I’d rather get Alpha 3 rebalanced in HD. I doubt they’d redraw the sprites like in SF2HD, too many characters, same goes for 3S, way too many frames of animation. Unless Capcom are feeling generous…
hes also inarguably one of the worst characters in the game lol
pretty sure they can go MvC2 route with the look. Just do some tweaking if that. The game can really just be a straight arcade port and people won’t care just as long as it was brought to the current system and had decent netplay.
Yah, they should release this and third strike on XBLA cuz that’s what gets all the retards who play SSFIV only on board. Or at least legitimizes the games enough to be played again and taken seriously in the scene. Then people wouldn’t be forced to play SSFIV if they enjoy street fighter competition.
pretty much this
1.Rolling=sidestep. Alpha 3 did NOT have that. The only person in that game that had anything like it was Cody but it too defeats the purpose of the move and zoning in general. Capcom never got that concept.
- 3rd Strike parrying is fucking retarded in it’s own game. There needs to be ZONING in this game to offset the combo system. I’m doing that to HELP the rest of the SF/Capcom grooves. SNK side has it covered already if you haven’t noticed.
3.Let’s do it for JD too. I’m glad you pointed that out. Thanks.
4.Eh. Garou bar was 2 bars. That’s why it’s like that. Did you play that game?
5.People need to get a feel for both companies systems equally. 4 or 6, your choice. If you want, even though I don’t care for it too much, it should let you choose your button setup.
6.Burst is needed to stop stupidity that may be found later. One groove can’t have something similar and no one else can AKA Rage from SS. Burst would be totally invincible but could be baited, just like GG and BB.
Did someone seriously refer to CvS2 as “The Deuce”?
The NGPC Card Fighters Clash and Match of the Millennium makes up for SvC Chaos.
They also lose for fucking free to top-tier C/A Capcom characters.
Fuck, when FGD did get so stupid? This used to be the refuge from the flood of stupidity from GD, and then later the SF4/noob forums.
Now see, this is the same fucking point that is flying over the heads of people who don’t know shit about SNK OVER AND OVER in these CvS2 discussions.
To clarify once and for all: the fact that people are complaining that SNK characters are janky or bad doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with TIERS.
Kyo is upper-mid in CvS2. He’s a decently good character in the game. That doesn’t change the fact that he’s a BAD MESSED-UP version of Kyo compared to most of his SNK versions.
He has limited options, and his playstyle has little of what Kyo players actually enjoy playing with in his SNK versions. Which of course, is natural, since the SNK characters had to be toned and limited to fit in the CvS series which is basically just a tweaked version of the SF Alpha system.
When we have a bunch of teams with R2 Hibiki consistently beating teams with C/A Blanka, Sak, Claw, Dic, Sagat, etc., then I’ll believe your argument.
Until that time, please refer to the YouTube link above.
You named 3 out of how many? Please…It’s not the fact that they took away moves because OBVIOUSLY they based most of the characters on extremely old versions of themselves. The Capcom side was very up to date and the had brand new moves out the asshole. Why not make it fair for both sides? It would make it that much more fun.
And I like how Capcom fanboys like to use blanket statements about other people being fanboys when they can get away with it. Nice.
And frankly, I figure 3s groove should have MOST of what made that game different. I would simply change the parry system just to make zoning a possibility again.
ALL the grooves need to be as accurate as possible while taking into consideration not to clash with the other grooves and subsystems.
Sorry about the quote
They also lose for fucking free to top-tier C/A Capcom characters.
In terms of the top 4 Hibiki can handel herself rather well, Cammy and Claw however is another story.
I am not a capcom fanboy, and I am not referring directly to you as one. If you think about it, the argument that CvS2 sucks, or SNK characters suck because they have less moves and are old speaks nothing of the game. There are many viable SNK characters. Even if SNK characters got new moves, this does not entail that the game will be fair. If all the SNK character have all their new specials and normals and still get painted or shosho’d. Is it more fair? Fairness (in the game, not which edition a character is based on) depends on the balance and matchups. On those terms, although it may not be “fair”, a total remake of the SNK side only won’t make it so if you consider that it’s not fair because the top tier supposedly beats most other CAPCOM and SNK characters soundly. In looking at specific characters in the game, there are actually specific things that make top tier characters advantageous
Sagat: c.fp, st.lk <-- probably best normals, tiger genocide, 5 hit TU, high HP
Bison: 80%+ cc, good mobility to run away and build meter
and many many more on blanka and cammy
I believe it is these attributes which make the game not as fair as it could be. Rather than, give SNK characters a bunch of moves, which my or may not even be useful. Why not “make fair” some things the unfair characters totally dominate ALL of the cast with?
Buffing SNK characters is not being fair to Ryu and Ken. That’s exactly what Bison wants!
What’s so funny?
It did make the game better.
Ugh, no CVS2HD. Who the hell would trust Capcom to handle something like that? Capcom just needs to be like SNK and port their old catalog as is. Nothing wrong with old school spites and please no rebalancing because they’ve proven to know fuck all about fun fighting games these days.
- I was mentioning the shotos rolls as example of why it could’ve made sense for rolls to be there not that it should’ve been however.
- Don’t really agree with this because I play aggressive and use the JDs and Parries to help me on my offense and also removing their use against fireballs would just help sagat even more.
- Notice my sig? I meant that P super should give access to lvl 2/3s while S super is for lvl 1s solely I woudln’t want to have the choice of 2 supers with a weak and strong version like the original garou personally.
- I just dont see the point in limiting moves it would be awkward if you have a team mixed with both. Just look at how SVC Chaos was, shit was mad confusing; more > less. However for an idea, there could be an option to remap to an snk layout when snk characters are selected with the other 2 mediums (strong/forward) still available but either mapped on fk+rh or fp+rh. Not sure if you see where I’m going here but it would allow you to not lose those moves that might be usefull.
- Hence why some grooves got balanced in cvs2 you can’t expect the grooves to be 100% faithfull or there probably be only one true groove. Burst is from GG & BB so fuck it…
Seriously HDRemix is horrible they should’ve added the option to get rid of the horrendous backgrounds it was based off the dc port anyways…
I’d love this to actually happen. It’s one of those games that I always play possibly my favorite fighter as it feels like how a capcom fighter should be. Ratio or No Ratio this should be a great way to face people again.
i want this, I never really faced with the roll cancel glitch, but then that’s available to everybody.
Ahh I feel SO vindicated with everything that’s been said since I stuck my neck out and said that Capcom fucked up the SNK side!! I was getting FLAMED and then so many people have come to the rescue haha!
THIIIIIIS!!! EXACTLY!!! The EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS THING is that Ken got the R.E.D. Kick. Like WTF!? Terry can’t have Power Charge but Ken can have KYO’S R.E.D. Kick it just makes NO damn sense. Hey, while we’re at it let’s throw the Spinning Pile Driver Rock Howard’s way! JK, but seriously, you see my point.
I most certainly did, and I will not apologize.
As for your reply to my statement…first of all, fuck you for calling me stupid (by lumping me in with the real turds of FGD when I do my best to make my points with relative civility and consideration). Seriously. Eat no less than three dicks. I am not THAT new to the community; I lurked for many years during the CvS2 era and followed that game fairly closely.
I regret that I did not enter the community as a physical presence before I did, but everyone has to start somewhere. I am well aware of the stigma that accompanies my actually entering the scene when I did (SF4 era) and I know I have a lot to prove. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna let your salty ass file me away as just another dumbass punk who snoozed through the glory years, come to play SF4 and prop himself up as hot shit because he can crouch tech and do crouching DP combos with the shortcut. So don’t treat me like a fucking moron and maybe I won’t think you’re one, either.
No, the SNK characters are not as beastly in CvS2 as they tend to be in other games, but I really don’t see why that’s reason to write the game off entirely. To me that’s no different from looking at KOF '98 videos and going “every team has Iori, zzzzzzzzzzzz, dumb game, interest over”. All your reaction really suggests to me is that you’d be satisfied with nothing less than your favorite SNK characters being top tier. You sound like (note that I didn’t say “you said” – I 'm not gonna put words in your mouth, so don’t put any in mine) you don’t really want to play the game on its own merits, you just want a vehicle to prove some kind of silly SNK supremacy. What you seem to really want is SNK Shits All Over Capcom 2, and if you don’t get that, you don’t have any interest in the game as an individual title.
But that’s not really important. What is important is this stupid fucking notion that Capcom and SNK fanboyism is mutually exclusive, or that one can’t understand a Capcom game on a technical level while knowing anything about how a KOF operates. That’s all bullshit. I like both CvS2 and KOF '98 just about equally, I only give the Deuce (I did it again! And I’ll keep doing it for as long as you’re irritated by it!) the edge because I have more experience playing the game against people who know how to play it. They’re two different games that do two different things, and I really don’t see why both can’t be loved without being some treacherous dog who worships at the craven altar of Capcom.
Bottom line, I would have a LOT more sympathy for guys like you struggling against the REAL idiots of FGD if you weren’t so repulsively bitter about EVERYTHING. Yes, FGD is a fucking mess, but how does nothing but additional sodium from its supposed best and brightest in ANY WAY improve its content?
Feel you on this, respect.
Since this seems to have debilitated into a case of “we don’t want to compromise since we didn’t see anything wrong”, I just going to say no to any further collaborations between the two companies as far as fighting games go.
It’s ok when the other company doesn’t have a FG template already laid out for them ala Marvel and Tatsunoko. But when you purposely disregard the history of the other company for your own gain, when they already have a FG history that is established and respected, I’d rather them not do anything.
You mad?
To be honest, I had no idea you were 2008 or whatever (I don’t pay attention to anyone’s join date since they’re not displayed out of profile anymore) but other than referring to “The Deuce” I don’t think anything you in particular said was that stupid.
Blah, blah.
I’ll go on record and say that CvS2 is actually one of my favorite FGs and I was a CvS fan and playing CvS2 seriously before I even started playing KOF seriously. I also don’t even like KOF98og that much.
So I’m not here to discredit CvS2 as a game or keep the game from being played.
My point is that the fact that most of the SNK characters in CvS2 don’t feel right is a valid criticism, regardless of tier lists (ALTHOUGH the top tier of CvS2 is composed entirely of 6-8 Capcom characters and no SNK characters).
The disparity of Capcom characters vs. SNK characters in terms of tiers is another debate entirely.
It doesn’t change the fact that they handled relatively popular and fun characters like Ryo, Athena and King completely wrong in both design and gameplay.
Of course, you could also argue the same for Morrigan and Kyosuke as like the KOF characters, they had to be toned down to fit into the gameplay system.