Campbell's Tip Of The Day

Actually, now that you mention it… maybe my Maki game should be based a bit more on running away, that and the Rock tips I REALLY appreciate. this whole thread rocks :slight_smile:

Crossup setup for Maki I thought was nice and would like to share (hope you don’t mind):
FP throw -> walk till her back leg crosses her front -> jump mk to cross-up

A little Kyo tip wouldn’t hurt :slight_smile: especially if usable in C-groove.


If somebody were to ask me how American Sagats can improve, I would say they need to do more standing shorts. If you were to ask me what is the best overall normal move in the game, I would say Sagat’s standing short. If you were to ask me how to fight Sagat standing short, for the most part I wouldn’t be able to tell you anything meaningful.

The wonders of Sagat standing short:

Range? A little less than half-screen.
Speed? It’s a short. It’s really fast.
Priority? I haven’t seen anything beat it clean. It either wins (against 90% of moves) or trades.

How do you use it? Just throw it out randomly. It stops most any kind of offense your opponent tries. If they press something or move forward in any way, your s.short will most likely win. If it whiffs, NOBODY is fast enough to see the s.short whiff and punish it… especially at the half-screen range. If they roll through it or jump over it, you recover with plenty of time to punish. Yes, it can be RCed through, but at the range you’re likely to be using it (about half-screen) most RCs that have enough range to punish it are either unsafe if blocked, or can be punished heavily with an anticipated roll or jump straight up. While you’re not going to win on shorts alone (though you can buffer it into a low tiger super), it shuts down a LOT of your opponent’s options and pushes them back into Sagat’s optimal footsie range… all with hardly any risk involved.

OMG i was watching some old buktooth vs x clips man buk, how do you rc so accurately…?

Iam soooooooo happy Sagat’s standing short can’t build meter.

Oh… and what’s up with C groove Guile… Its like cats are holding out or something.:frowning: Are their any “top tier” Guile’s in the US. I have never seen any crazy guile’s. The only thing I have on Guile is… Far standing mp, and Lp RC sonic boom’s. I heard he’s a beast, and that’s about it…
Is the U.S. too lazy to learn him, or is it just my area?
In C groove all is see is… CBS,Bison,vega,and honda combinations in tournament play?!:confused:

C.hp is a good anti air better than C.hp fully extended is high in priority. is great too use both. has high priority too. U can also hold charge with that and Best way to play guile, find out yourself, you’ll do better with ur style than someone else’s.

hmmmmm, pretty sure john choi still plays C-guile. i think guile is pretty heavy on the west coast, but i’m not too sure. i remember danny leong playing him well at evo, ricky at midwest challenge, and roger williams plays him pretty well. but i don’t know if many people KNOW guile’s normals inside and out, but i think guile’s a relatively simple character to play and his gameplay is straightforward. he does have a bunch of difficult combos and links, but he can be extremely effective without them.

i dunno, guile has a tough match with cammy IMO. with her spiral arrows, she can sneak under RC booms and throw you. since she’s so short, backfist is kinda risky to use. so you’re basically just walking back and forth, doing crouching mk’s to poke and crouching mp’s to stop non-RC’ed spiral arrows. and both air games are kinda worthless. cammy can just cannon spike, and guile has crouching fierce, far standing mp, and RC boom/RC flashkick to cover himself. guile and cammy are very popular battery characters, so i get that matchup a lot, which sucks…

hey buk, what’s the advantage of RC fierce sonic boom over RC jab sonic boom? i haven’t learned short RC’s very well, and i’m wondering if there’s a huge advantage of jab over fierce RC booms.


Guile can also bk+forward (Sobat) over Cannon Drills, then hit Cammy in her recovery. Sorta useful.

I think Guile recovers faster after a jab SB, or at least faster relative to when it hits his opponent? Frame advantage is the single biggest reason I can think of for jab SB being better than fierce SB up close.
Though RC fierce SB seems to be more popular at 3/4 to fullscreen away or something from what I’ve seen.

Im Going To Japan Soon And I Dont Know What Location The Top Players Play At?

Can someone tell me where is the best spot to go to in Japan to play good players I think I heard BukTooth say it was some where in Shinjuku but Im not for sure, I also need to know how to get there from Narita Airport, my friend told me that shes 100% sure that when I get there Im gonna be lost so if anyone can help with direction I would appreciate it.

Some one told me that in Japan they hold tournaments every weekend almost, so what are my chances of seeing any good players when I get there?

I agree. Use guiles b+fwd kick to bait Cammy’s RC spiral arrows then punish her with c.strong xx super. I’ve seen this done in japanese videos but no one does this in the US.

I heard Guile’s close standing forward will beat any chunli jumpins, crossup or not. Is this true? Would it have priority against other character’s jumpins?

Guile has yet to catch on in America, West Coast or otherwise. There’s a a couple of really mediocre Guiles here and there, but Choi’s is the only one that I’ve personally seen to be any good.

According to Ricky, Guile is one of Cammy’s hardest matches. I’m not sure about specifics, but I notice he does lose the match a lot. I see Cammy eating lots of s.roundhouses (probably when she’s looking for RC sonic booms to drill under), getting completely shut down out of the air, and in general just getting outmatched on the ground. Only little trick I know is that Guile can bait Cammy to do a drill and make it whiff completely with a b+forward sobat, then punish it with a low strong into super… which makes Cammy drills a high risk, low reward move.

Different sonic booms all have the same amount of recovery time/guard stun. However, jab sonic booms are an active threat for longer and reach your opponent later, meaning Guile recovers faster in relation to the opponent. I would recommend spending some more time learning RC jab sonic boom as it really makes Guile’s game that much better.

To answer all your questions:

  1. The best time to go to arcades in Japan is just like America: Fridays and Saturdays for the most part, or whenever they have the Japanese equivalent of a token special. However, Japanese arcades never use tokens, they just use normal 50-100 yen coins. So normally arcade specials are something like an hour of freeplay for a certain game (Carrot in Sugamo does this for ST I believe), or altered settings like 3 out of 5 rounds or something like that.

  2. All Amusement Forum MORE is the best place in Japan to go for CvS2 comp. Most of the major names in Tokyo play there. It’s in Shinjuku out the East exit (I think? Might be West exit… I kinda forgot). Out the exit, if you see a whole mess of huge movie posters along the left wall you’re in the right place. Follow the sidewalk along your left till you hit the intersection, go straight across the street, keep going and More is on your left hand side about a block away. The 4th floor is where the 50 yen fighting games are, and that’s where you’ll find all the comp.

  3. From Narita airport you take a train to Tokyo station (about 40 mins) then make a transfer to the Yamanote line (the mint green colored trains) to Shinjuku (about 30 mins from Tokyo station).

  4. Shinjuku West Sportsland holds alternating tournaments for pretty much every major tourney game (in Japan, so this includes Gundam and Virtua On and stuff) every week. CvS2 tourneys are held once a month there, and almost every major player usually makes it out to these. The next CvS2 tourney should be either this weekend or next. Another popular CvS2 tourney spot is… I always forget the name of the arcade and where it is, but it’s near Maihama (where Tokyo Disneyland/sea is, about 35 mins from Shinjuku) and they hold tourneys every week there. Ask some players at More. They’ll know what you’re talking about.


Hey Thanks Alot Buk This Is Some Helpful Information!

I think the train your talking about from Narita is called the Skyliner right?, hopefully everything will go ok when I get there. Now I get to see up close why the Japanese are so good, but Im confident that i’ll do good, and i’ll give it my all. I dont really see K-groove Kyo’s or Ryu’s anymore, when I get there I hope I see alot of diverse characters played, and different grooves, not just CBS all day. Thanks Again Buk!!

Skyliner is the cheapest way out of Narita for its speed. If you’re a baller (or in a rush) you can take Narita Express, but it’s not really worth it. Skyliner ends up in either Ueno or Nippori (if it’s the one that ends in Ueno, you can still GET OFF at Nippori, but if you fall asleep you’ll end up a couple of stops away, at Ueno). Anyway, from there you just take JR Yamanote Line to Shinjuku (you don’t have to worry if you get on in the wrong direction… Yamanote Line runs in a loop, so you’ll get there eventually).

Narita Express usually ends in Tokyo - the ones that end in Shinjuku are few and far between, so it’s not worth it to wait. When you get to Tokyo Station, just take the Chuo Line to Shinjuku. It’s like 4 stops, I think… Tokyo is the beginning of the line, so you won’t go in the wrong direction. Chuo Line is at the very top of Tokyo station, so just keep looking for more escalators up.

In Shinjuku Station, you want to take one of the East exits. I suggest you look for the Kabukicho exit, as Kabukicho is on the other side of More. When you head up the stairs, look for the movie posters Buk was talking about, but also the huge television screen that Studio Alta is famous for. To the left of that screen is a cobblestone-like street. More is a little ways down, on the left side, right next to a McDonald’s. If you get to the main street, you’ve gone too far (although you shouldn’t miss it).

More should be your one stop shop for 2D. They don’t have Marvel though - I think the only Marvel machine in Shinjuku is at Nishispo (West Sportsland). The easiest way to Nishispo is to take the SOUTH exit out of Shinjuku Station (NOT the West exit, as you’ll run into a ton of taxis and it’s hard to get across, and NOT the NEW South Exit, as you’ll end up across the street). When you get out, head down the hill to the right if you’re facing the street (Takashima Times Square is across that street). You’ll get to the street corner - cross that and head behind those buildings (the easiest way to explain it is if you were looking at yourself from the bird’s-eye view, and you were controlling yourself with a joystick, go to up-right :lol: ). That area is known for its electronics. The main Sakuraya and Yodobashi camera stores are around there, and Nishispo is right next to one of the Yodobashi camera buildings I think. I never notice where I turn… I just know it by heart. Personally, I look for the McDonald’s as soon as I get behind the first building off the main street (McDonald’s is on the right), then go past it a bit, and make a left at one of those side walkways (actually, streets, but you’ll rarely see cars come through). Nishispo is on the right side. You want to go to the BASEMENT for the fighting games. When the US team went there for the first US vs. Japan tourney, they went there without me and went upstairs - they said the arcade was shitty. When I showed them the basement, it was one of the best arcades in Tokyo. The only drawback is that Sportsland arcades are 100 yen, as opposed to More’s 50 yen price. But if you want to play Marvel, that’s the place to go, IIRC.

I’ll be in Japan next week, btw. I don’t do much gaming when I’m there, but if you get stuck, I might be able to help you (if I’m playing hoop at the time, which is usually the case if it’s nice weather, I won’t pick up, but you can try… Email me for the #)

Hey Thanks Alot Buk This Is Some Helpful Information!

You think Bmore-chun’s CBS is annoying… wait till you play Ino’s:lol: I hope Burningfist lets you borrow his Video camera so you can bring back some vids. Dam dog… Your gonna learn sooooo much.
Speaking of vids… you gotta see the Evo trailer. I think Ohnuki’s Akuma… dizzey B-more’s cammy in like 10 seconds. Iam gonna talk to him about it at the next gathering.:smiley:
Sorry I cant make it to the club on sunday. I got work at 9am:(

Arigatou Gozaimasu!! Gunther!

Yeah my manager at work said the same thing about how Skyliner is kinda cheap, but one of my co-workers said it would be best to catch the bus to Shinjuku I dont know why, I guess because she thinks that the trains are too packed and when I arrive to Narita its gonna be Rush Hour and she said it gets so busy people have to be pushed on the train, man PUSHED INSIDE THE TRAIN uh-oh, so I think half of the time on the train i’ll be standing so hopefully I wont fall asleep. On Sunday my managers husband is gonna show me how busy Tokyo is and where to get a cheap hotel, since they just got back from Tokyo, but its funny because he said that the cheap hotel rooms are gonna be SUPER SMALL and they separate the men and women and you have to take a bath with every body else in the hotel :rolleyes:, so how often do you go to Japan Gunther, maybe you bust my ass in some ball sometime:lol: Thanks Alot Gunther!

Re: Hey Thanks Alot Buk This Is Some Helpful Information!

Its cool man Ayumi’s husband didnt like the idea any way, plus Im gonna be busy doing alot of research with Akiko, as for Ino I hope I get to play him, but I really wanna play agaisnt Makoto’s P.Kyo, hopefully ill be able to make it to the tournment on the weekend there.

I Finally Got The Ticket!!! I’ll give out the number for the ticket company.

Well I got the ticket now so theres no turning back, but the ticket was a really good price only $599.71 for 30days but im only staying for a week and a day the travel company is called IACE Travel and heres the number# 202-223-9400, and I think they still have the special for $510 plus tax (round trip) I appreciate Buktooth and Gunters help on directions, and if its anymore information anyone can spare that will be great.

PS- Its funny how my manager was like “Joe San be sure to have alot of condoms when you go to Japan” :lol:

500 round trip not bad, how much is it to stay there tho? like here there’s some cheap $40 rooms i don’t know about japan tho.