Capcom Responds To BBB Complaints: No Distinction Between DLC And Disc-Locked Content

I wouldn’t say its the cynical route because its the truth. Reality is that the 12 character DLC announcement overshadowed everything news worthy including the KOF DLC character announcements.

Capcom really shouldn’t have released this game in March.

They should’ve released it with the Vita version so they could’ve had time to finish the game.

What we have now is a disaster with awfully implemented mechanics, silly glitches and infinites galore, missing features, and retarded console exclusives.

dont forget ugly, inconsistent candy graphics and horrid music (cept the FF remix of course)

Also a timer that doesn’t give you time to finish your goddamn match.

Leave umvc3 out of this. That shit is tight. Try “look at sf4 and ssf4”. You get nickel and dimed like a mofo…plus it sucks.

What was the deal about Microsoft charging Capcom for putting up DLC and charging for bandwidth?

Imo, if that’s true, that’s a pretty good reason for disk locked content from Capcom’s point of view.

KOF XIII was $50 at launch, so paying $15 dollars in dlc for characters still only comes out to be a little bit more than a full priced game. Also SNK isn’t trying to sell us colors and costumes, in fact, they actually put a lot of colors on the disc for us to customize our characters with. Pair that with KOFXIII has more content than SFxT on the disc, and you should be able to see why no one really cared that 3 characters were sold as dlc.

You forgot to say that the game didn’t suck.

Has anybody really complained about anything gameplay-related in KOF XIII?

I haven’t heard anything besides netcode problems.

Out of curiosity, what is it that they’re doing? Is there any way you could explain it in more detail without spoiling FFXIII 1 or 2?

remember the ending in the 1st mortal kombat movie?

FFXIII-2 ends in a cliffhanger. Square Enix did this deliberately so they can fit in the paradox ending DLC.

so they named a game “final fantasy,” then made a dozen sequels to it, and then they made sequels to some of those sequels, and now they’ve created this latest sequel-sequel to allow for further expansion installments so that it could theoretically become a neverending story?

They DO have a history of having shitty netcode with each game.

Guess I’m an idiot for buying Capcom games still even though I could give less of a shit abut the co-op thing on my 360. This topic has been beaten to death what’s even more silly are the people with their pitchforks saying they’ll boycott Capcom when Capcom could probably give less of a shit, much like IW/Activision with MW2-3 or Valve with L4D2.

After try # 2, KOF12 says HI.
people are so stuck in the past it is amazing. I think the average age of the FGC is 40.


My thoughts:

There’s no difference with on disc or off disc. If there was a separate budget to make DLC from the main game, it doesn’t matter when it was made.

It’s sure as hell annoying like if your parents bought your Xmas presents 6 months early and saw what they were when they walked in.

KoF XII had some shitty overpriced bonus music DLC but KoF XII doesn’t exist.

KoF XIII + DLC is cheaper than SFxT and it’s a bomb ass game, buy it.

I’m gonna be completely honest, it seems like you are a pure, unadulturated, Capcom Sheep.

I loved it