Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

IT IS. It comes out on the PS2 in Japan June 26th. C’mon man, it was in the post right before yours!

i was going to quote that guy myself…how could he possibly read anything in the thread and not see the post before his…that wasn’t even the only post stating the release date…reading is fundamental

updated thread title with ps2 release date for people that cant read

Sorry. I read the ps2 release, but i’ll have to clarify what I meant. When I meant consoles I meant like the other stuff too. i.e: 360/PS3/Wii

Game looks too hot for just ps2/arcades! :stuck_out_tongue:

The best you could hope for, atm, would be for ASW to do a similar deal as it was with GG:AC, and give the Wii sloppy seconds. Game is too “low-end” for the HD Consoles, and BlazBlue and SF4 are already standing to be games designated for those consoles any way. So Capcom and ASW have no real reason to push the game beyond the PS2 (and Wii?) threshold.

But even still, the overall insinuation by Capcom is that they have no aspirations to bring this title outside of Japan, any more than other, mainstream BASARA titles. So, more than likely, unless AkSys decides to be like an answer to unsaid prayers or even Capcom decides to do a 180, you’d still have to import the game. :bgrin:

After viewing that magic-box article, I DO find it interesting that the game will include an OST, as well as trading cards, for the special edition of the game. Looks like Capcom was interested in, once more, copying a tactic that Koei has been using for years, by releasing a SE that costs more, but does have a bit more in the way of swag.

But, hey, what ever! I love my BASARA OSTs, and the fact that they included one in a version of the game just means I gots to have it… :rock::rock:

Right on. Yeah I guess that makes alot of sense then…heres to picking up a used ps2 and some type of modding disc!

June will be a great month. I’m so getting this game. I wonder if playasia is taking pre-orders…

Still very nervous about playing it


I know I keep saying this
but one side tells me I’d be breaking the rules, and the other says give it a shot. I was just traumatized by GG that I’m scared it will happen again.

Well, while it’s some what similar to GG, it’s actually a bit more like HnK, although it’s much more streamlined (one less button, 3 attacks+1 engun-striker, and supposedly is a LOT more balanced, according to the most recent loke report, but we’ll see). I say, give it a shot. Most people who are getting in on this game are going to be new at it, so why not join up now, while the rest of us are newbies, as well?

And join the SBX forums (shown in the first post)! We aim to try and craft a nice community where BASARA fans of all shapes and sizes, and whether they’re joining us with this game, or the others, can all get together and just bask in the love. That way, ideally, nobody will have to be alienated/traumatized. :lol:

Is Sengoku Basara 2 worth getting right now, or should I just wait for this one? I realize that they are totally different games, but I heard that people were disappointed with the second one.

Also, is there any where I can find Hana no Keiji?

If you get Basara 2, then just get Basara 2: Heroes. Its the extension for the sequel. I, personally, think its a good game. Devil Kings was not very well doing in the states.

Here’s how I would break it down:

If you’re alright going into SBX with little or no real “repertoire” with the series or its characters, then you can just wait for SBX. Even though it’s an “off-shoot” game, it still be as good a means as any to get acquainted with the series and its crazy dudes. You could then feel free to pick up the other games later (or get 'em together with SBX, if you got it like that! :rofl:).

On the other hand, if you want to start your BASARA love now, then you got a few more options…

If you have a Wii, import the BASARA 2 Double pack. You’ll be able to get both the original SB2, plus its upgrade for a decent price. Plus, the Wii version also has the added bonus of letting you be able to go between the two games at will, which is a nice thing, compared to how you can’t do such a thing in the PS2 version (once you load up the data from SB2 into HEROES, there’s no going back).

Otherwise, if you don’t have a Wii, then you’re free to just get HEROES on the PS2. Overall, it’s a superior game to its original, sans the fact that the majority of the other story modes for the other characters are only in SB2. But if that doesn’t bother you, by all means…

I dunno who told ya that people were disappointed in SB2, but between that game and heroes, those two games were really were the jump-off, which is far and away from the original game, which was indeed a bit of a disappointment.

And as for Hana no Keiji? Your guess is as good as mine. To this day, the only real link I’ve seen to the manga is through the Super Famicom game, and the original book from which the manga is based on, “Ichimuan F?ry?ki” by Ryu Keiichiro.

Not too much longer to wait.

Give it 15 or so more hours

lol nico random movie of the day


It’s 12 o’clock in the afternoon over there

Give 'em time.

At best, we can maybe hope that some people may be able to play the game decently, and record stuff, once they get off from school/work.

And of course, this is also assuming that the game is actually IN arcades today, as opposed to maybe just starting to get installed in different locations today…

Japan is FAST though :frowning:

They gottsa to be on it!Pronto.

waiting to see some OS parries from Oichi

some one plz explain what is this?

looks like tech roll to me