Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

still waiting on vids =(

Is going insane waiting for videos

Hmmm…seems that they’re going with the “SF Zero/Alpha 1-2” approach, where everybody has their own boss. Definitely appreciated, considering I was going to groan all over again if we once again had to just deal with a “Boss-type” version of an already available character. I mean, after “Boss I-No”, “Ken-oh” and “Boss HO Sol”, I was ready to give it a rest.

If you are correct though, then I think its a bit weird to see Keiji (big sword guy) end with Nobunaga instead of Hideyoshi (big boy grappler). Hideyoshi would have been more appropriate, and I believe you said you spent some time with him…are you certain bout this?

That’s definitely cool.

Masamune’s final boss is Sanada.

It’s a shame Takeda isn’t playable so that he can fight with Uesugi.

fuck bosses and fuck stories. i just want to punch ppl in the face

no i could totaly be wrong about the big sword guy. it could have been the big red grappler guy. sorry for not knowing their names yet, but at least you still know who im talkin about. hahaha.

sorry but i cant remember who it was exactly but you are right, i also think they are goin the alpha route with the ending bosses. lets not forget i only beat it twice. also its not too easy to get a single player game in right now cause everyones goin at it. but as soon as i can i will try again. no matter what, i have only seen 10 characters so if there is a special boss i didnt meet him.

Don’t worry, I am onto it.

You got footage?

How much longer?

qouting Cartman from the Wii episode “COMMMEEEE OOOOONNN COMMMEE ONN”

bump for vids

It’s just a couple days, man, relax. Taiwan and Hongkong has this game as well. It’s spreading out like a plague in Asia, lol! I am asking Taiwan and Hong Kong players to record some videos. Anyway, I expect videos from Japanese arcade coming very soon, didn’t bother ask anyone living there…

Have you yourself played it yet(The full arcade version,not the Loke Test versions)

Where do you live anyway?

Does anyone know where I can get a preorder for the Special Edition? I really want all those goodies that come with it. :lovin:

Mother Earth, I mean New York City. :rofl:

You live in NYC :amazed:

Could have sworn you lived in Hong Kong

i played this today, randomly. just walked into an arcade and bam, it was there, on a nice ass cabinet. (i’m in japan)

didn’t really have much of a clue what i was doing, but i picked up the big red grappler guy and went wild. beat some random guy a few times too. woooooo.

so uh

how do you play this thing?

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wtf no vids yet?

Seriously…this wait for vids is retarded. Even Blitzkampf had vids within a day. This is just stupid.

atleast when we finally do get vids it wont just be a bunch of scrubs just jumping around and blocking random attacks. shrugs