When is this wacky game coming out again? :looney:
Supposedly April '08. It was supposed to come out last month =(
This is what happen when no one goes to:
Everything relates to Sengoku Basara X is in it.
Anyway here is a Hokuto-ish Basara X match video, lol!
lol at the Hokuto instant kill music :lol:
That dude was close to death anyway. He needed to die!
I want to play this game so badly. It looks to be the best weapons fighter since Bushido Blade and the OG Soul Calibur as I think Samurai Shodown is too “pokey” and The Last Blade is more broken than XvSF.
The original Samurai Spirits was a bit pokey but it is the “First” of all sword based fighters. Never forget where you come from Samurai. The “Spirits” are in them all…
that is really funny!!
No eh hee, what is really funny is that people who play Street Fighter are so blindly loyal that they will eat a can full of shit and put the label in the front of it and call it Street Fighter IV. And guess what happens, the americans eat it. I love it.:wgrin:
I agree with this. It seems a lot people still hold Street Fighter as the indisputable God of Fighting Games and see everything as inferior so a fair share amount don’t bother spending time with new games, which is probably one of the main reasons to the genres decline and few new IP’s coming out.
Then again the site is called “Shoryuken.com”, so it’s a no-brainer to why Street Fighter is held so highly here.
Careful, we don’t want another “Why doesn’t anyone play GG instead of SF” argument.
You are so right. GG is not worth talking about in the face of BASARA X cross.:wgrin:
Well, as much as I like where SBX is going, SF is still a very good fighting game and it does deserve to be held in high regard. I’m not saying this statement to you directly, but I do think alot of people take SF for granted in terms of what it did for fighting games and also lack the understanding to appreciate the game on a competitive level. I’m not saying I don’t give credit to other companies for they’ve done to the genre but I still feel like SF is one of the best as well as other–not solely because this is “SF” based website.
Speaking for myself
I think the exact opposite
these days people act like these arc systems games cannot be touched in the 2d market
which is true at the moment…but you also have to think how many 2d games are out at the moment, not much competetion, do I think Street Fighter is the best fighting game??
Yes but I swear I am not biased and I do take the time to play other titles, I just don’t like anything Arc Systems developes simply because I do not like there engine.
I was a fan of Devil Kings
but I feel like it’s ruined
The honor will always be Capcoms, that is like slapping you mother in the face for giving birth to you! But you do not stay in your mothers house if she continues to abuse you just because she can. Capcom has been doing that as of lately. CFJ,MvC2, Hyper Aniversary, Zero 3 “crouch cancle” infi, HD SSX remake, Capcom manga game?, Zero 3 upper PSP?
I am not trying to be an ass, me personaly I am just tired of rehashed SF EX3 pics and glad to see art and care come back to 2D fighters and GG was Arc’s starting point just like SF was Capcoms and they are starting to bud into a strong programing team.
That is just me personaly. But your statement is true, and has very valid points.
less stupid arguments and more SBX hype plz. so what’s the release date? (i searched the SBX forum and didn’t find it)
Trust me, I would love to have another amazing 2-D fighting game from Capcom (NOT HD), but I know it’s not going to happen. I used to play HNK, and I do await SBX with a little more excitement than SFIV, mainly because SBX seems to be shaping up to be a great game, while SFIV remains to be anything but mediocre although my curiosity is peaked for what it will end up.
Sammy in alot of ways is mostly comprised of artists from Capcom’s defunct 2-D department so it makes sense that Sammy is “next gen” in terms of 2-D. Regardless of that, I still think people are quick to jump the boat and crucify Capcom (I’ve been guilty of it myself) even though if it weren’t for Capcom there wouldn’t be alot of 2-D fighting games, at least not in the same sense that they’re made now.
And as long as people stay intelligent about this “argument” it won’t be stupid.
I totaly agree with you 210%.:tup:
Your pretty cool man. Nice to meet you by the way.
There ya go Tataki. There are a lot of good things coming in this year, believe the hype!
sorry to troll into the thread like this, but i’ve been looking for a new 2D game to play, preferably a brand new one so that i’m on even ground with everyone else play. this game looks pretty awesome so far. so this comes out in japan in april? any possibility of a U.S. release?