I’m sold on picking Oichi. I think I will even play the other Sengoku Basara games, this game has piqued my interest in the series.
Yeah, same here. I have 2 and Heroes coming my way in jan.
It’s looking pretty good but I’m still not hooked on it yet. Each test is looking better than the last though, should be great once it’s out.
well after killing sb2 heroes for the last couple weeks.(game is super-crack btw)
i am 2 hyped for this shit!
the game is going to be complete udder madness…in a good way hopefully.
Good stuff. But now it just does more to remind that the wait for the PS2 port is going to be painful…especially since I just basically finished SB2 Heroes. ^^;
Hideyoshi is still probably going to be my main, but damn, Motonari looks like he could be fun to play as well…
Here is your Sengoku Basara X-mas gift!
SBX special report part four (6,000 words+):
Username? P-word?
You need to register to see.
Great stuff tian
I seriously 'd at that!
And again, thanks much for more goodness, tian.
Well I’m glad to see that ArkSystemWorks is still supporting True 2D Fighters (along with Capcom). For all of those people who complain about their favorite franchises using polygonal models, be sure to show your support for this game.
That sucks that a North American release probably won’t happen for consoles.
What you just said doesn’t apply just to fighting games but across gaming in general with all genres.
I could say the same thing about:
RPG’s (Have they been the same after Baldur’s Gate II: SoA and Valkyrie Profile?)
Shooters (What happened to tactical and realism in this genre like Rainbow Six Raven Shield and the real hybrids with well designed level design like Deus Ex?)
Platformers (If it wasn’t for Super Mario Galaxy the genre would be nothing but an embarrassment)
I could go on, but that I think I’ve proven my point.
The year 2000 was the last year of Gamings Goldenage (IMO)
No Dencore
2007 was a good year for gaming
Last Friday’s update to the official website added descriptions of everyone’s engun characters and their attacks (with pictures!).
When did I say it wasn’t good?
No Dencore
[saying imo is like insulting us anyway because we dont know the difference between a fact and an opinion!]
Should I just delete the post then?
I have been following the game’s growth and commentary and it reminds me of the unsureness that was had when Capcom was making a game call Street Fighter II.
Capcom is the mother…
SNK is the father…
Namco is the daughter…
Arc is the prodical Son.
The age of BASARA X cross will live and come to pass, and a new tournament fighter is apon us. Get Ready…
This week’s update to the official site (http://www.capcom.co.jp/basara-x) is Nobunaga’s movelist. He’s mostly the same as in the source games - I’m curious to know how the poison cloud super will work…
I’m sorry I didn’t follow so what you’re saying is that Arc is going to pick up and carry the torch that Capcom and SNK left them?