Capcom Should Remove Dark Phoenix

This isn’t a thread complaining about how cheap Dark is. No, it’s a thread about how you can’t Jean like every other character because of that stupid mode. I never used Jean in Vanilla, but I was playing Arcade the other day with Jean & I was really liking the stuff I could pull off. But then I remembered that I could never use her since it’s so hard to actually use Jean. Hulk can kill her in like 3 hits!

Capcom should remove the Dark Phoenix mode & buff everything else for Jean. Give her average health, give her back the multiple air fireballs & what not. Does anyone agree with me? I want Jean Grey in Mahvel! Not stupid Dark Phoenix!


that wont happen

This will never happen. You wasted your time. And mine. And that of everyone who reads this thread from now on.

(Though I’d not hate that, actually.)

Nah. I like the hype DP generates.

I don’t really care. Learn to use your character and step up your defense or just just activate healing field whenever you play with Jean Grey if your that adamant about using her.

Her Alt should make her count as a 2nd character with an entirely different moveset.


It’s funny how the most hated character in vanilla created the most hype for the game. Funny how that works, man.

play doctor strange. and gtfo.

She’s a villain, people love villains. Especially when an underdog beats her.

fuck this bitch if they gave her average health and all her vanilla bullshit she would STILL be the lone S-Tier in the game.

Did you make this thread thinking that Capcom would do something about it? Really?

Regardless of whether or not people want her gone, Dark Phoenix isn’t going anywhere. You’d be deluded to think that there’s a chance that she’d be removed.

Wait whaaaaat. I think you mistyped something? Because both of that sounds like incredible buffs for Phoenix.

**“Can we remove dark phoenix and give Jean more health?”

Wa…wait…y…you don’t want Phoenix herself gone? Just dark phoenix? A trade? YES…YES…
I mean,
Only fair.
Lets open that negotiations table.
Dark Phoenix is just so terrible! She alone turns whole matches around! not poor Jean! F-Tier, at best! Every other character will beat her in this game even with 700k! She’s so terrible.
Let’s make it…
950k. I mean she was such a frail girl!
And we need to bring back her speed! That was just un-necessary! Pure hate for the Dark Phoenix CREATURE


No sir. (reading this capcom?) I mean, shes just the worst character in marvel. Two hits, dead. I dont think Ive ever seen a moveset from the “Jean Grey” version. She flies out, throws a fireball and its all BOOM shes dead and “I CANT CONTROL IT” and I lose the match!

Whatdya say capcom?

A …1 million…health Phoenix? Bring back her vanilla speed? Her air actions? No TAC meter reduction?
You can have Dark Phoenix! I agree, remove her from the game! Its the only sensible way to bring that poor F-tier side of her up to…like, C at best.

by “the game” I meant Vanilla mvc3

I’d give you two likes if I could. Your avatar made that reply all the better a response.

Remove Dark Phoenix?

That would be like removing Devil Trigger from Dante and Vergil. D.Ph is part of the character; you can’t expect Capcom to toss it out just cause you don’t like it…yea right who am I kidding?

It’s part of her character. deal with it

It’s funny because with your suggestion Phoenix would slaughter everyone with normal health and her old vanilla self back.

Honestly the only person who could stand against her with that is maybe Strange because he seems like he was made to counter Phoenix.

I still think the only problem DP ever had was her feathers. Remove the feathers, boost her strength as DP instead, and for God’s sake raise her health to something that doesn’t die in one simple combo. Hell, give her her old health back.