Campbell's Tip Of The Day

don’t worry about tiers or what people on these threads say… just know which characters are good and which ones aren’t. Most of the characters in cvs2 can compete at a high level or at least hang with the better characters. If you really just want to be a cheap ass for tournaments and use good characters… then use c or k groove blanka/cammy/sagat… c chun/rolento/guile, a sakura/blanka/bison/vega/rolento/hibiki… n-iori/hibiki/chun/morrigan… k- kyo

take some of those characters… mix and match… and that should be the easiest way to win in the game… It’s not going to get you wins without a shitload of effort and knowhow… but those are the best characters if you really care that much, a lot of other characters are tourney-worthy but you gotta put more time into them

Crouching fierce stuffs Rugal dive punch thingie. :slight_smile:

Buck… do you know of any crazy setups with RC 360/ like with Honda, Zangief, Raiden,or Rock? ahh la Todo 50/50 stuff? I know their not that popular, But did you seen any cool setup like in Japan or something…:o

No D

Do RC grabs on wake up to cut through Blanka’s RC pikachu stunt.

Hrm. I have some old Rock tricks that I guess I can recycle next time I update. Until then…


For the last tip of 2003, a lot of people don’t realize that mash moves (Blanka elec, Honda hands, Chun Li legs, etc) make the character lose their charge as well. If Blanka is sitting there building meter with RC elec, all you have to do is throw a jab fireball to disrupt it. You can even throw a ground fireball like Iori’s safely… since Blanka just lost his charge he won’t be able to do anything about it.

This can be applied a few different ways to exploit the hole in your opponent’s defense: if you jump over Honda RC hands, even if you can’t punish him in time you don’t run the risk of getting headbutted. If Chun Li does RC legs after a blocked SBK, she cannot charge in time to do close fierce into another SBK, so anything else she does to buffer into SBK (probably low jab, low strong) will leave a big enough gap for you to DP/Super.

Many players that use a character who can do a RC mash move will try to cover all of their holes with said move. Take advantage of the situation to get free jump ins, fireballs, or whatever.

I will go as far as to say that MOST characters in this game are usable in serious tournament play. A few characters haven’t proved themselves yet (Kyosuke, Dan, King, Ryo), but almost every other character has been used with good results. Groove bonuses like RCs, JDs, parries, level 2 cancels and customs will usually bring out at least ONE dominant point in a character.

Also, the top 3 or 4 in CvS2 isn’t as clearly defined as it is in other games like MvC2 and 3S… it’s more like a top 8. Many will tell you it’s: 1) (tie) A-Sak and C-Sagat, 2) (tie) A-Bison and C-Chun. Bas will tell you its: 1) C-Sagat 2) A-Blanka 3) C-Guile. Ino thinks P-Cammy is #3. Many think P-Kyo is top tier. America (since we’re way behind for the most part) will tell you it’s Sagat, Blanka and Cammy in any groove.

Other than they are just better than us, what is the main difference between Us an Japan? You told me on Aim that japan plays to win and the usa plays not to lose and that japan takes calculated risks. So other than those, what are the main differences?

They play 20 hours a day against 3 zillion different people!

They care. They as a whole are all about improvement. They have generally better dexterity, gained mostly by doing things to increase their amount of inputs, and double qcf etc.motions as opposed to single motions of the most widely played game here. They have more of a scene. They practice more then we generally do. More, better arcades. They think about the game as a whole more then we generally do. Japan is more compact than the U.S. allowing for greater player interaction. And other stuff.

Biggest reason why they are better than us in my opinion is because they have so many more people to play competitively against on a daily basis. Where as here in the US most people only have a small clique of friends, and only get to play new/better people if they travel far away to tournaments, which does not happen often. Playing players better than yourself forces you to learn and adapt to beat them. If you only get to play 4-5 different ppl every week you can never get any better, especially so if you are the best one out of the few.


Happy New Year foos.

Recycled Rock strats! What many people still don’t realize about Rock is that his Rage Run Shift move (the “run behind you” move) is fully invincible for 12 frames once Rock starts to do that blur thing. If Rock is right next to his opponent he goes into the blur right away, meaning the move is fully invincible on the first frame.

What this means is that any set up that would work for a counter/dp/super would work for a run-shift also… provided Rock is close enough to the opponent. The most generic ones would have to be:

  • knock opponent down, fierce elbow to cover tech rolls. If opponent doesn’t tech roll, Rock appears to be open. Run-shift through whatever move they do to punish you and grab em.

  • After making a cornered opponent block a double reppuken, run-shift. The double reppuken isn’t even safe normally, but this set up still works a lot more than it should.

  • After an overhead low jump roundhouse, land and run-shift. NOTE: Rock’s overhead low jump roundhouse works on characters that are Terry/Dhalsim’s height or taller. See my systems guide for more details.

Opponents who know a run-shift is coming can counter it by just waiting a bit longer before hitting a button. You can counter THIS by just doing a 360 grab without the run-shift.

Just curious…

What would be the outcome of two raging demons performed simutaneously against each other?

probably depends on who does it second, they might win, but you could always go into training mode and record and find out.

this thread is dope…best thread in a long ass time…

something i stumbled about with —KYO— im not sure how effective this is cause i havent tried it and did it on accident…

kyos df+rh is 2 hits…what i did is after i knocked down opponent…is timed my df+rh to where my 2nd hit acts as a meaty, now from this point im not sure how far it places kyo after that move is blocked or how far if the move hits, but it looks like ( i was only able to do it 2 times, and i dont have dc to test it out) kyo is close enough to connect, possibly combo something, like a, it not combo then it deffinately looks close enough to at least hit with something, preferabley something that cancels into rekkas…its interesting, dont know how effective it is yet, seems like a good option for some gaurd break strings…maybe one of yall can mess around with this if kyo interests you or if you have time to see whats up…

im outi


The 2nd hit of Kyo’s df+rh has 4 active frames. The move leaves Kyo at +0. If you do the math, then the meatiest df+rh possible will give you only +3… which isn’t enough to link anything off of. Besides, close strong and low strong should be more than enough for all you meaty move needs.


While a lot of people have really fancy Akuma Raging Demon set ups, in my opinion the best one by far is simply doing it after a close short.

Mix-up 1: close short, Raging Demon
Mix-up 2: close short, low short x2 into whatever

The set up is still fast enough to catch somebody off guard, but the important part is mix-up 2 gives you enough time to confirm the hits before wasting a super… while still remaining a totally 50/50 mix up. Most other Akuma Raging Demon set ups either don’t have a useful mix up (kara cancel overhead into Raging Demon, dash into Raging Demon) or are pretty risky and will often waste meter if you guess wrong (dive kick into Raging Demon/super fireball mix up).

coo coo, thanks yo…

anyway here is another tip with —GEESE— im sure as you all know by now geese’s F+fp is cancelable…so you can cancel it into anything…i have found this move particularly usefull against blanka…when blanka has super and you know him down, do f+fp as a meaty to bait his super ball, when he does super if freezes the screen a little giving you time to see it and cancel your f+Fp into high counter countering his ball…bam there goes his super…it has worked many times…

im outi


good stuff… now i’m going to start picking rock and whoring that move like a… whore?

oh yeah… out of curiosity after a blocked standing short can rock do the 50/50 mixup of rc 360 or low short?

oh yeah, ALSO, why are you so good with hibiki?

Yea, Rock’s close short into RC grab or low short is totally 50/50. BUT, Rock’s whiffed grab has a ton of recovery… so if you guess wrong and your opponent jumps out of the grab you’re gonna die.

Hibiki? The secret is super jump roundhouse. LOTS AND LOTS of super jump roundhouse.


Shotos have some of the best runaway abilities in the game, about on par with the likes of Mai and Maki. Still not quite at Rolento’s level though.

Super jump forward and do an air hurricane kick right away. Not like tigerknee right away, but still pretty fast. If done right, the shoto should go really high and travel a little more than a full screen and half worth of distance. This is really hard for most characters to stop on reaction, and is still hard for a lot of characters to stop even if they know it’s coming. Most air to airs will get beat cleanly by the shoto air hurricane kick (only exception I can think of off the top of my head being Blanka jump straight up fierce), and the shotos will usually never get close enough for you to DP/super them. I’m sure Sagat can high tiger super them in the back, but he probably has to be really looking for it.

Anyway, the benefits of being a strong runaway character are obvious: you can run out S/N/K groove maxed bars, build meter, get out of the corner, run out the clock, etc.

Yep I love doing that when I have a lead. I just think of it as one motion basically, like d, uf, then roll the stick through f,df,d,db,b in one quick motion. Hope that helps someone out there

50/50 mix up. Most other Akuma Raging Demon set ups either don’t have a useful mix up (kara cancel overhead into Raging Demon, dash into Raging Demon) or are pretty risky and will often waste meter if you guess wrong (dive kick into Raging Demon/super fireball mix up). **

Hey Buk have you seen any good

C-groove Benimaru’s in Japan lately and if so what kind of setups do you notice thats most effect with him? I also may go to Japan next month so what is the best day to go to the arcade when everyone is there?