Can we has CVS2 HD on XBL/PSN?

Thankfully, assuming CvS2 ever gets such a port, “arrange” modes are unlikely to happen simply because Capcom will probably look at the sales projections and determine such a retuning to not be worth the additional expense.

I say “thankfully” because moreso than many other games (except Marvel), CvS2 has so many matchups to rebalance (less characters than Marvel but effectively a lot more matchups due to the various grooves) that trying to retune everyone in the cast to have condensed tiers without the aid of roll cancel (which they would presumably remove if they were going to go that far) would probably end in disaster for certain characters.

This game still needs a port so bad, though…even a bare-bones one with no netplay would do so much to bring the Deuce back in areas where it’s fallen off due to SSF4. Part of it is brain drain from so many people having burned out on CvS2 back in the day, but another big factor is there’s a lot less leeway to bring in promising upstarts from Super 4 and the like because netplay is no longer a factor (sure, it’s netplay, but it’s SOME kind of grinding zone for novice players who can’t find competition) and you basically have to build your own PS2 stick these days.

Despite its reputation as a prohibitive game to get into (this is a VAST oversimplification IMO…how much work CvS2 takes to pick up depends largely on who/what groove you want to play…my team is a prime example of extremely low-hanging strategy and execution fruit), I think just having the Deuce on current-gen consoles alone would do a lot to bring it back into the public eye.

It would bring in limited new blood, to be sure, but it might also help bring back some of the old blood who acknowledge SSF4 as a dumber version of CvS2 and had previously hemmed and hawed about getting back into the game due to no PS2 peripherals/console or whatever. For better or for worse, there’d be no more excuse.

Get on this shit, Capcom. We KNOW that groove is in your heart.

What? People who are rightfully miffed because it SHOULD be called “Capcom Does SNK 2.” EVERY TIME I’VE WATCHED TOURNAMENT PLAY (or just in the arcades for that matter) IT HAS BEEN 5 to 6 CAPCOM CHARACTERS PER MATCH! I’m sorry but I have to think that Capcom wanted to benefit by using their characters with SNK’s GENIUS team system. Heck, I bet there are people who never played a KoF game and just think that Capcom made up that 3 on 3 style to fit one of their VS games or some shit. Capcom Does SNK. You heard it here first. That’s officially what I, for one, am going to start calling that series until one comes out and is ACTUALLY a good representation of Capcom AND SNK.

theres no way youre even remotely good enough for tiers to matter given the insane levels of fanboyishness youre demonstrating

why would an snk fanboy even feel like they have any right to complain about capcom dropping the ball with CvS which is fundamentally a good game with minor balance problems when for their half of the deal SNK came up with SvC which is straight up one of the worst fighting games ever lol

i have no preference for snk or capcom and think judging a vs game based on something totally superficial like which company’s characters are the best is retarded but really but if youre going to be a nutty snk fanboy and call out CvS for being bad because it didnt rep SNK characters enough jesus shouldnt you address SvC just being an all around pile of shit regardless of whether the capcom chars in it are any good

I know for a fact there’s alot of rugal/geese/kyo/iori/vice (from KoF) & Hibiki/Rock (Last Blade/Garou) users if you look at the top players from Japan, US & Europe but don’t expect all characters to be used equally and after all it’s a capcom game so moves had to be adapted to fit it’s 6 button layout. Capcom vs SNK MF 2000 (the original) was more favorable towards Capcom and they did balance out SNK’s side in CVS2. I’ve also played SVC Chaos which was really awkward to play and rather shitty looking compared to their other games. Also the best grooves are A/N/K, so 2 out of those 3 are SNK grooves. You really didn’t just expect them to use purely KoF characters though hhonestly since it’s not SF vs KOF but Capcom vs SNK.

@ Ben Reed: we really need online on this because other than nulldc+kaillera we don’t have jack and it’ll help to get the young blood in it better than without it. At least for 3S it’s on ggpo and supercade so I’d rather see this happening first.

People complain about the SNK characters in CvS2 for petty-ass reasons (read: Iori and Terry aren’t Sagat tier, oh noes! How will I ever kill my scrubby friends spamming unsafe Iori rekkas/sweeping and random Burn Knuckling with Terry now?) without even beginning to look at how beastly a pretty fair chunk of the SNK cast actually is in CvS2.

K-Geese and Hibiki (A, N, or K) are both beast and are very well represented in top tier competition. Geese crushes people’s guard bar like it was never there to begin with, and Hibiki’s pokes are damn near Vega-tier annoying.

K-Rock is not as beastly as his dad but that’s hardly a knock against him. He has good mixup, good pressure, good anti-air and jump-ins, and an absolutely disgusting punishment tool in Level 3 Shine Knuckle.

N/K-Mai is good, A-Nakoruru is good, S/P-Terry is good, C-Rugal, C-Kim, and C/A-Yamazaki are good, P/K-Kyo is good, N-Iori is good, K-Joe and K-Raiden are decent, they may be mid-tier characters but they’re nothing like garbage tier. Characters like Athena, Chang (A-Chang is pretty fun though, ass attack CC for the win), Ryo, Yuri, Raiden, Haohmaru and Beni may be underwhelming, but they’re far from unplayable, and pretty much every one of them has one groove that drags them from lower-mid up to mid-mid tier (see: S-Athena, she’s kind of a ghetto Sagat otherwise but getting unlimited level 1 shield super at red life does a lot to make her more obnoxious). The only SNK character even close to a lost cause in CvS2 is King, which is kind of a shame, but on the whole her suck can’t ruin a fairly solid roster with a HUGE capacity by way of grooves to salvage characters, SNK or Capcom, who were otherwise headed for the bottom. (See: C-Yun with RC.) And let’s face it, if you’re really jonesing to beast as King, '98 UM is right over yonder.

I think Capcom honestly did a great job of mechanically distinguishing the best fundamental elements of the SNK characters in CvS2, and some of their picks were just plain brilliant (Nakoruru, who after being toned down from CvS1 was still a decent and mechanically fascinating character, and especially Hibiki, who no one expected and who freed the beast all over half the cast in CvS2). You people bitch about CvS2 because you expect it to be KOF with Capcom characters, and you don’t even try to learn the game on its own merits as an independent title. (And for better or for worse, the task of being “KOF with Capcom characters” fell to SvC: Chaos, which probably could have been a lot better than it was if they hadn’t rushed it out, that game smacked all too heavily of a rush to market in terms of how the hit detection/input systems/general mechanical balance panned out.)

People get way too scared off CvS2 because they see hyper-tense, turtly finals matches and believe that that’s all the game has to offer without even trying to play it in casuals. Anyone who’s ever played against a decent K/N-Groove player for more than 5 minutes knows that’s a filthy fucking lie. CvS2 is kinda like playing Ryu, it’s a game that does and requires a little bit of everything to succeed, and in the end it’s only as boring as you make it out to be.

Ben Reed I agree. Even though at first I thought SNK characters weren’t as good as Capcom characters, i don’t believe so anymore.

Even Ryo, Capcom did their best to make him look goofy and retarded looking, he still plays really good, has arguably best DP in the game and super priority jump mid/hard kick, and feels more complete than his KOF version as far as moveset and capability is concerned.

However, I still think SNK did a slightly better job at handling Capcom characters (SvC Chaos) than Capcom handling SNK.

Come on Capcom, we need CvS2 on XBL/PSN…and definitely we want CvS3 (i know it’ll be 3D but i still want it, SNK characters in SFIV style would be very interesting and fun)

I’d love to see CVS2 HD sometime…but they should add the bonus of all of CVS1’s backgrounds



The perfect CvS 3 to me…

Capcom grooves should NOT be able to roll at all. The only FG they had it in was JoJo. Thier rolls should be character specific until they choose a SNK groove.

Samsho groove should be able to dodge all different types of fucking ways. From 2 on up, the dodging was excellently handled in each game and got more useful as time went on. They should also be able to parry as it was the first game to do so. Rage will be handled the way it is in SS5SP: Only doable by pressing all of the buttons and gives access to Issen for EVERYONE. Null State would be too broken in a game like this.

The game should change the button scheme depending on which grooves you pick. 4 button for SNK, 6 for Capcom.

Hyperhop should be the way it is in KOF. No lame ass freeze when you hit the ground from the hop. If you pick a KOF groove, you should have HH. If not, every other groove will have a way to combat when it’s all said and done.

MOTW groove will only have access to 2 levels of supers but the P.Power super will do more damage and look fancier the less TOP you have…yes, TOP would be in the game and EVERYONE will have a TOP.

New sprites or 3d models depending on which way they draw/render it.

Rolling will be forwards and backwards like it’s supposed to be. No roll cancels as the game would be insane enough and it wouldn’t be needed.

SF3 groove will be able to do universal overheads just in case someone has no overhead or it’s slow. Parrying will be made not to parry fireballs until your life is low or you do a special, extremly difficult version of a parry. We need a spacing game too, people.

KOF groove gives access to comboable grabs for anyone. Even Gief. Grab range will be shrunk to keep it fair though.

CC mode will be handled like a mixture of A3 and CvS 2. Alpha 3: The combos will have to be more complicated to maximize damage, thus giving way to superior creativity. CVS2: You can do a very toned down super to finish off the combo. Invincibility will be very slight on start up to encourage creative ways of hitting the opponent with it.

All SNK characters will be updated to AT LEAST post 2000 status. They will be based off this time period. Capcom characters as well. Anyone who is a long lost addition(i.e. Retsu from SF1) will be updated to this time period.

Burst will be in FULL EFFECT as some of the combos would be insane. It’ll be handled like GG.

That’s all I got for now off the top of my head.

Capcom did a horrible job on SNK characters in CVS2 the only snk characters that were good was Kyo,Iori,Yamazaki,Terry and Raiden. All Capcom did was make half ass characters for the SNK side by cutting their move list in half and giving Capcom characters all their moves and some and the the N-groove was a watered down Advance groove from 98 and S groove sucked ass it takes hella long just to charge up. Now CVS 1 that game was way better than CVS2.

It almost makes what SNK did to their crossover game look nice, doesn’t it?

Seriously though, all I can really say is, you’re wrong. There are plenty of good SNK characters in that game.

i filtered out the nonsense for you.

More like you filtered out what you don’t like to hear. Most of what he said is true…it’s just the way he said it.

Forgot about Hibiki ???

does anyone actually care about if the game is good rather than which characters are good

Except in CVS1, most of the SNK cast are missing even more moves, and the majority of top tier characters are still on the Capcom side. But hey, whatever floats your boat…

Most of the Capcom characters look awful. How does this fit in with the Conspiracy Theory?

I love how FGD turned into Capcom scrubs vs SNK fanboys Match of Faggotry 2010.

I can’t imagine how many million rage quits you’d get. It’s bad enough with Marvel and that game lasts three minutes tops.