wouldn’t fighting games start moving towards the 1st-person format if that were the case?
read post #4.
wouldn’t fighting games start moving towards the 1st-person format if that were the case?
read post #4.
I don’t think many fighting games have ever truly striven for any level of realism. Sure you’ve got your UFC games, or a Bushido Blade, but for every once of those, you get one were you can throw fireballs, pick up people twice your size, jump forty feet into the air, air juggles etc.
So while I feel it’s certainly not out of the realm of possibilities (I mean there was that one 1st person Sega CD fighter back in the day), I wouldn’t expect it over more common forms of less than realistic fighting.
Supreme Warrior for 3do. :lovin:
But honestly, with special body suits that detect all your motion and screens that can provide you with atleast 180 degree peripheral vision, sure… maybe. Might be kinda expensive. If it doesn’t go that far, than you’re just playing arcade Punch-out, and it’s not worth it.
mm, i don’t mean to get rid of the fantasy element - that’s a huge part of the appeal after all.
but imagine if you could simulate a fight (in first person, somehow) where you could throw fireballs out of your hand and jump 40 feet into the air, but where you’d have to guard right/left as well as high/mid/low, and where some hits hurt more than others, and your opponent is in front of you. would anyone play that? having your opponent in front of you instead of visible onscreen with your “self” might be the biggest difference - that’d be throwing everything we’ve seen in the last 20 years about controlling space out the window.
special body suits could be used, but they don’t have to; sure, you could strap sensors to your limbs and assign commands (“raise right knee twice to do an axe kick”). you wouldn’t have to simulate pain either if you use a points system (you could even think of “death” in SF as technical knockout in boxing).
but body suits don’t even need to be used. just imagine playing Tekken from a first person view - left punch, right punch, left kick, right kick.
I would think anyone could get off their ass and experience that in real life. Go out, drive to a fuckin bar, punch someone in the face and g-damn! you doing this already! Damn lazy ass mothas here!!!
Just look at Tekken 6, you get tired after throwing punches or doing kicks. Their is a fine line between a deep fun game and a realistic game. Thats why their called video games, they are games, not human simulators training you to kill people.
Man… you left out the best parts… let’s try this again…
First you need to get into your Gi (you wouldn’t do Ryu justice without it), then drive out to the bar, walk up the toughest looking guy and hand him two quarters, step back, say “Round #1… FIGHT!”, then punch him in the face… oh and don’t forget to say GGS after it’s all said and done.
You don’t even have to use a body suit, they already developed technology where you can play Pong with your mind. Because physical actions are based on electrical signals being released from the brain a device could be used to track these signals and translate them into movement without actually moving, perfectly emulating an action or actions.
Of all the technology in this arena, I’ve only ever seen very simple commands, like “Up”, “Down”, “Left”, and “Right”, I doubt that there is anything capable of deciphering more complex thought, as well as the fact that many reactions are signaled from places other than the brain.
However I agree with some of the other posters in that a game that was just a real life fight, wouldn’t be all that much fun to me. There is a point at which I would much rather have a character capable of doing things regarded as decidedly inhuman, than be limited to the set of abilities I would have as an average person.
As for a first person fighter, Super-Punch out comes very close in that regard, when you break it down.
Man I wish they would make another punch-out…
Well a decade ago I’m sure one might’ve said the same thing about just using your mind to affect anything within game. Oh and for complex movements signals aren’t drastically complex from moving up and down.
Well all I’m saying is scientist still can’t figure out exactly why we sleep, so while discerning directions is a great achievement, the science still isn’t there for understanding the mind. Thinking “Right”, is much different than thinking “Kick” and expecting to be able to understand that input.
So wait…people actually want realism in a fighting game?
Brain signals don’t operate like that. Your conscious mind wouldn’t think “kick” when fighting but instead the device simply has to recognize the signals that you would make to move your leg into a kicking position.
A realistic fighting game using real CQC would be rather dull imo…
Um… so then… um… wouldn’t you kick! I mean your BRAIN just told you’re leg to move into kicking position… are you telling me this device would switch on and off and that while playing the game I’d be completely immobilized… and if something were to go horribly wrong I’d be paralyzed for life!!! I think I’ll stick with the Wiimote for now.
Not to mention if you had to physical perform the kick to make it happen in game, you’d need to be a martial artist just to play. Sadly I am not, and my brain may tell the muscles in my leg to perform a kick, but they’d be nothing like a “fighting game kick” so then it comes to sensitivity. How much movement is considered a kick? What kind of kick would be performed when I move my leg, etc. It’d be tough to make the middle ground, the controls would either be too lax and every little movement you made caused something to happen (or it would cause something that was close to, but not exactly, what you intended), or you’d need to have proper form and be a martial artist to play.
I don’t need a game where if I scratch my head my character throws a hook, or where I just can’t do a certain maneuver because I cannot get close enough to replicating it in real life.
So either it’s reading thoughts, or you’d have to be performing the moves somehow.
Fighters don’t seek realism at all. On a side note, they may have more realistic physics engines, depending on the game (e.g. VF5 has physics still strange compared to real life but way more realistic than any DOA =D )
Has anyone ever played that shitty thing at Gameworks where you go in a room with sensors in it, and you do punches and kicks and they are used as your controls for Tekken. Man, it really sucks.
Would Fight Night count as a realistic fighter?
truly realistic fighting games will be made when the holodeck is invented.