Marvel Side
[LEFT]Dormammu is much, much more powerful than Phoenix. I recall Dorm whooping Phoenix’s ass… effortlessly. Dorm and Shuma are probably equal, but Dorm’s proven himself many more times than Shuma has, so Dorm gets the bump up to Uber God tier. Strange has stopped Dorm and Shuma before, but this was through last minute ingenuity rather than sheer magical power. Face to face, Strange can’t win against either of these guys, and he sure as hell can’t kill them. And Thor is Thor. So here’s what I think Marvel’s top tier would look like:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Shuma Gorath[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Dr. Strange[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Nova is world and ways much more powerful than Magneto and Storm. He is among the strongest of the non-gods. Ghost Rider has fought and beaten some of the most powerful demons in the universe thanks to his enhanced demonic powers, so he’s also pretty high on this list. Super Skrull is damn strong, able to fight some of Earth’s strongest by himself. Following that, Iron man and Doom have the best, most powerful tech in the world, with Ironman edging Doom out as far as tech goes, and Doom having access to some powerful magic. Doom probably edges out Ironman. Mags comes next, just because of the sheer power of his magnetic control. Then Storm, whose weather control has reached some pretty ridiculous heights as of late. She-Hulk and Iron Fist have fought against many ridiculously powerful villains and won, so they get some mention. And Hulk is Strongest THERE IS! In the Mid tier section:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Ghost Rider[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Super Skrull[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Dr. Doom[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Iron Man[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Iron Fist/She-Hulk[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Now the low-tiers. Hawkeye and Taskmaster are the lowest, with Hawkeye being bottom. They have to win with pure luck and ingenuity to fight even the mid-tiers (which of course, is why they get away with beating many characters out of their league). Spiderman, Wolvie, X-23, Cap, and Deadpool are stronger and/or tougher and/or faster than the 3 bottom, but also have that luck/ingenuity thing going for them, so they’re a bump higher. Sentinels are actually pretty damn powerful, probably in league with Storm as far as pure might goes. And they’re AI is also pretty smart. Time and again, though, they lose to even characters that are far below them in the power spectrum, especially when dealing with things they can’t understand. So there. MODOK was the catalyst to creating a cosmic cube. MODOK CREATED A COSMIC CUBE. He’s also got tech in the leagues of Iron Man, and once even made Dr. Doom into a turdbrain. And he’s got mind control and mind raping powers. Kinda like Sentinel, though, his fighting capabilities and on-the-spot craftiness are terrible, thus his placement here. And Rocket Raccoon is pretty much a Hawkeye with super-terrestrial tech, so he’s the top of the bottom.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Rocket Raccon[/LEFT]
Captain America
Capcom side
[LEFT]Now, I can’t say I know too much about the Capcom side (since their stories for fighting games are freakin scattered), but I will say this; you all are dick-riding the Street Fighters way too much.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Ranking from what I know. Amaterasu can create stuff out of basically nothing, and has vast amount of weather control. Definitely sounds like a god in the leagues of Marvel. Morrigan can apparently level cities without any effort and also has the capacity to destroy the universe. If Firebrand has all the elemental crests collected, then he also has godly might, probably even a match for Thor:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Firebrand (with all the crests)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Zero is absurdly powerful, able to withstand the force of a nuclear bomb (with ease), and taking on hoards and hoards of robots that are much stronger than military technology we have today. Dante, Virgil, and Trish have fought some epic powerful devils. Arthur has fought and killed some of the strongest demons in the Demon world, so he has some mention here. Viewtiful Joe has beaten a number of villains with the capacity to destroy the Movie World (a universe in and of itself). Hsien-Ko, Felicia, and no-crest Firebrand get the “I’m a demon” bump. Strider gets the “I beat a bunch of robots” bump. Akuma… has crumbled a mountain before:[/LEFT]
Viewtiful Joe
[LEFT]And now the low tiers… mostly because they’ve never really proven themselves. Wesker is super human. Tron has some nice tech, and that’s pretty much all I know. Spencer has fought an entire army, so he’s got some merit. Nemesis is Sentinel level. Chris and Jill have killed off a huge list of zombies. Frank West survived a zombie attack (twice). And Haggar has beaten entire syndicates (three times actually). And Phoenix Wright’s a freakin lawyer. For aesthetic reasons, I’d list Ryu high in the low tier, and Chun-Li’s pretty up there too (she’s the 6th best sharpshooter in the world and an able fighter)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]C. Viper[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Frank West[/LEFT]
Phoenix Wright