Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

It’s like in HNK, you can get up faster or slower than normal by doing up or down when your character is OTG.

Gahhhh… at work and these random jap sites and youtube is banned from my job.

BOOOOOOOO, I wanna see =(

For right now, don’t worry Wolfy. I’ve been pouring over pretty much every resource I know, and nothing has popped up just yet…

If we’re lucky, people are actively recording stuff as we speak, and they’ll start actually uploading that good stuff some time this evening or tomorrow.

Your telling me I must wait more than 8 hours for clear high quality footage on the game after its release?


EDIT: I don’t know why, but all of a sudden I got random hype for this game.
Maybe its because of its console release.

Hopefully Arc won’t screw this up and give us an in-perfect arcade port ;o

Okay guys, the time of retribution has come. :wonder: :wonder: :wonder:

damn chill out with that loud tiled bg

I am worried as well. 2 months is amazingly fast so hopefully it’ll be good.

it’s basically already on PS2 due to the system 256.

I remember someone telling me this earlier that S-256 = PS2 hardware. Props on clearing that up.

Pharaon’s pretty got this already covered. Because of the board that the game is on, the port is easy as pie. Frankly, for them to have been working on this game so long, I wouldn’t be surprised if they basically finished up the PS2 port soon after the Arcade release was done.

…Course, the only bad thing in that regard? PS2 port is probably going to be bare bones in the way of extra content. And I would have so liked to see Fuuma, Musashi and/or Hisahide added to the console release as exclusives to make the BASARA fans squee even more. :rofl:

Ah well…here’s hoping that Capcom and ASW don’t have a falling out, like it was with Sega.


Seriously W.T.F.

The Arcana vids were out the first day the game came out.

I surely HOPE there is some random guy that is just filming tons of shit,and hasn’t converted it or whatever.

Tried to register, no confirmation e-mail. Not registered, can’t contact administrators. shrug shrug, catch 22, etc

user name, 4r5. if that helps
I was also registered during the brief moment your new forums were up, but before it went whack. If that helps more

It was wacky earlier, even I couldn’t get in, and I’m a mod. :rofl: I think the system crashed and things had to be re-instated from scratch, but those are details that tian and phar would know better than I.

But any way, try again. First and foremost, if you still don’t get a reply, try and make sure that the confirmation didn’t end up in your spam box by mistake. If that still doesn’t help, I’ll do what I can to get Phar and Tian on this.

Yay preorders are open!

SOLD. :lovin:

Thanks for the heads up.

i went to my local arcade in the city here and i was shocked to see basara allready out. i had been playing so much kof98 um that i didnt notice that the game was released!

anyway, i played it and loved it so fuckin much i went at it for a good 5 hours today.

im not gonna get into the tech bullshit, ill just come right out and say that before i played it i thought it will be like guilty gear (not a bad thing, but not a good thing either) but i honestly didnt feel anything gg about it when i played. the characters are all bad ass! and the moves are all awesome and fun to do.

i could not stop playing it. got a shit load of great matches in with a bunch of random folk in the arcade. i tried every character over and over again and i love the big sword guy and the red grappler dude the most. notice that i dont even know their fuckin names. i didnt even take the time to read anything. thats how fun the game was for me.

if there is anything that i dont like about the game its the fact that its an assist fighter. i have hated assit shit since marvel vs capcom 2 and i will never stop hating it. its just lame for me. at least in mvc2 the assist characters you choose are ALSO fully playable characters as well.

which brings me to the other thing i hate about this game… there are only 10 fuckin characters! why make assist characters when you you could just go ahead and make all of them full characters? bull shit i say!..not that its my game or that i know what is right or wrong for it. but if i was the creator i woulda made everyone from the basara story line playable!

and the last thing i dont like is the fact that the sammy guys cant seem to animate 2d fluidly. they are good at making people think that their games have awesome animation but if you look close, you will see jerky and i dont mean the beef kind. i felt like i was watchin the darma initiative film with jack n tha boys. missin frames n all. still everything looks great the animation quality is not going to blow everyone away though. we all know the one true important thing is the gameplay right?

other than those things, this game is straight butta baby. i cannot wait till it comes out on the ps2. june is going to be like 2 xmas’s put together!

its pretty safe to say that i am addicted to this game!

sorry for my rambling me and some of the guys i played against in basara today decided to go out for a drink. i am blasss-ted!

Thanks for your impressions, man. I’m glad you liked your experience overall. This game will probably become one of my main playing fields once it comes to PS2 in two more months.

…For the record, “big sword guy” is Maeda Keiji and “red grappler dude” (guy in my Avatar) is Toyotomi Hideyoshi. :wink:


preorder complete.

“HOLD IT!” :rofl:

Before you guys go ahead and go forth with pre-order goodness…

This blog keep continually updating with coupon codes. Usually they post “1 time use” codes (in which you gots to be quick or they’re gone!), but today is a special day, because they posted some “multi-use” coupons that can be applied to more than one order.

Multiple Use:
$5 off $50 or more: VD-ZOQ-XRZ
$10 off $120 or more: PF-UIM-BRL

Copy either one of these codes (whichever is appropriate for your purchase) into the box, and you’re all set. The $10 coupon will probably come in great handy for those who plan to be buying plentiful amounts of gaming goodness over the next few months, and just want to save on shipping.

You’re welcome, guys. :bgrin: