Canonical Tier List

Well during one comic Storm did go bat shit insane overwhelming all of doctor dooms instruments and almost killing all the xmen. Forgot the issue though, it had something to do with her claustrophobia and she lost hersef and went bat shit.

Editors creative license but what isn’t in comics?

Which leads me to the marty stu characters who don’t make any sense. Does anyone remember strange needing to channel a demon god to hope to bring down hulk? I do. Why? Because it’s hard to make a characters whose powers are undefined make sense in a fight.

Yeah he was kind of a toss up to me between mid and high. I went with my first instinct on it.

Right, thats why I put them in the same tier along with Iron Fist. I recall Danny saying Spidey was one of the most difficult people to fight hand to hand because of the Spidey-Sense.

Using simple logic, Satan would probably be above Morrigan and above or equal to Amaterasu. If that holds true, Arthur should be the god-tier of the Capcom canonical tier list because he beat Satan…


Not necessarily. Arthur’s just a counter pick to Satan. Kinda like Wolverine vs. Hulk. Adamantium is the only thing that makes Wolvie even compete with Hulk, but then put Wolvie against Thor. Thor would knock him out in a second. Yet Hulk vs.Thor, Hulk gives Thor a good amount of trouble.

Nova should be just under Phoenix.

Didn’t all the heroes on earth true to beat Hulk and get bodied one after another? Seriously Pheonix would just make Hulk angry, didn’t you all see when Hulk regenerated from being a skeleton? Lol

if your talking about aside from him beating the ff he got lucky as hell and pour armour pulled his ass through some situations where he should of been dead

somebody stealing IM tech which could of ended the fight (unknown to Tony at the time)

blackbolt being a skrull

Dr strange , I dunno what on earth the writers did here either way bullshit happend

the sentry , meh who cares

real crap story though

Haha well Dr. Strange is the embodiment of bad writing sadly, nothing makes sense because well…its magic! Really at the end of the day, the list should be about who has the biggest plot armor. Like I joked with a friend of mine the other day, Juggernaut was punching holes through universes when he got possessed by Cytorrak. If wierd shit like this goes on all the time it makes any “feat” in marvel underwhelming.

Thought Morrigan took down Jedah before merging with Lilith(Since that’s how VS plays out)? Damn additional materials.

Morrigan’s birth cries threatened to destroy her entire dimension, forcing her father to split her power into thirds. One third for herself, one third he took to use to become ruler of the Makai, and one third was sealed away and became Lilith. Morri is never playable at less than 2/3rds of her full power, which puts her equal to Demitri, who straight up curbstomps a Galacutus Expy in Pyron. Morrigan is also the current ruler of the Makai (her own dimension, much like the demon lords in Marvel), and is the only character in the Darkstalker’s Universe who can cross dimensional boundaries at will.

black panther has plot armour on a universal scale

he beat the silver surfer by getting him in a arm lock , which for the surfer was inescapeable

Logan is the worst offender for this in the game though cap am a close second lol

Curse his strongesterness!

To be fair, I don’t know much about the characters of the RE series… So this question isn’t an attempt to discredit you or anything; I genuinely want to know the answer. Is his “super speed” confirmed anywhere or is it a fan thing? I’m no expert on physics or anything, but I’m fairly certain that with the speed at which he would have to move to evade the eye (and cover the distances he does) a single hit from him would send a normal person flying. Yet his attacks during a “teleport” frequently only cause Chris to stagger back in RE5.

Likewise, if it’s not a teleport, why does he disappear and then instantly reappear standing completely still at times? Shouldn’t he skid a bit as he comes back into view?

I’ll give you guys a glimpse of some of my reasonings…

Dormammu vs Doctor Strange - I’ve read somewhere before, in a comic maybe, that though Doctor Strange constantly beats Dormammu, it’s due to some error on Dormammu’s part. The truth is he is much more powerful than Strange but luck never goes his way when they fight or something gets in the way.

Ryu - I consider Akuma to be pretty high up there, he’s supposed to be the embodiment of the intent to kill. It’s always been shown that Ryu isn’t far off from Akuma in the strength department, so I thought he’d be up there as well.

Super Skrull - Aside from Annihilation, he hasn’t really one anything ever, to my knowledge. I know the Skrull Empire even frowned upon him for being a failure (hate to say it, since I love the character)

Phoenix - I was never really sure of the extent of her power. I knew she was an Omega, but I didn’t really know where that put her.

Ghost Rider - I’m not very familiar with the character. I haven’t read any Ghost Rider comics nor have I seen Maxamillian’s starring role as him. I hope to change that in the near future (thanks to a new subscription to Marvel Digital Comics, which I am absolutely loving! So much to read!)

Nova - Same as Ghost Rider. Though I did read Annihilation (haven’t read Conquest yet) and I realize he’s the only member of the Nova Corps left, but I never really saw him as an ‘oh shit!’ character, yet I could be very wrong. I also plan to read more Nova before UMvC3’s release.

Haggar - If I had my way, he’d top both lists :stuck_out_tongue:

Yo that arm lock was broken! Get it? Black Panther deserved some plot armor after all the years being a jobber though.
They even went as far as too call the old black panther a clone in one of the new books to erase all the jobbing. Thats Batman
level of plot armor right there!

Yeah Wolverine went to hell and beat Lucifer recently didn’t he? Some writer must have been on acid.

Hardly a recent development i mean ghost rider has beaten satan/blackheart/mephisto about 900 times already.

Stop trying to make Morrigan happen.

All she did was…give Demetri a lil dome?

The issue is, Chris isn’t normal. You play Wesker in the RE4 (and possibly 5?) Mercenaries games, and his melee attacks without speed blitzing fling ganados around like rag dolls. Seriously though, Chris is not normal - the shit he pulls in the RE2 mercs game with gun recoil compared to Leon, scaling the cliff in RE:CV, the boulder punching, etc, Chris is essentially always portrayed with either peak human strength and stamina, or low level super-human strength and stamina.

All you have to do is play a Resident Evil game to know Chris is a regular human. Lets not split hairs.

lol @ “low level superhuman strength” He’s a police officer.

4:16 Fail that quicktime and get impaled in the heart, lolz. Also pretty much goes to show he does move faster than your eye can track. You see him start to run the he appears right infront of them.
Also note the very beginning after he throws his glasses…
and the bullet dodging :v he’s clearly not teleporting, just moving extremely fast.
Plus if he could teleport, he wouldn’t have got sucked out of the ship. (though that directly contradicts being able to do phantom move in the air lolz)

Ghost Rider should be above all. He BODIED F****** Galactus. Also in World War Hulk comics Hulk bodied Dr.Strange and the likes of many Marvel characters. Thor beat Pheonix in a fight too.

Squirrel Girl bodied Galactus.
I think it’s time to find a new “They beat this guy” guy.