Blanka knocks you down and does RC elec over you. Familiar situation, right? Depending on the timing of the electricity, you can always either throw it before it comes out, or uppercut it if it was already out.
I could break down the logistics of this into frames, but that would take up like a page or something. So, just remember that Blanka fierce elec is slow at 8 frames… even moreso when it’s RCed. If Blanka were to do his RC elec early enough so that you wouldn’t be able to throw it on wakeup, most of his invul will be gone by then so you can just uppercut it like any other move.
Conversely, if he does his RC elec late enough so that his invul outlasts your uppercut’s, then you have enough time to throw him immediately after waking up.
Pay attention when Blanka knocks you down. With a bit of quick thinking, you should be able to figure out on the fly which RC elecs are throwable and which ones are DPable. Of course, Blanka can mix it up in other ways, but at least you’re making him work for it.
Well in Japan you can find places that have Capsules you can stay in for a pretty cheap price, but I wouldnt recommend it if you
haveclaustrophobia, cause they are really small (3 feet x 3 feet x 6) but the only thing is only men can stay in them after hours like after 10pm and its 3000 yin a night so like 30$.
off-topic, but does 30$ sound like a lot to sleep in a horizontal closet to anyone else? Homeless people get better lodgings here… hit up a church if you’re really hard up.
buk… i was wondering if you can explain what is a good method of fighting p groove? outside of using A groove sakura and making them actually move forward. I know high low mixups are good, but if they get right on what to parry i still get comboed. I know Guile is pretty overall good against P groove… especially P sagat.
I love capsule hotels. They’re not as small as people think. They’re about the size of the bottom bunk of a bunk bed. You can easily sit up in them. Plus they give you a radio and TV… and coin-operated porn in some places. Not a bad bargain for being able to take a shower in the morning - 24 hour manga cafes are another cheap option, but you don’t get the fresh and clean feeling in the morning.
There are 3 main ways to counter a knocked down Blanka waking up with RC elec:
Throw him before the elec comes out.
Walk back a tiny bit, bait the RC elec to whiff, then punish with the combo of choice.
Do an RC move AFTER Blanka gets up.
Both have advantages. Option 1) is much more likely to bait Blanka to wake up with the RC elec since you’re right in his face. Also, since Blanka’s best option to counter the throw would be to do a low short combo when he gets up, you can counter that with an earlier attack into the combo of your choice. Option 1) can be risky, but will often reward the aggressive player.
Option 2) has the advantage of being safer. By walking back and the last second and getting Blanka’s RC elec to whiff, you put yourself in a convenient position to punish his whiff with something like a low forward super. If Blanka doesn’t bite the bait and gets up with something else instead, you’re out of his throw range and will most likely block whatever he sticks out. There actually IS one counter Blanka can do to an opponent trying to bait the whiff, but I’ve never seen anybody do it (except one guy that I’ve told about it) so I think I might keep that to myself. The main disadvantage of option 2) is that Blanka won’t bite the bait nearly as often as option 1) if he’s paying attention. You might take less risks, but you’ll also be reaping less rewards.
Option 3) only applies if you have an RC move with a lot of active hitting frames, like Chun legs or another Blanka RC elec. If I RC Chun legs right after Blanka does his reversal RC elec, then Chun legs will pass through Blanka and I’ll probably get hit. However, if I keep mashing the Chun legs then I’ll win every time. This is probably the safest option out of all of them, but it’s not applicable to all characters. Blanka can also throw your late RC move, but that’s very easily (and heavily) counterable.
I Finally Got The Ticket!!! I’ll give out the number for the ticket company.
Thought you were trying to get your car and license man?? :bluu: I guess you got ends like that, enough so that your able to catch the bus to the next gathering. Dont mind me, go have fun, but just know getting a ride is gonna be a bitch now. I [personally] would’ve rather you spend your loot to get something thats gonna benefit you later…but thats just koop.
Re: I Finally Got The Ticket!!! I’ll give out the number for the ticket company.
Going to Japan benefits anyone’s life, especially gamers. Not everything that is beneficial is tangible you know. KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE are much more important than a $600 car in the long run.
Re: Re: I Finally Got The Ticket!!! I’ll give out the number for the ticket company.
Ok, understood slightly. But playboi, HOW LONG IS GAMING GONNA HELP YOU. I mean really. Don’t get me wrong, I want him to have fun…but the “situations” I thought he was in he would of gotten all that together before deciding to take about 1,000+ dollars to invest in a trip that will:
get him knowledge in a game
culture shock, sure he will learn something different
See Gunter, I don’t know his purpose of going over there, but all the times we’ve talked…he had “situations” to get over. I once suggested to "get a car and YOUR LICENSE so he doesnt have to COMPLAIN when folks cant give him a ride to places he wants to go [ie gatherings, tournaments]. Now I don’t know you, nor do you know otaru23 aka Joe O, but a few of us do. I was just saying, he can do what he wants and have plenty of fun. But I would take care of home first, fuck gaming fa real, but thats his decision. Matter of fact, show me [gunter] in the long run how will a trip to japan for a week will help and i will show you how that car would’ve helped…ok.**
Buk and others, koop is my firend. we did not wish to change this thread into like general dicussion but what this fellow did was just suprising to us.
Anyway, buk, what tips can u give hibiki vs rolento (p groove) match ups.
Uhh, I guess I’d be a hypocrite for giving out anti-P strats since I’ve lost to Gee-o twice, but anyway…
Well, there’s the obvious A-groove counter… but if you don’t want to/can’t use A-groove and the P-Groove player is literally doing nothing but waiting for you to come to him (a seemingly popular trend nowadays), build meter first. Obviously, P-groove is the worst (besides K) at building meter, so you’ll have a distinct advantage there. If the P-Groove player starts coming after you, great. Problem solved. If they don’t come after you, build a full meter and fight them with a huge advantage.
As for the actual ground fight, standard footsies should work just fine, besides the obvious: don’t do anything that can be parried on reaction (fireballs), stagger out your timing, avoid patterns.
As for the low/high parry mix up on P-Groove. ALWAYS go for it. It’s hugely in your favor. When you mix in late attacks and throws, the mix up is like 75% in your favor. Oh, and just a reminder, ALL standing jabs and shorts can be parried low. If you want a high mix up, you have to do standing med/hard attacks.
Fighting Blanka’s RC Electricity Part 3
For the last part of this mini-series, fighting Blanka’s RC elec in non-wakeup situations.
There are 3 main uses to Blanka’s RC elec:
As a meter builder
To cover up holes in Blanka’s offense/defense
As an attack after a dash/hop
The answer to 1) is pretty simple. If you have a fireball, just toss it out. Blanka loses his charge every time he does an elec so he can’t RC ball through it. If you don’t have a fireball, just close the distance on Blanka and he should stop. If he DOESN’T stop and keeps doing RC elec in your face, wait for the whiff and punish that hoe.
Most people have trouble punishing Blanka RC elec at first. The trick is to punish it a lot earlier than you think you have to. Instead of waiting for the “flash” to stop and hitting a button, hit your whiff punisher right when you se the actual flash start. Worst case scenario generally has your move hitting unintentionally meaty since Blanka still had some invul frames… which means you can buffer into super. Otherwise you hit him just right and can buffer into whatever super is applicable. It’s when you try to punish him too LATE that you get by another RC elec.
Option 2) for Blanka is annoying, but still easy to counter. When you see an obvious RC elec set up (most popular ones being after a blocked slide or whiffed jab ball), wait for the elec to whiff and just punish it like option 1).
Option 3) takes a bit of practice to get down. If Blanka does hop/RC hop into elec, there’s a TON of recovery time on the hop and you can punish it with whatever. If you want to be safe just throw it I guess. If Blanka has a dash it gets a little trickier. Look for his dash, and when he does either hit him out of the air (hard to do, better accomplished by just continually sticking out random moves) or throw him immediately when he lands. If the throw is timed perfectly, it counters ALL of Blanka’s mix ups after the dash: if Blanka does Dash into throw (which is kind of a stupid mix up anyway), you tech the throw. If Blanka does dash into attempted counter hit low short (into another short, jab, ball/super) you’ll throw him out of it since there’s 1~2 grounded recovery frames after his dash. This is assuming you timed your throw perfectly, of course.
Buk… Don’t limbs end up trading with Blanka’s Electricity, if they continue the mashing? Like you said you can punish the whiff if you hit your button at the start of the flash. This is assuming they don’t continue to mash through the electricity. But if they, don’t you often trade with the electricity? I know up close, you do unless you limb happens to hit at the perfect time.
sup buck. do you know anything about hibiki CC resets? what’s your opinion on them, are they efficient. i talked about this on aim but i guess people may want to know about this too.
hey buktooth, thanks for the information guile vs cammy. if by some chance you talk to ricky about the guile vs cammy matchup, i’d love to hear any more input. i have guile in my anti-K groove team (A-guile/sakura/R2 blanka), and i face a point cammy a lot. gotta love aojiru’s concept of A-guile as an awesome battery.
anyway, i’ve got a couple questions. theoretically, if blanka does RC electricity over a downed opponent PERFECTLY to the frame (rare obviously), how many frames of invulnerability does he have? like if he hops up to a downed opponent and starts the RC electricity on the first frame of its invulnerability right as they are getting up, how many more invulnerable frames are there? hopefully i’m being clear enough. i have the guidebook i just don’t really understand multi-hitting moves, not to mention adding RC’s into the equation.
you posted earler that the initial myth about RC’s was that the invulnerability was as long as the characters roll. since this isn’t true, what is? how long is a characters move invulnerable because of roll cancelling?
Not sure about P-Rolento, but I’m pretty confident with Hibiki against all other Rolentos. The ground fight is a losing one for Rolento, and running away generally doesn’t accomplish anything either. So, my suggestion would be to try to get in using low jump strong and jump in parries. If you’re in range, Rolento’s low jump strong is nearly impossible to anti-air on reaction (it’s also an instant overhead if you do it right away), and all of Hibiki’s ground anti-airs are huge parry-bait. If she’s jumping around trying to keep you out, j.jab her out of the air and walk right up to her before she lands. You’re in.
Once you’re in, work the throw/counter hit jab into combo mix up as much as you can. That’s one powerful thing that Rolento has that’s totally match up-independant.
Ricky and John are pretty far above everybody else in America at CvS2. They also have by far the best footsies in America. Add that shit up.
This is true, but certain moves will hit the elec clean if they continue to mash like Sagat low fierce and most good sweeps. If blanka is whiffing the RC elec right next to you so that you can’t stick anything out, just wait for him to stop and do a low short combo… it’s not that hard from that close. If he’s not gonna stop, take your free super/CC/dp/RC etc.
The best reset by far would be the difficult dodge-hop overhead thingie that I can’t do consistently. Once I figure it out I’ll post it up. For now, I do two point blank low fierces into fierce running slash, cancel into KKK dodge and hit TOWARDS on the stick and and kick to hop into the opponent, roundhouse overhead, yadayadyada. It’s kinda random for me… works about 50% of the time.
Her other resets would be:
Overhead jumping roundhouses. While her jumping roundhouse is an overhead on everybody, it needs to be a pretty tall character for her to be able to keep doing it and combo. I haven’t tested it extensively, but jumping 3-4 roundhouses works fine on Sagat and you can combo on the ground after.
Her kick throw. Braindead easy to combo off of, but I wouldn’t recommend using it as a reset since it takes so long. Do it if ur opponent is blocking instead.
Her DP+K overhead. Old school, hardly works anymore. Also rollable.
As for the avatar, yea I dunno who that kugler guy is but who WOULDN’T want to rip this?