Capcom Fighting all stars > CFJ

Is beating a dead horse all you fuckers do?

They don’t kick back, making it easier for us.

Would you rather us beat your mother?

For you? My dog.

You know i was going to comeback with some flames but that would be flowing the SRK order flaming threads.

You could have said your 1st piece without beging rude in fairness i replied with sarcasem so im also guilty.

I ve seen some of your other post namely the one about alpha 3 being crap (yea right)i actually agreed with what you had to say their so my opinon of you changed.

Maybe your not like every ass clown on here, that only like to flame i swear people start threads for this alone to past time or whatever.

Since ive joined here all i see is flames really my eyes burn,
i usaully only post in comics section but its been bad in their lately as well, im surprised the guy that does the comics post their.

All people want to do is flame ive had very few decent threads were people actually chat sense.

I guess i joined at a bad time i thought people here were interested in SF and fighting games and such.
But no flame, flame, falme.

Yes CFJ is some fun in 2player for me, obviously every1 has likes and dislikes theirs no logic in that i dont like 3D fighters but at the same time i respect VF4 and tekkens because their good at what they are i dont like every 2d fighter either.

This is not a flame response so dont take it that way you seem to be one of the few people on here that dont chat shit all day.

I was looking into CFE and I have to say that I’m not particularly interested in playing this game. I really don’t like the cast and those Red Earth characters just look retarded. There is little doubt in my mind that MvC2 is a far superior 2D tag fighters.

As for CFAS, if the game wasn’t being recieved well, then it is probably good that they aborted the project. Mike Haggar will have his time in a Capcom fighter. Hopefully Dante will also.


What the hell is everyone’s problem?

Its SRK, you’ll get used to it…or banned trying. :lol:

Seriously though, most, not all, of the topics and questions you have presented are pretty much frowned upon here as they have been done over hundreds of times before. Also thread necromancy isn’t a good idea round these parts unless it was a really worth while thread.

That is very odd. I’ve never been part of a forum that disapproves bringing back an old thread.

Nevertheless, I obviously don’t know as much about this shit as you all do. I came to this forum to learn about the games. So…people will either offer insight and information (which you already have for me) or they will be dicks. Users can’t expect me to know that SF4 is a taboo topic (I figured it would be an exciting one since this is a fighting game forum) or that CFAS/CFE discussions are old and tired. Hell, I didn’t even know they were making CFAS until about twenty minutes ago. I did a search on this forum, found a thread and posted my thoughts. I still think it is strange that that is frowned upon, as I assumed that was universally accepted forum behavior.

SRK is a universe unto itself.

Read this, it will most likely help you from making the most common mistakes that new people do.

Alright, so I guess the basic rule is; if you are going to resurrect a thread, offer something in your post. I guess I just basically stated my opinion which, for whatever reason, isn’t good enough. Obviously, SRK is much more strict than your average discussion forum.

Point taken.

Or it was the fact that discussion on this shit ended nearly a year ago.
CFJ/E is done, we’re past that. So is CFAS. Most people deem a new thread more suitable.

"What is Infested Jester doing?.. HE’S PLAYING FINAL FIGHT!"

Heres a prime example of how one bad thread can ruin you here. I ask you to take some time to read and observe this:

Like I was saying, this is something that’ll take some getting used to. I only frequent two other forums on the net and both of them prefer that if you want to discuss a topic that potentially exists, do a search for it and post in the existing thread rather than create a new one. I was positive there would already be a thread discussing CFAS, so I did a search and there was. Apparently, I should have just started a new topic, which is weird but…whatever.

No, you should’ve just not bothered posting anything because you didn’t add anything new to the discussion (which everyone stopped caring about a year ago).

Please don’t say gamefaqs is one of them. :sad:

I had to rub my eyes to see if I wasnt going crazy when I saw this thread, mowbs you need to read the rules or something man and CFE/JAM is just a bad memory nobody plays or gives a shit about it.

What is old to some is brand new to others. Obviously, some users here just need a little more tolerance. This forum requires too much prior knowledge. Not everyone is up to date with the fighting game world. I don’t see the need to be a jerk about things, or tell me my opinion isn’t as valid as someone elses.

Nah. Fan created Pearl Jam and The Simpsons sites. Honestly, I’m not even too into video games. I’ve had a PS2 for like over two years and I own less than 10 games for it.