Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

So, what exactly was the deal with the AT-AT? Is that level specific or one of pirate-dude’s moves?

Motochika AKA Pirate dude uses a combination of Engun and Money to build it.I think his Engun characters produce the thing.I don’t know if his Engun characters are able to attack or not,but if they can attack then that makes him even more badass

Moveset courtesy of Blackkite’s translation,and here are the forums courtesy of tianyuan

Chousokabe Motochika (Engun: Mechanical Weapons)
Isshoku ??? + A (Ground)
Dokyuu ??? + B (Ground/Air)
->Kaiten ??? + B
->Rakka ??? + B

Mechanical Weapon Production Demands
Weak: Engun Lv.1~ & 3000 Gold ??? + A
Medium: Engun Lv.50~ & 5000 Gold ??? + B
Strong: Engun Lv.100 & 10000 Gold ??? + C

Gora - Ichigeki ??? + C (Ground)
->Gora - Nigeki ?
Shibaku ??? + C (Ground) (Engun ASSIST Possible)

One-Hit BASARA Move
Sennichi Kouro ??? + C (Ground)

Heh, it is interesting to see that they basically have tried to meld as many things from the BASARA series into this fighting game. For instance, Motochika has to go “fishing” for money, so that his boys can build his “Sengoku AT-AT”. Like with HnK, ASW definitely has their “attention to details” aspect of their fighting game adaptation down-pat.

Still, if they do stick with that target date of Spring 08, I can only guess that it would be good to help better maintain the balance.

And on another note, I still think that, even if this game does end up being broken in a number of ways, it may end up being more popular in Japan-land than SF4 might hope to be. I wonder if Capcom might take that into effect when it comes time to marketing strategies on their home turf.

I think it has that kind of potential as well.I’ll be playing both games,so it won’t matter to me either way.I got love for both series

Sengoku Basara 2:Heroes is among us(I think) :lovin:

So what’s the PS2 release date?

I got my copy!! Its great to me.

If this game doesn’t come out soon I’m bronzing children, Han-solo style.

Who knows :crybaby:

The game is rumored to come out sometime in either February or March from what I heard.

I’m expecting the Ps2 release date sometime at the end of 2008.

Anyway I’m playing Sengoku Basara 2:Heroes right now.

The guy with the Ninja-to swords is toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo badass

Is this game only coming out for PS2?

I have made #BasaraX on EFNet for an IRC channel. You can go there for SB relations woot!

Most likely it will be on the Ps2,and perhaps the Wii in Japan.

Thanks SS.I’ll check it out later on,and I’ll spread the word

give me loli fighter over this any day.

I hope it come to the Wii in America. I love the Classic Controller with Guilty Gear. :angel:

Then take your pick of the many and run with it.
SBX is going to be one of the few new IP’s that’s a more serious graphical style.
Capcom’s taking a big financial risk on this one. The only reason they’re trying at all is hoping they can bank on the success of the SB IP up to this point to carry their sales high enough that the risk is worth it.

I applaud them for backing a non-SF, non-otaku-aimed game. With the popularity of the loli/moe theme in japan right now, fighting games have obviously adopted the same stance in order to appeal to the biggest market It works. It’s a fact. Capcom’s hoping their SB theme can compete. I sure as hell hope it does well. Japan can get stuck in ruts when it comes to design. I don’t want this to be the “Decade of Loli fighters”. I, personally, enjoy a little diversity in my game design.

I agree with Vapulus, and I’m going to be getting into this game when it comes out although no one in my area will probably play it but me. The only thing that it is funny to me at least is that the yaoi community seems to be hella interested in this game due to the “comraderie” of said characters. Nonetheless, that sentiment is easy to ignore hence I will enjoy the game regardless. Hopefully it will be at SBO.

I don’t think there’s any doubt that this game will be at SBO. Lets just hope it’s on ps2 :smiley:

I wouldn’t be but so worried. BASARA, as a franchise, has proved itself time and time again in Japan-land. Now-a-days, it’s basically one of Capcom’s most popular brand over there, next to the likes of Monster Hunter and, of course, Rockman.

Couple that with the fact that loke tests have been largely positive (sans the few times that the Hondam froze the game), and this will probably stand to be as much of a thing that goes over well for Capcom and ASW, just as much as ASW’s HnK game did for Sega.

The thing I’m “worried” the most about? Balance. It’s no secret that ASW can make games that can sometimes be really broken, especially when it’s a “first time out the gate” sort of thing. If the game is not scheduled to actually launch until Spring, then I would hope that they would have plenty of time to play test and bug-fix all of the kooky things about the game, so that it can be a balanced fighter that can have plenty of longevity.

But otherwise, if BASARA does well, then maybe that will just showcase that there is still plenty of room for fighting games that either don’t focus on, or don’t focus as MUCH on lolis as AH does. And with things like Samurai Spirits SEN and KOF XII in the pipeline, I hope that will definitely be the case…

I don’t think the problems that HnK had will plauge this game, they learned their lesson with that AND they are using a refined version of that exact system for this game. So I guess the main thing would need to be finding all the stupid things that may make the game freeze, as well as tweaking the properties of moves to add a nice balence.

I thought it looked pretty cool, I hope it gets a port for Playstation. I’m wondering if the PS2 could handle it because I heard HnK was too much for the PS2.

Don’t know why some people are so negative about it.