What the hell’s up with this game? Why isn’t it out yet? With BalzBlue already announced I’m kind of forgetting all about it…
It seems that Capcom is satisfied with the performance of Heroes 2 on the Wii. Come on Wii arcade port!
same. They should just release this game. It looks quite fun.
I also agree.
Seriously this game will really get overlooked unless they release it real soon.
Capcom and ASW, GIVE US Hokuto no Samurai Marvel NOW
Read the first post, it said Mid April.
sorry, forgot to read the updated first post. Thanks for all the updates tianyuan. I hope this game is successful so an even more Marvel-like (character switching and multiple assists parts of marvel. not the infinite combos/substantial difference between tiers.) Basara X 2 can happen
I just want it to be ported to a console already.
AOU2008 footage
Badass. I really hope this doesn’t get lost in the shuffle with all the other stuff that’s coming out, because this game has a world of potential. Lots of nice combos and other things in the vid that we hadn’t seen before.
Yeah seriously, thereds not hat much buzz for Basara X and the new Samurai Spirits. To many fighters coming out at the same time.
I’l update the first post shortly too, I havent watched the trailer yet
EDIT: Just saw this, it looks cool!
Wow…the game looks so fleshed out from the very first trailers. Even though BB, AH2 and KoFXII are coming out, I’ll still be playing this.
I want to try this game out regardless of how much buzz is going around it. I mean it’s a collab between Cap and ASW.
Well, the good news about the likes of KOF98:Um, Basara, MB: Actress Again and SS SEN, is that they’ll be coming out first. These four games are both slated to come in like another month or two, while these things that are getting a lot of hoopla now are not slated until much later on.
So, once the reality that BB, KOF XII and SF(EX)4 are, more than likely, not going to see the light of day until towards the end of this year sets in, the hype will settle, and people will go forth to play the stuff that stands to give 'em enjoyment now.
I just hope, for the sake of these great looking titles that are coming out now, that PS2 ports will be quick in coming. Because I can’t imagine that if they try to market home console ports at the same time that the new stuff comes out in arcades, that it would abode well for sales for the stuff that would be “old-hat” by the time the “new shit” arrives and basically says “Hey! YOU WILL PLAY WITH US. NOW.”
who is the kanji brush chick?
to tell ya the truth this game and blaz blue look just alike…so i guess i gotta wait till which one comes out first…on a second note…this game reminds me of marvel with so much shyt on the screen at once lol
Wow this game is looking great!
True on that one, lets hope that this game can come out (and theres sufficient hype behind it) BEFORE THE EPIC FLOOD OF FIGHTING GAMES BEGINS
And pray it can get into SBO this year if ur lucky
You know at this rate (although this is sorta unrelated to the game) SBO’s “legacy games” are all gonna be gone as of next year…
Holy christsickle do i like where this game is going @_@…I dare say 2008 is beasting for FG’s already
Well, they’re claiming that April is going to be the month this game is released. So, come what may, that’s going to be the final version of BASARA X in arcades. Hope they made it as smooth as possible…I want it to enjoy some time in the arcades, so that I can get my PS2 port hopefully by September, if not earlier! :wgrin:
Unless the game is utter crap, I think it’s good chances of getting in. It’s based on a franchise that a lot of Japanese like, plus it’s basically as close to a “HnK-2” as we’re going to get, engine-wise. Couple that with the fact that it will be out in another two months, and I think that’s more than enough time for it be on the scene long enough for it get in.
I dunno…
While some games like KOF98:UM are going to more than likely oust KOF98 original, and things of that nature (new MB will replace last year’s rendition), I doubt that the likes of BB, SF4 and KOF XII are going to completely render past games obsolete. You’re going to have some people who are not going to let the likes of SSF2T/X and GG:AC go that easily, and I’m sure those games will probably be still viable even as BB and SF4 will be out and about.