Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

There’s no new info but explanation on specific engun moves.
BUT this time we have a clear screenshot of the Engun Aerial.

Visit to get all Basara X info you need :woot:

It’s about Engun system, I mentioned most of them in my system description here:

It has more info on Engun Aerial system, which Arcadia Magazine also mentioned this month as well, and they kinda contradict each others:looney::looney::looney: So I will wait for a better explanation from the official site.

First place:wink: Heh, it just need as many votes as it can. Show the tournament organizers how much expectation players have for this game. Yes, please get more people to vote for it. They don’t put this game in the poll without any reasons, it’s not like they don’t have Arcana Heart, Hokuto or Melty Blood there. They are considering to give it a shot, thus it’s in the list.
More votes = better chance to be “live broadcast” in October:lovin:

do the aniki dance!
18 days till launch…

10 days to till launch…

Mission Impossible 4:

At least it sounds like a Basara game, haha.

This week’s Famitsu thread on 2ch yielded something that could be a boon to us SBX fans…

If it’s to be believed, both KOF98:UM and SBX are due to hit the PS2 on 6/26/08.

i’ll buy them both…i am seriously interested in this game and hope that the reason its taking so long for it to come out is because developers are working hard to ensure balance…you know what?..i just cant wait to play this shit

We all know this game is more than likely gonna be broken as hell. The Engun system is evidence enough. Broken or not though…i am stoked for this game. :lovin:

this is madness!

madness? [media=youtube]6d4PduBgdrI"[/media]

If you haven’t seen it already:

That’ll about do it, won’t it? :rofl:

If that actually happens, I’ll buy it.

Givin ppl ice cream headaches w/ Kenshin all day :rock:

ok for the people like me who just registered on nicovideo and don’t have japanese in thier computer, can someone post a link to a search of “sengoku basara x” or cross or whatever its called in nicovideo?

I’m interested in this game…

It appears to have guilty gear elements in it.

Well, to be more concise, the game is actually more of a “spiritual follow-up” to ASW’s other 2D fighting game, Hokuto no Ken.

Everything about SBX could be considered an evolution/streamlining of HnK’s take on 2D fighting, right down to having a “Boost” as a way to extend combos, and making the Insta Kill more integral to the overall gameplay.

The largest and most significant change would have to be that the game is now a 4 button game (as opposed to HnK’s five), as well as the fact that everybody has their own designated “Assist”, much like how Yuda had access to Dargarl and Komack in HnK.

If you want more info, feel free to go back to the 1st post of this topic…and then look forward to seeing Fight vids on youtube, niconico and etc. once the game is officially out in arcades in a few days…

GET HYPE!! #BasaraX on EFNet is officially open!!

basara x works

Site revamped. Now includes all the systems/engun systems and special move list.

the video on the site has me amped…this game looks too fukin sick :rock::rock::rock: