actually HnK runs fine for the most part on the PS2. There were some issues with the wrong sound file being played, or the fatal KO song starting up even when you had missed, but other than that it was a better than arcade perfect port due to some of the brokeness getting fixed (but the game is still broken.)
I am anticipating this game as it is the first new, swordfighting, 2d-fighter since Tenka and The Last Blade 2.
The yaoi people might like this game as Toyotomi Hideyoshi was gay and a bunch of samurai were bisexual.
There definitely IS a BL/yaoi/shounen-ai following for this game series. The ladies love the men in BASARA, as well as the voice actors that portray 'em. There were so many ladies who turned out for the first loke test back in July, they outnumbered the hardcore fighters who wanted to put the game through its paces.
THAT is the kind of thing that Capcom, as well as other fighting game devs (beyond Nintendo and their Smash) need to do more of. Reaching out to others who normally wouldn’t touch these types of games can only stand to give them more money, and get more people to play these games.
Oh, it will. Barring BASARA’s popularity and the PS2 still being a profitable platform…
The game is being made on the Namco System 246/256 hardware. That stuff’s basically PS2 hardware. Porting should be a snap for the PS2 and Wii alike.
More than likely, the few things that came about from HnK’s PS2 conversion stemmed more from the fact that the game was originally on the Atomiswave. It wasn’t as compatible a platform to work with as say, the Naomi, which was probably among the many reasons why the game was delayed as long as it was.
anything could be anything in yaoi community…
Well, Arc System Works have four more months to balance this game. And there is another loca test this weekend.
After thinking this for a while, I can’t really name a game that isn’t broken “first time out the gate.” The truth is not many games are really balanced even after many sequels. You can always argue something being broken here or there. At the end the popularity of a game simply needs proper promotion + a strong player base. Just look @ 3rd strike and tell me it’s a balanced game. How many Yun and Chunli in SBO finals this year? It’s not really about balance but the game being fun, dedicated players and tournament organizers. Well, Shanghai arcades are ready to import this game. There are arcade veterans forming SBX groupies there already. This is a good sign for foreign SBX community imo.
Lies my nigga lies.
He couldn’t have been Gay…Could he?
Anyway,I doubt Date or Motochika were gay…I hope not
I got my doubts about Maeda Keiji though,since he was supposed to be a guy that liked to party a lot.
I just hope ASW have learned there lesson with HnK when it comes to adventurous systems. To me SBX seems like a “wanabee HnK,” just toned down so much you can’t tell it’s HnK anymore. I am actually really looking forward to this game and have no problem with how it’s turning out, I just hope ASW don’t ruin it for Capcom…
Well, you have to remember though, that this was a different time, and a different era. What we (or rather, right wing extremists) would consider “taboo” because of all the things surrounding “t3h gay” in our modern world, would be largely of little consequence back in those eras. Pederasty, “camaraderie with benefits” and everything else that you could point fun at, was both commonplace, and acceptable behavior in a number of cultures.
For instance, we had Nobunaga and Ranmaru, Alexander the Great and his boyhood chum, Hephaestion, everything relating to Greek Spartans…there’s even stuff that could point to the biblical figure of (King) David and his best friend Jonathan, son of King Saul, had possibly something that went beyond what most modern day people would consider the “comfortable limits of male bonding”.
It was just a different time, and a different place. And often, it wasn’t even that they were distinctly homosexually exclusive. There was often a case where you expected to “get to know your fellow man better”, so that you could be, supposedly, better equipped to deal with women later on in life. And, not surprisingly, the same thing happened with women too.
But that’s all ancient history. Here in modern times, yaoi fangirls can make whatever the hell pairings they want. There’s even a Mitsuhide and Masamune pairing now (to which I say, “WTF?!?”), based only on the fact that some girlies got off on how the two tried to kill each other in a radio drama. Ok… backs off slowly ^^;
And I suppose you do have a good point. It’s just that, after what happened to HnK, I really don’t want such a thing to happen to SBX, especially since it, along with like SS Sen and KOF 98 and XII, stand to be the first fighting games to really get my hot-blood pumping again, and possibly do more to remind me of why I fell in love with fighting games in general.
So, if Capcom and ASW are committed to supporting this series for the long haul, so be it. I’ll be with them every step of the way. But if this is just destined to be just another “shits and giggles” type of thing, then I can only be disappointed by what potential was left untapped.
man I want some more mouri. He seems cool, like venom but with soldiers instead of pool balls. I hope his engun system is a bit different than other peoples since it seems so important to his game.
some one sounds a little bit TOO knowledgable on these yaoi fan pairings
I’m a BASARA fan boy, who scours the net for various types of trivia.
When you go digging for diamonds, you’re bound to find various junk on the way that you may end up finding any way, whether you want to, or not.
And besides, I consider myself comfortable enough in my own, black, heterosexual skin, that I can talk about these types of things without fear of catching the heebie jeebies. :wgrin:
haha it’s all good. I know exactly what you mean, but enough with the derailment of this thread form me
LOL! As long as it has to do with Sengoku BASARA, cyberakuma will transform into Dr. TreIII… How is Sengoku BASARA 2 Heroes? Dr. TreIII? I didn’t hear your review over SBX forum yet.
Wii version.
You’re black?! :looney:
oh snaps!
it’s Ephidel’s cousin!
I know, I’ve been bad. I’ll post something there hopefully later tonight.
But in short…it’s bad-ass. Capcom, once again, does more to own Koei and Omega Force on their own home turf, and make for a more awesome game through their update, than Koei did through what was supposed to be a sequel (Shin Sangoku Musou 5/DW6). I’ll tell more later…
Well, technically, I probably have as much (if not more) Iroquois Native American blood in me, as much as I am a caramel-flavored Black man. But no matter which way you swing it, I’m still a child of a nation of people with a history of oppression behind it. :wgrin:
Wow I got awayf or an hour and this thread blows up again XD
Indeed. And with a new loke test this weekend, hopefully there will be even more to talk about soon enough.
It’s a good thing that KOF 98 UM is coming out for PS2 soon, because if it weren’t, pretty much EVERY fighting game I look forward to in the future would probably not see a home console release until like Fall 08 at the earliest.
I See.Still kind of a shocker.
The “Every SRKer is Black until proven otherwise” theory is once again correct
Is Hanbei Hideyoshi’s Gay lover?