Can we has CVS2 HD on XBL/PSN?

what happened to tiers not being that bad due to all the crazy possibilities?

i’m not mad at all Nakoruru doesn’t rape the cast free anymore. So capcom took the usual lazy route. It’s pretty hard to capture a SNK character from the KoF series with a bunch of different movesets/moves in 1 game honestly. (Kyo, AoF characters, FF characters) Sure most got shafted but it’s not like they can’t hold their own.

…actually. Why is this even being brought up? I’m more on trying to figure out a way to push this shit down Capcom’s throat until they port it.

A port’s not going to happen anytime soon. So might as well discuss/bitch/reminisce about the game.

maybe the snk characters dont play right if you expect them to play like they do in their original games but who cares? cvs2 is street fighter with snk characters, what exactly is wrong with that?

Why is it so hard to understand that they couldn’t put faithfull versions of each characters & grooves meshed together without balancing/functionality issues… I’m sick of the same two arguments over tiers and overall feel of a character coming up. You’ll never see a character feeling the same from sf2ww to ssf4 and the same goes for KOFs so don’t expect cvs2 to handle exactly like it either, it’s a whole other game. As for tiers who gives a shit, if you’re the person that picks a top tier you won’t care about the character anyways. If you really want something that retarded go play some mugen.

And yet the game STILL has a lot of balance issues.

Yeah I’m not seeing the problem either. There are plenty SNK characters in this game to be scared of, regardless of ‘CBK’ and ‘A-Are’ or whatever.

THIS! THIS, THIS, THIS! I HAVE LITERALLY SAID THIS BEFORE! The MOMENT you have two fighting game franchises facing off, or two of ANY field for that matter, you HAVE TO GET BOTH SIDES RIGHT. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! IF they made a CvS3, it better be in the KoF XII/XIII style sprites and both companies better have directors and artists in the same room at the same time. It really felt like it was Capcom making a game and then shooting SNK some E-mails saying “Uhh would this be cool or whatever?”

THIS TOO! I like the game!! It actually was THE GAME that got me into fighting games and turned me into a Capcom fanboy for a long time until I played King of Fighters 98 UM with some friends for literally six hours without even realizing it. It was love at first play. I stuck on the Capcom side for a few months until after getting into more and more from SNK (yes, including KoF XII) I really realized “Okay… why the FUCK are these guys less popular???”

Oh, and btw, a lot of why I loved CvS2 was indeed the team aspect. It’s BRILLIANT. Taking down a team and each member keeping their health plus a little after each battle = GENIUS! When I found out KoF was the originator of this it really gave me big respect for SNK

What game doesn’t in the end, they just differ in degrees…

You do know the history behind cvs & svc chaos right? Also this. Doesn’t say much and I hope it’s not Ono that picks it up. I would also prefer a XII/XIII’esque styled cvs3 over some 3d. However they could go with 3d backgrounds like cvs2 used to and as blazblue stands with the higher definition sprites of course. The problem is they need to renew a contract and I doubt SNK want’s to get screwed on their part again. Plus the ammount of time to put into making the capcom sprites, just look how long it took XII.

Yeah I saw that he said that!!! It’s DEFINITELY viable if KoFXIII catches on. And I mean CATCH ON CATCH ON like I hope it’s going to! Like you go to a tournament and it’s just a fuckin GIVEN that it will be one of the events.

Also, may I please have a history lesson on CvS and SvC? This sounds interesting.

'‘The supposed origin behind this series was an issue of Arcadia magazine in which there were articles covering both The King of Fighters ‘98 and Street Fighter Alpha 3, both of which were released at around the same time. Readers had misread the cover, which said KOF vs. SF, to mean that there was a fighting game that would pit characters from Street Fighter and The King of Fighters. Because of this uproar, Capcom and SNK supposedly signed a deal that would allow them to produce only two fighting games concerning both franchises in 1999 (the Card Fighters series (see below) were not fighting games and therefore were exempt from the rule).’’

Taken off wiki cause I was lazy but basically each side was to make their own version of the game. Also if I remember correctly the one with the successfull game out of the two would make the follow up game. The biggest problem was SNK being near bankruptcy at the time and probably the reason why SVC: Chaos flopped. Don’t get me wrong I love SNK’s collection of games like Garou/Samsho/KOF/Last Blade/Ninja Master’s/Kizuna/Metal Slug and probably forgetting a few but they honestly drop the ball on what could’ve been a great game. I really have high hopes for XIII I was dissapointed with XII but I expected them to just expand the roster with each new game. I need me some Blue Mary/Vanessa though, just thankfull Vice is in XIII with Takuma.

Ahhh that is SICK! Yeah, it really is a shame that their financial situation was what it was at the time because I believe that NeoGeo Battle Coliseum is PROOF that SNK (Well SNKP, anyway) are MORE THAN CAPABLE of making a fun AND deep mash-up game. I wish that SVC Chaos was as good because it DEFINITELY would have been a hit

It’s already been shown time and time again that SNK characters can compete. You guys are just too late to the party.

Fair enough.

Compared to most other games Capcom and SNK have put out? CvS2’s tiers and matchups are pretty goddamn tame by that standard. We might as well be dancing in the streets that it wasn’t a repeat of the CvS1 Nakoruru rape party. The game may be a little on the boring side (and quite frankly that’s why I like it so much)

Mind you, I haven’t seen much of CvS1 except [media=youtube]TR4krLaMf3g"[/media]. While I do kinda like the fact that CvS1 moves faster than CvS2, the game in general looks a lot messier. The hit pause on some stuff like Ken c. MK (or whatever command it was in CvS1) xx Hadoken looks really wonky. (Unrelated note: Holy crap, Ken with red life super is pretty nuts.)

But at any rate, I’m glad to see you actually know something about the game you’re talking shit on. Sorry for getting salty earlier but I love that game more than any other game except KOF '98 (and even then maybe just a little more than '98). Still, I think a lot of people hate on it for the wrong reasons and aren’t quite as objective about its faults as they like to think they are. (You can stop reading here if you like, the rest of this is just general commentary on the game not specifically addressed to you.)

First of all, the top tier – really, I feel the only serious problem with Sagat in CvS2 are his fierces (which are admittedly abusive); otherwise he has to do a lot more work for his damage than he does as, say, O. Sagat in ST or SF4 Sagat (or, hell, even SSF4 Sagat). He has to actually play footsies (at least for a little while) to kill people instead of just Tiger Shotting/Tiger Knee frame-trapping them to death…it’s just that what makes him top tier is that via standing/crouching fierce he has a pretty cheesy way to either set up (by clamming people up with those damn fierces) or land combos (OFF of those same damn fierces) into Tiger Cannon or Tiger Raid.

Cammy is basically '98 Ralf on crack with a nice ass, a DP, and an Alvin and the Chipmunks voice. She, too, thrives mostly by having really disproportionate fierce attacks that combo into level 3 super on her side. Close fierce should not give nearly as much frame advantage as it does given her punch throw range and how many other fast linkable normals she has…but on the other hand, it’s really hard for me to give her shit for being top tier, given that she will probably never be that good ever again. Capcom just seems perpetually confused about what direction they want to take Cammy.

Blanka has some cheesy pokes, but thrives mostly by being probably the least gimmicky of the top tier. (Yes, I just put “least gimmicky” and “Blanka” in the same sentence.) He does well in every groove on the select screen, synergizes extremely well with RC, and his Direct Lightning super is fucking amazing. Barring RC electricity, Blanka actually takes something of a brain and applied footsies to kill somebody. The way I see it, his dominance is probably the most legit of the Big Three in the Deuce.

Bison is pretty damn tame outside of A-Groove; he has good normals but can’t sledgehammer people to death with fierce -> level 3 the way Cammy and Sagat can. If anything A-Groove is probably the only groove where his full potential is unleashed, as his meter-building ability allows him to function well as battery (for Blanka) or anchor. And cheesy though they may look, customs take a lot more brainpower to land as top-tier big-damage options in CvS2 than many other options (whaddup C/K-Sagat)…“random activate” is not nearly as powerful as random in other games. And at any rate, he at least has to take somebody to the corner for his full paint-the-fence damage.

A-Sak has a cheesy, CHEESY custom but that’s about it. Without that custom or RC she’d be a thoroughly mid-tier character. Like Bison, she has good pokes but without the raw sledgehammer power of CBS.

Outside of A-Groove Vega has dick for combos. His pokes are top-tier but (thankfully) his lifebar isn’t, and without custom or meter his combo options are pretty limited. Basically he’s like having a second, slightly (definitely slightly, Vega’s not exactly a delicate little flower) inferior Blanka on your team, able to jump around and harass people with pretty much equal skill while charging meter for his uglier, more damaging friend.

As for SNK characters who I feel legitmately deserved better in CvS2, I can’t really think of any besides Ryo (who wasn’t bottom tier but he was the only non-bottom-tier SNK character who struck me as “underwhelming” rather than just “different” compared to his KOF incarnations), King (although she had her fun in CvS1), and Todo (I can’t believe I forgot Todo when I was rattling off the SNK roster before, I do feel sorry for Todo, he has some fun shenanigans but he still deserves better). Other than that, while certain characters are slower than in KOF I can’t say they’re rendered unfaithfully.

Athena, for example, she’s not the runaway powerhouse she was in games like '98 but her fundamental elements are still there (most pronounced in S-Groove where she has red life super on her side) – Psycho Ball, crouching fierce, command throw, Shining Crystal Bit. She’s basically '98 Athena on Prozac – not exciting, but nowhere near ruined. Same goes for Geese, Yuri, Beni, Terry [really in terms of fundamentals I see barely any difference between KOF Terry and CvS2 Terry…the same pokes are good, the combo setups and pressure are the same, the supers might actually be better in S-Groove] and particularly Iori and Kyo. Both of those two seem to have a lot in common with their '98 incarnations at basically half or 60% of that game’s speed. Less exciting? Yeah, I’ll grant that. Ruined? Hell no, especially not with Iori’s godlike roll and Kyo’s juggles.

Rugal, I think, would do well to translate some of the stuff he learned in CvS2 over to KOF; outside of his broken boss incarnations he was kind of ass in '98 (although they buffed him for '98 UM). Being able to juggle DM off of God Press in KOF would be pretty sweet.

Quite honestly, I like CvS2 Hibiki a LOT more than I do Last Blade Hibki. If it wasn’t for the Deuce we probably never would have seen her again, let alone as the beast she turned out to be.

The only real complaints I have about CvS2 Mai’s design (my favorite of the CvS2 SNK characters) is that she can’t do empty charge walldive like she can in KOF (although the actual travel speed to the of her CvS2 walldive is probably superior relative to its 98 speed, where she took her sweet time) and that (more crucially) you can’t pick which wall she flies to. Don’t really care that Kagero no Mai is complete ass because it’s not like she needs the move to defend herself (that’s what good spacing and standing fierce are for). I really like her CvS2 fierce normals a lot better than her KOF heavy normals; her KOF far C is pretty ass…her far D has decent speed but its short range really hamstrings its usefulness given Mai’s tendency towards zoning. Why try to space for stand D when you could space for stand B/Ryuu Enbu instead?

Is CvS2 perfect? Hell no, no game ever will be. Is CvS2 the worst possible crossover experience? Fuck no, I got copies of CFE and SvC: Chaos on my shelf that loudly proclaim otherwise. Bottom line, you could do a lot worse than the Deuce on either side of the silly Capcom/SNK divide.

too many cooks

i dont want to play kof characters that play like theyre in kof vs sf characters that play like theyre in sf. even if everyone has the same sprites thats some mugen bullshit.

Are you trying to say that CvS2 wasn’t already mugen bullshit?

CVS2 with HD filters and GGPO netcode would be frikkin’ boss.

SNK had its chance with SVC. Which was awful.

its like mvc2 in that the sprites may be pulled from a bunch of different games but they still feel like they all belong in the same game. theyre governed by the same system and have similar approaches to gameplay design

don’t try to talk to mirc that guy just doesn’t listen or something

Half the time mIRC is cool and the other half of the time he is less so, as opposed to me where I am unbelievable no matter when you walk in on me shitting on my keyboard.

Sorry that was just rude.

rudeness is a growing problem in modern society i think