Can we has CVS2 HD on XBL/PSN?

This is all we need and the original version of course.

Where the heck did all these people come from?
So much for my idea of starting renegade SSF4 threads here…

Back in the day, there were a few places for real strategy, like video opera. Is there some sort of equivalent to that for SSF4? I mention SSF4 because almost everything about CvS2 that is interesting has been mentioned, it’s just a bit hard to find if you haven’t grown up with this subforum. The main problem with CvS2 knowledge is that online, it exists in bits and pieces spread across old-skool videos and random threads that are either too big (Campbell’s thread) or too obscure, and offline (in-person), you’d have to live near a hotspot like Norcal or something to get the real knowledge on the game.

I’ve been fortunate enough to find surprisingly great CvS2 scenes in the places I’ve lived, especially internationally in places like Korea, where Poongko’s usage of A/K-Iori and Kyo (and even Terry) are as close to full optimization as possible in theory-land, or Singapore where there are some great C-groove/A-groove practitioners that are close analogs of John/Ricky, and Rokiseph who makes a clear case for Haoh and Todo, examples like that. I gotta say though that I did OCV Poongko with S-Ken, one of my prouder moments. Well, right now I live in pedestrian Sacramento. It’s a long shot, but if anyone in that area is interested in playing on a CRT with an old man full of esoteric knowledge, drop me a line…

This pile of excrement called a thread was transferred in from FGD. It’s annoying to look at more than a page of this crap.

Yeah, you’re right though, info on cvs2 can be hard to find. I had a notion to try and put together a summary of the Buktooth thread, but haven’t found the motivation yet. If you find yourself in the bay area sometime, post up in the thread! It’s always fun to get games with good players.

(you wouldn’t happen to be Phillip, would you?)

You have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about in regards to the characters. Vega has above average health in this game. People play him as a battery because he doesn’t need meter to do damage…

there’s a ton of other things that are wrong with your essay, and quite honestly i have no clue what you’re trying to argue about or what point you’re trying to make.

Not to nitpick too much (there are plenty of things to disagree with in Ben Reed’s mammoth post), but he’s actually right about Vega. Vega has 13600 health (at R2), which is less than most characters in the game. His damage output is also pretty anemic compared to most characters (his fierces hit for about as much damage as other characters’ strongs, for example), which is why he has such a hard time making comebacks, and why he’s not well-suited to be an anchor. Even his cc doesn’t do great damage. People use him for battery because he builds meter like crazy and doesn’t really use meter well, so he’s better off passing it to characters who can use the meter better or who have a harder time of building meter.

hmm, i read the chart wrong, I looked at jchensor’s faq and forgot he listed them using jap names. my bad.

his lack of damage is to balance off his speed/range and ability to out footsie just about everyone in the cast. I kinda misunderstood what he’s trying to say, but in all honesty it’s all jibberish. Who cares if Claw doesn’t have combos? he doesn’t need them. he’ll poke you all day til you die or he has full meter to either cc you to death or leave it for blanka/dict. Single character discussions are kind of pointless since it’s important to talk about the synergy of the whole team.

Marvel 3 Announced.
KOF XIII release.
Marvel 3 released.
CVS3 Announced.


No I’m John and I used to live in the bay area. Randomly, whenever I get a chance to visit, I’m usually at SVGL. I remember the sticks at MGL being really bad. Oh yeah and SJSU has great sticks but I no longer have my sweet parking spot…hmm, are you talking about the Phillip that uses K-Rock? I remember playing that guy waay back in san jose golfland when albert was trying to build up a keystone gathering…

So this thread was transferred in from FGD, eh? Man. SRK has been doing that a lot, moving worthless threads like this one into random areas and just making more clutter. Anyway yeah I will post if I’m ever in the bay again…

I would understand this move if the CvS2 forums were poppin. But it’s pretty much dead overall. Which seems more like an excuse to kill the thread rather than just lock it for some random “make no sense” reason.

cvs2 forums are dead because pretty much everything about the game has been figured out, so people just wanna play.

match about to finish = connection no longer available

trust me I know :rofl:

those were the days. so much shit talking and so much OCBs uploads on youtube. lol

Just read this thread randomly


but you KNOW you’d play if its there :mad:

i check every wednesday :frowning:

Please release this so I don’t have to endure KOF13.

I would be really happy if they ported this over while buffing those couple of things that were noticably “underwhelming” about the game.

I’d love to see the lower tier characters gain enough tools to make them at least good enough to be solidly competitive, and I’d love to see S-Groove and maybe P-Groove get some minor tweaks to make them more viable.

The game is really goddamn good as it is though.

I reckon this’ll happen after Third Strike Online Edition. I no very little about this game, but Sakura is high tier!?!? Awesome, i love playing Sakura. Although in the case of this game, i think a rebalance would be a good idea. It’d be nice to see some SNK characters online. Also, i hate Blanka, so nurf him into the fiery pit of BROWN TIER!

Also, i don’t see a CvS3 happening unless this happens. A HD/Online re-release of CvS2 would give Capcom a good idea on whether enough people would actually want a CvS3. Capcom’s constant re-releases always see to do well on PSN/XBLA, so a CvS3 would be likely if they did put out a CvS2 DLG.


LOL. ‘I don’t know how to play it’ is what i should have written. I’ve seen loads of tournament videos and stuff and honestly it’s boring seeing Sakura, Blanka, Bison, Sagat, Rolento etc. Seeing some more SNK characters would be cool.