Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

The arcade board is only going to be somewhere around $200-400, so even if it doesn’t, Arcades will be able to obtain it. I might actually buy a PCB myself if the game is good.

Yes and maybe. Let’s hope this game does good enough to get a US port.

Isn’t it suppose to be 395,000 yen? So it is about $3700:sweat: Maybe it’s too expensive so Capcom decide to make the game worth every penny arcades paying for: giving Arc System Works four extra months to debug and balance the game by delaying its release to April.

That cheap!

I wouldn’t say never. If HD Remix sells well naturally Capcom will gain interest. I’m not saying it’s probable for them to make 2D fighters (Hell fighters in general are unlikely) I’m just saying it’s possible.

Oh no don’t get me wrong I have much respect for the series, I’m just saying that I don’t think it’s light years ahead over other fighting games like KoF, GG, CvS2, and others…why do I feel that I will regret saying this?

I know this will sound silly but is it possible for Arcsys to bring this to the West?

It’s always possible. I think the question is more on ASW and Capcom to see the profitability in such a thing.

Wanna know why the other major games in the BASARA series have yet to see an English translation yet? It’s largely because of “Devil Kings”, the American dub of the series that basically stripped the series of its Japanese flavor, attached a half-baked DMC/fantasy element in its stead, and basically did more to piss people off by doing all that, plus take out characters needlessly.

With all that said, it was practically a sure thing that Devil Kings was destined to failure. Unfortunately, instead of Capcom learning from their mistake in one facet, they took it to the other extreme…now we’re basically at a point where Capcom is loathe to the idea of trying to bring the series over again, in any form.

What does this mean for SBX, you may ask? Well, while it’s true that BASARA X is something unto itself, the fact does remain that, if Capcom was going to be persistent with the whole “Devil Kings” thing again, they’d probably have to dub it over again to keep consistency. Not to mention that, in the States, BASARA X would still be very much an underdog, compared to the more big name “Street Fighter 4”.

So, again, I think there’s a chance…but I wouldn’t personally bank on it, after Capcom passing up the chance to bring this series over twice now, and redeem it in the eyes of Americans.

^^^Well to me it seems that Arcsys is publishing anything they can get their hands on due to them being an infant publisher. Plus Arcsys probably doesn’t want dubs (I know you’re refering to Capcom though). There’s also the fact that this wouldn’t come out the same time as the now 4% done Street Fighter 4.

Someone left off or added a 0 somewhere along the line, but seeing as other System 256 games sell in the 3000$+ range, I’m guessing it will be 3700$. I guess they assume they can charge whatever they want because arcades will buy it anyway, because they have to.

they need to put some onimusha characters in it

/wit it!

This is being published by Capcom, though. I don’t foresee them giving up publication rights in the US to ArcSys.

so when the game does come out is everyone just going to rush for a jap copy? i’m becoming more hesitant to buy imported games because im trying to slowly phase out my need for a ps2 and just stick to my ps3 for games.

Uh, probably will see it on consoles in very late 2008 or early 2009. Assuming Aksys decides to do an English version, I guess you’d see that anywhere from 3-6 months after the Japanese one came out. Just an estimate though.

I dunno…part of me is saying that Capcom won’t want to hold this game off for too, too long.

After all, now that SB Heroes is out and about, of course the fans are most eagerly waiting for the “proper” BASARA sequel to come out some time soon (BASARA 3). But in the mean time, SBX could be a nice way to keep the fans occupied while Capcom goes to work with said sequel.

Thus, I would think it would be more advantageous to have this game out before BASARA 3 starts appearing in Famitsu issues, so that the fans won’t get distracted by the new shiny-ness of B3. After all, while SBX is an attempt to try and take Capcom’s popular franchise, and make a nice fighting game spin-off of it, it still is one that is trying to cater to the series’ fans first. It won’t do that if misses the window of opportunity that it could stand to still get fan interest…

are they still doing location tests or are they pretty much done with this game by now?

i’m getting SB2 so i will be able to enjoy SBX more once it’s out (which means just to get to know the characters, attacks, fanservice etc etc) should i be getting SB1 too or is sb2 enough?

get sb2heroes

more characters.

Speaking of Basara 2 Heroes…

Enjoy them, season two is fast approaching…

these are shockingly amusing.

lucky for me, i was mistaken- what i got IS heroes :lovin:
will it be a problem that i don’t know japanese at all?

Not really. HEROES is much less story-oriented than SB2 was, and is much more straight forward. Of course, if you’re really interested in learning more things about the game (hidden items, stories behind characters, secret conditions), go to places like the Koei Warriors forums, GFaqs and etc. to find out more…

where can i d/l all the anime cutscenes of the SB series in good quality?