it is is by playin all the characters for yourself. as we all know, the gaming experience is different from person to person and it may also be that way for you. just my thoughts though.
and last. i found one last thing i don’t like about the game so far. i would love to comment on the music but i just cant hear it clearly enough to make an opinion (arcades are loud as fuck) but i do feel that the opening intro is down right shit. and quite borring for these group of characters. anyone who’s seen the intros to the 3d games knows the 2d games intro should have been a hell of a lot more cool. and again the animation is of questionable quality. its not arcana heart intro bad, but bad anyway in my opinion.
notice that all the things that “I” didn’t like have nothing to do with the game play or the fun you will have while goin at it.
this is a truly good and fun game. the guys here in my area are trying to find out if theres any crap stuff in the game play also, but i hope to god that they find nothing. there probably is some junk in the game though, but right now, its all pure cane awesomeness!
To be honest,many of the characters are Assist-esque characters anyways(This applies to the Sengoku Basara videogames as well).The only characters that I actually want to main are Hanbei(Purple haired guy that was the assist of the “Armored Red Grappler” known as Toyotomi Hideyoshi that you liked playing with),and O-ichi’s husband(He has on Red,white,and silver) just because I personally like the character(But he would be bland IMO as a Main character)
All of the other characters IMO would make for pretty boring,bland,or just flat out joke main characters,and many of these characters are side-kick characters anyways which does play into them being assist characters only in the game.
No need to worry though.There are many more characters in the Sengoku Basara series that didn’t make it into this game,but could be a main character,if Sengoku Basara X:2 should ever come out.
are you fucking kidding me?! :mad:
that’s some bullshyt right there. I hope it’s not like that on PS2.
i don’t think the assist characters would be bland at all. most everyone who’s was playing the game expressed how cool the assit characters look and how they wish they could play them also. also, since the moves in this game for the main characters fit each one so well and are so fun to do, i fully believe that if they make everyone a playable character they will not even be close to being boring. thats just more awesome moves and characters for us. it dosent matter what type of character they where in the original cause when put into a 2d fighting game where they have their own moves and a chance to show their personalities, they will be a hell of a lot better off. and so would we in the character selection area.
your right about part 2. if they make one, use all those kick ass characters in the basara story line!
p.s. shatterstar sorry to say, its all true bro. the game ended so quick that i jumped up outta my seat shouting out “What the Fuck?!” and was visibly shocked. so much so that the workers in the arcade kinda chuckled at me after seein my expression. apparently they too know the quickness of it all.
if the ps2 version has a training mode then lets at least hope that means there will be a survival mode or at least some goddamn endings too.
thanks for all your responses kurokuma. it’s getting me hyped up about the game and even more anxious to try it out for myself. although the no endings part is kind of a let down
They are cool,it’s just that well.Most would rather suit an assist role than being a flat out main character.
One of Sanda’s assistants(He has a big axe)for example would be a nice character.His other character,Sasuke however would be a joke character.
Kenshin’s leather clad assistant Kasuga would be another character that isn’t made to be in that kind of role(Coming from someone who has played the game’s).
Motochika(Pirate guy)basically has no generals
Masamune’s(Thunder guy with eye patch) assistant Kojuro is cool in personality(And it’s even hinted at in the games,that he is a better swordsman than Masamune),but again he’s not a focal character,and more or less is kind of similar to Masamune.
For the sake of memory lapses I’m not going to run the list anymore,but some of the assist characters would make good main characters.Other’s while cool,should just stay as background characters
This quick release probably means that there is no story mode either though with such little amount of characters a story mode would be rather lacking x.x
i see what your sayin bro. i just want to have more characters from the series to play with. its so awesome to play with pimped out versions of japanese historical figures and their fictional buddies. 10 is just not enough. i dont want them to leave us hangin with a measly 10 characters with no hope of a sequal like hokuto no ken. pile em on i say. at least 20. in this day n age fighting games with just 10 characters seems so outta place in my opinion. more just means the game wont be boring after one year of game play.
Cynistar, i hope to god that i was dreamin that whole thing. maybe i pushed the start button without knowing it therefore cutting off the ending…??? i hope thats what happened. i will try again sometime cause after that first time through i was too shocked to want to try the game by myself again. no matter what though, one thing is real, this game is hella short!
i guess i should say right now that when i say the game is awesome, of course that means for ME. all i require is kick ass fun game play. if you are coming to the game looking for a festival of goodies that have nothing to do with the game play then you’ll most likely have to go somewhere else to get it. after hokuto no ken, i feel that sammys newer fighting games while good, will all be safe test type games until they know they can make mad bank off of them. you know, 10 characters only, so so animation, script only or no endings at all, no special mode havin, coulda went much further but stopped just short of acceptable type of games.
dont let the nay sayers (and there will be many) fool you though, this game is gold even with all of its short comings in my opinion.
What I would hope, at least for the sake of the PS2 port, is that ASW and Capcom would get together, and make sure there was enough content there to keep the BASARA fans happy. Endings, an actual, GGX2-style story mode of sorts, possibly an extra character like Musashi…they would need a bit in order to get the attention of the general BASARA fans, or they would be disappointed.
After all, it stands to reason that, for the game to have been in the wash for upwards of 9 months, and a PS2 port would be a cinch to make, then they could have decided to let the PS2 version be the one that gets the extra fanservice, while the Arcade one can be much more “barebones” (because the Arcade goer wouldn’t care about such extras any way). Or at least, that’s what I’d like to believe…
But any way, again, thanks much for your continued impressions. The more support this game gets, the more likely it will be that ASW and Capcom will see the “need” to give this game a sequel, which will just have more characters…or at the least, allow us to basically make it so we can choose who we want to be the main and who can be the Engun between a group of certain group of chars (for instance, you could choose Sasuke or Takeda instead of Yukimura, and Yuki would be on the sidelines instead with the other character). Such a thing would be a nice touch, plus, they would still be able to get usage out of those character sprites that were already created.
no prob cyber akuma. i normaly dont say anything about the new games when they come out becouse of the bull shit that comes along with postin your opinions and people forgeting that what your saying is just your opinion. but this game is just too fun for me and i am pleased with what i am playing so far.
i hope this game dose really well so we can se more of the basara characters kickin ass all over the place in 2d glory.
okay okay new news. i just got back from the arcade. did a quick playthrough and i found out that i was wrong. at least sorta. i must have pushed the start button when i went through it before becouse this time when i finished off the last guy, i made sure not to touch anything. what i got wasnt exactly an ending. i got a still illustration of my character and his assist character lookin cool while the voice actor for the character spouts off something real quick in japanese. im sure theres a story, its just they dont tell it to you while your playin. this is one of those games where they expect you to allready know the story from the 3d games.
then the credits roll. the credit part is like a music video for T.M. revolutions song. it shows a bunch of pics of the characters art while the creds roll and a bit of animation in the background as well.
so i was wrong about there not being anything but a game over screen after you finish it. but i am still correct about its length. short short short as hell.
sorry if my mis information scared the hell outta you guys. i have a habbit of pushing the start button to move on to the next match.
So…how is the AI? Does it at least put up a good fight, or is it retarded like the HnK AI?
Furthermore, who is the last boss? Is it Nobunaga (guy in metal armor with red cape, and wields a gun)? Is he any more powerful than his playable version and/or goes by a different name (I’d guess “Maoh”)?
sorry to say this but the AI is damn dumb! its not good at all. im not daigo but i aint no dan either. you will be whippin by these characters like its nothin.
pretty damn dumb. but the fun i am having has nothing to do with playing the game alone. the AI being dumb does let me try out all the combos and moves without much of a fight on the computers side. thats about the only good thing about the AI being dumb right now. but lets not forget that even the arcade games have a difficulty setting. i am pretty sure the one i have been playing is set to low I.Q. or somethin. so yes, so far retarded like Hnk.
p.s. jotaro kujo fuckin rocks da house man. nice av
well when i played the game with the big sword guy i think it was nobunaga, and today when i tested the ending i played with the blue guy who has like 7 or 8 swords and his boss was the red guy with the two spears. so i guess its gonna be different for each character, at least thas what it looks like so far. nobunaga dosent seem any more powerful than his normal version. but he does shoot fire balls like hes tryin out for a john woo film. he never let up with the gun shots and air fireballs.
one random note, the characters are dripping with style. it feels like your playing the wild super hero samurais you see in the 3d games cut scenes very cool. the voices are also very very nice. they fit well.
Lol, I Pre-ordered this game and honestly I might have to go back and change the shipping to RIGHT NOW according to its release date…this game is turning out to be much cooler than I thought. I have the first devil kings game, and I played that at bit prior. June 28 can’t get here no faster…
Thanks for the codes!