Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

I know some people will disagree with me but I’m personally a little worried that this is a joint Capcom and Arc System Works project with the IP owned by Capcom. I mean if for some reason Capcom’s and Arc System Works cooperate relationship turns to hell or something similar and Arc looses the right to make the series…well maybe you all could see where I’m going with this.

I don’t know what’s cooler the trailer or the fact that the guy who does the voice acting for Zoro in “One Piece” does the voice acting for one of the main characters (well it sounds like to me at least).

The only bad thing I see here is that like every other Arc System Works fighter (save the upcoming Blazblue) this game seems to suffer from low frames of animation.

You do indeed have a valid point. But at this point, I see it as follows:

If Capcom and ASW decide to keep the good stuff flowing, with sequels to this game, then it would just be a thing that we all keep on winning. Capcom gets a nice off-shoot to one of their notable “rising star” brands, ASW gets a nice “secondary” project besides BlazBlue, and 2D fighting fans and BASARA fans get another game to play in between mainstream BASARA entrants.

If, however, the deal falls through (much as was the case with ASW, Sega and Hokuto no Ken), then I’ll be sad, but I can pretty much rest assure that the “HnK/BASARA” team will just go forth to find something else to do. Maybe they’ll find another license to make into a stylish fighter, or maybe, just maybe…they TOO may get the opportunity to cut loose and make their own original IP for a change, which could also be on point.

So, again, to me at least, no matter what happens, we only stand to continue to gain. Personally, I hope that they’ll have at least 1-2 more BASARA sequels in them, before they may decide it’s time to move on to bigger and better things. I STILL want Musashi and Fuuma in this game! :bgrin:

Very good! Zorro’s JP VA (Kazuya Nakai) is also the same one who does BASARA’s Date Masamune, the blue-clad, one-eyed dragon, himself.

Nakai has a nack for playing these types of “too cool for words” tough guys. Besides Zorro and Masamune, some of his other notable roles include Mugen from Samurai Champloo, Xiahou Dun in the Sangoku Musou (Dynasty Warriors) series, and Fighting Fafnir (the red, fire-shooting dude of the Guardians in the MegaMan Zero series). Just in case you cared to know. :wink:

Well, that much is to be expected at this point. It was a game crafted on the System 256, which meant that it would be a cheaper game that wouldn’t have as much of a budget as BB.

But…confidentially…I think that I probably will stand to enjoy SBX more than BB, and it ain’t just the BASARA fan talkin. Ever since HnK, I loved how the game basically took aspects of the GG formula, and made it something different thanks to the fundamental change-ups they added, like the Boost System, as well as designated Blow-back and “Unblockable Strikes”. Then BASARA X basically takes everything that HnK started, and made it so every now has Yuda-like Strikers to access. It could stand to be very fun…or at least, much more so to me than BB, which seems to stay more towards the GG side of the equation…

^^^Wait he was Mugen too? Damn.

Assuming the series does continue I think it’s a given that due to the graphics and the performances of Sengoku Basara Heroes 2 that this series will probably be on the Wii. I’m just not sure if they’re put it on the PS3/360 due to the graphics not being up to par with other 2D fighters on them in terms of resolution. Then again there is Disgaea 3 and not to mention last generations SNK eyebleeders.

I’ve only played the first Sengoku Basara. If you don’t mind a noob question, who is the cool looking guy with the really giant sword supposed to represent?

I’m willing to bet that the Wii is probably going to be a safe bet. Hell, they may just continue doing the “Wii/PS2” combo deal, until the PS2 finally chokes out its last breath sometime in 2009-10. :rofl:

But at this point, if Monster Hunter could end up being Wii bound, and that’s an even more invaluable commodity to Capcom, I think it’s safe to presume that the future of the series lies with the Wii.

That would be Maeda Keiji. He’s the adopted son of Toshii and Matsu (the couple you’ll see helping him out as Engun in SBX). Keiji, despite being an accomplished warrior, would still prefer to take it easy and party all day, which often puts him at Matsu and Toshii, who would prefer him to actually do something more responsible with his life. Of course, things aren’t always easy going for Keiji…there’s bad blood between him and his former BFF, Hideyoshi (guy in my avatar), which, as of yet, has not yet been fully disclosed, besides the fact that Hideyoshi caused the death of Nene and possibly other innocents.

If you wanna talk more about BASARA, I’d highly suggest you go to the first post of this topic, and follow the links to the SBX forums. I and others would be more than happy to shed more enlightenment for you. :bgrin:

On another note, I think BASARA Keiji is probably closest rendition to Tetsuo Hara/Buronson’s (Yes, those same guys from Hokuto no Ken) depiction of him in “Hana no Keiji” (Keiji of the Flowers). They have a lot in common…right down to having a “monkey dance” as a taunting gesture.

It may not be much, but giving how much Capcom has been inspired by manga such as HnK and Jojo over the years, it wouldn’t at all surprise me if BASARA Keiji was at least some what inspired by Hana no Keiji…

Thank you. Sorry, I should’ve looked at the first post. I’m actually a big Japanese history nerd, so I like to find out who represents who.

I am hoping the sequels, if the come, go from the modified neo geo layout (A is the assist button, and b,c,and d are light, medium and hard attack respectively) to a modified sf layout. Think about how awesome 3 attack buttons on top and 3 assist buttons on bottom would be. 3 assists would be crazier than marvel. I also hope Jubei Yagyu and Miyamoto Musashi get added in the sequels.

Get hype folks :tup:

Next Wednesday it will be up on us.

what arcades in the U.S. are getting this game? (Other than Planet Zero)

The-magicbox has some news and screen shots:

Well MagicBox confirms that June 26th is in fact the release date. And MagicBox is typically good with posting dates and whatnot. ^^

BasaraKOEdit: and its on the official site too. Yay!

Honda is MASSIVE, awesome.

Two more days guys :tup:

(Remember that Japan is a day ahead of us).




The game comes out two months after the arcade release

Is a USA PS2 release possible?

and when does it come out for ps2 in japan…???

It’s doubtful, considering how badly ‘Devil Kings’ bombed.

Devil Kings bombed because they changed the cool medieval japanese vibe to some shitty fantasy thing.

Yeah, and now Capcom has no faith in any possible success for the Sengoku Basara franchise in America.

It says June 26th it will be coming to Ps2

I didn’t expect that speedy of a release

Damn this game is looking nice. I hope it some how makes it to the consoles @_@.