Can we has CVS2 HD on XBL/PSN?

Oh crap getting CC’d turns on torrents

So one sided I wouldnt know where to start… Alpha 3 did have roll even if character specific btw. How retarded overpowered would these SNK grooves be. Just look at your samsho example but then you dont want parries for fireballs until youre low on health when JDing is perfectly acceptable and also they heal a small ammount lets not forget: really one sided… I would dig the Garou bar if they go into specific systems but that P.Power super should be a lvl 2 or 3 super. Id rather have the added moves than to remove them, so the system shouldnt be switching between a 4 or 6 buttons layout. I still beleive they did a good job bringing SNKs characters to 6 buttons. Bringing access to comboable grabs nothx… I agree CC needs to be tweaked on some moves like shosho and bisons pimp slap that still killed the guard bar on block. Finallly drop the burst idea its capcom vs snk not street fighter vs kof + gg. The roster should reflect this aswell adding characters from the various series. I love both Cap & SNK games so Im really looking for that balanced between the two.

Not KOF top tier thus fanboys wont care, no matter how good she is.

N-Groove is beast in cvs2 the only grooves that needed help were S & P although not how they turned out in EO cause that was too much. CVS1 was horrible just like like SFA1 & SF3NG, the only good thing it had going was the menus and intros to the battles literally.

That’s not a subsystem though. And that roll didn’t have any invincibility. If you really wanted to say it had a roll, I guess you could say the ukemi roll from that game but its not the same. No Capcom groove should have had a roll, at least not one resembling KOF’s.

Rolls shouldn’t have been this buff in the first damn place; they’re made the way they are in KOF (underpowered) for a reason. Capcom didn’t seem to get that, though.

Was just pointing out that there we’re rolls in one SF’s system to make it plausible to be there in the first place, even if it was specific in A3 (not that they we’re any good & kinda comparable to kof’s actually). Ukemi is something totally different of course within the wakeup game. Everyone knows they mess up on rolls for CvS2 but I still believe it helped the game no matter the drama around RC’s to this day. I also love the way they managed to balance out most of the grooves as to where it wasn’t just one to rule them all. Even with S & P being the worse, P actually got more use later on.

Don’t even bother, it’s a waste of your time.

I would love for CvS2 to be brought back somehow but the instant people find out they have to oh say, BLOCK FOR LONGER THEN THE PERIOD OF FOUR JABS IN A ROW or NOT HAVE REVERSALS WITH A LARGE ENOUGH WINDOW TO DRIVE A TRUCK THROUGH I’m pretty sure people would hop right back to SS4 and start lambasting all the ‘faults’ CvS2 has that we’re already well aware of, accustomed to, and have worked to our favor really. Then we’d tell them of the ‘faults’ of SS4 and shit would go nowhere and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. And blah.


thread went from theory, to derp.

Makes it easier to weed out the scrubs who can’t learn a game that requires more skill than a game with random mashing of 8 week open reversal frames. Can’t please all the new players. lol.

I loled at this. Bison can’t paint fences properly with porn in the way.

also LOL@ people complaining about SNK characters in CvS2.

I need CvS2 on psn. I never got into the scene and i feel that it passed me by.
I hate how i accidentally do DP’s in s/sf4. Its annoying as hell.
When i played this game it felt solid. It felt satisfying when you hit your opponent because the sfx sound so brutal.

P.S. Cvs2 had some of the most kickass music and sfx.

You guys should be posting this over on the capcom forums instead of here…

I would love to get Alpha Anthologies, CvS2, and 3s on XBL. I would buy all 3 of them even if they were $20 each. Capcom should take notes from SNK, NeoGeo Batte Coliseum on XBL is just awesome and it was done right!

By accustomed to, do you mean accustomed to not playing the game at all? And by worked in our favor, you mean learning a lesson of what makes a bad game and now know what to look for in good ones? Right?

Hibiki is also good, Geese is also good, Rock is also good. What does it matter that SNK characters lost some moves? The SNK side still does not suck. The argument that the characters are not faithful to SNK games arises from fanboyism and says nothing about the actual game (cvs2). Despite being a watered down advanced groove, it is still a good groove and has alot of options. Why not complain that there are no UOH, EX attacks, Multiple supers, super cancels in P groove? P groove is a watered down version of third strike. If only it had all those options, then it wouldn’t be so underused. omg

I suppose in terms of authenticity, there is a case for his arguments. Otherwise, the game is good. SNK have good characters. N groove is a good groove( =C; >P, S). And, Capcom did a horrible job translating Third Strike into Cvs2. It needs super cancels


Krimzon speaks gospel.

Yeah, where are my super cancels for Yun, and why can’t I parry with him (and Chun) w/o the P-Groove? Where’s my Alpha Counter for C-Groove?

WTF, Capcom characters are missing moves; Ryu can’t do Donkey Kick. Chun can’t do up kicks even though she had it in the first game. Sakura has no projectile. Dhalsim can’t do Yoga Strike or Inferno. Blanka can’t use Tropical Hazard. Capcom side is low-tier since they’re missing so many moves.


I know what you mean, just saying its a bit of a stretch. I wasn’t talking about Roll cancel, just saying that design-wise don’t really see how the rolls for the Capcom grooves got there. I’m not complaining about it, but after I started to play KOF the idea and way it was implemented seemed kinda stupid.

Anyway, I like CvS2 but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna say negative things about it. Its no different from any other flawed game. Saying, “Well we know the negatives of it and accept them” doesn’t really change anything.

i dun liek cvs2 cuz s and n didn’t feel like extra and advanced nor 4 buttons nor normals cancel into command normals

Speaking the truth.

@ Tech Romancer

All good & none taken bro

Roll cancel is a fault we worked to our favor, and it happened to make the game better.

It’s helluva lot more intriguing and worthwhile then principle of mashing harder to land links better (aka plinking).

imo of course


Right there? :confused:

Really the only problems are the low tier, and P/S Groove. To those saying the SNK side sucks, you guys don’t know jack. Have you seen Kyosuke? That guy is so full of gimmicks its not funny. The fundamentals of all the characters are pretty solid overall, as long as they make slight tweaks, all of them can be incredibly competitive.

I would love to see this game on a next gen console, it would revive the scene a little bit at the very least. However i don’t think they would do so until maybe CvS3 is secretly in the works, similar to Marvel…but i could be wrong.