WOW. I’m sorry, but you really have NO IDEA what you are talking about. NO IDEA AT ALL. WOW. Completely no idea. Holy shit, you really are a dumb fuck.
I laughed so hard when you said the Fiction went pro-ban after losing to Mew2King. NO. He went pro-ban because of another Metaknight player abusing Metaknight, HOWEVER, this player has yet to won a national tournament.
And Meep has NOT quit, and NO, that’s NOT legal. That’s stalling. Its putting yourself in an unharmable position. Its no more legal than Sonic abusing his homing attack under a stage, WHICH IS LISTED IN THE RECOMMENDED RULE SET UNDER AN EXAMPLE OF STALLING. As for Meep losing, MEEP WASN’T PLAYING THE MATCHUP RIGHT. He wasn’t abusing desynched blizzards which is the entire way the matchup is suppose to be even. Every Ice Climbers and Metaknight worth shit will tell you.
My favorite is your statement about D3s, because they are hillariously untrue. Like, so untrue that the shit just seems stupid. I’m sorry, but you really don’t know shit about D3 versus Metaknight, not at all. C018 does NOT frequently lose to Metaknight’s in his region, he goes about even with Seibrik, who got 9th at Apex. Saying that they lose to players doesn’t really mean much, because our Sagats lose on occasion then Sagat isn’t as bad as people say? No, the player is just better.
the mk can only do one of 3 or 4 things.
- Run==>shield grab, hoping to block ur ftilt.
Instead of ftilt, read his approach, and simply stay on ur side, then when u think he’s gona running shield, u do a dash grab (no shield) and meet him half way. That way your grabbing his approaching shield.
- Jump in space dairs/fairs
for spacy mk’s mixup between dash shielding==>grab (if they do recieding fairs), sh bairs or utilts out of shield for spacy dairs, be very patient with this…
like shield 2, even 3 dairs before making a move, if they’re too high, try to time a full hop uair or fair after abotu the third or 4th dair, if they land before then, grab/dsmash the landing depending on spacing, only other option is nado which if ur shield is low either roll away or try to utilt it. if ur shield is fine (they did nado before doing 3-4 dairs on ur shield) then just hold shield, try to predict if he’s gona stay inside u, OR retreat. if he retreats u can actually time a roll in that direction to move with him, and finish ur roll where he lands, this seems to be the only consistant way to punish retreating nado, if they stayed in ur shield at all, and it avoids the mindgame of -retreat, just kidding hit u while u run-
- Walk slowly up and space tilts
DSMASH-sounds weird but it destroys mk’s grounded spacing game once he’s passed ur ftilt range. just hold shield accordingly, when he fuks up, give him a swing.
itss sooooo good and soooo big. and hurts, and puts them above u. i <3 dsmash…
- Dash, jump, nado.
SOLUTION-This one you gota watch out for, as it can shut out like ur other two solutions if u pick wrong. (IE he has a rock that beats ur scissor and lizard, BUT you have this paper) this one will seem the most blatent if u pay attention enough, and aggressive, they will run full speed and jump AT you, not near you. thats ur que to either throw out utilt, try to grab it, OR the safest thing, shield. -----the issue is when they read ur shield, and instead of jump nadoing, they just dash grab ur shield, so watch out for that.
instead of linking specific vids, since i do all these strats often,
i’ll link u here instead.
watch the latest vids vs mk to see these strats in action.
And TORNADO HASN’T BEEN A PROBLEM FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS NOW. DDD can handle tornado INCREDIBLY well. Tornado is NOT a huge problem.
As for the Falco, PLANKING IS STALLING WHICH IS BANNED. I don’t think you understand anything at all.
No, he HAS been saying that for about a year, (oddly enough, when Mew2King played DDD against Wario, he did the same thing except no one noticed until recently. Wario can’t handle bair spam. Afro used Wario as his D3 counter, being a Snake player, and once Seibrik figured out the bair reaction strategy to shut down Wario’s options, its basically over. Wario can’t really kill D3 easily, D3 sure as hell can.
The other top D3s recently picked up this same tactic in the last month, and have reassured its effectiveness.
Sorry, but just no.