Campbell's Tip Of The Day

as far as i know that doesn’t work either. i don’t believe moving the stick helps the super. it counts as inputs but not the mashing part. all mashable supers specify certain buttons to press. Not exactly sure but for cammy and kens i believes its K. And for blankas i’m not sure.

I’ve never seen a good Ryo player, sorry. A guy did qualify for SBO last year using Ryo/King though.

Umm, no. Ask somebody else with a book that’s willing to put in the work.

No idea. I generally write SF related stuff whenever I have some free time, and now most of my writing time is going towards this thread.

I just put this in my newest update of my systems guide, but each directional input counts as 2 button presses. So spin 360s on the stick and tap on one kick button and you should get max hits… or at least pretty close to it.


Since my anti-air tips seems to spark the most relevant discussion, here’s a nice Valentine’s Day tip for everybody.

Like against Sagat, Blanka has a lot of trouble stopping C-Chun Li from jumping in without using meter; Jump up fierces get either or air blocked or cleanly beat by Chun’s short, slides don’t work, back hops get you into more trouble. However, at about the 45 degree angle, Blanka can cleanly beat or trade with all of Chun’s jump ins with an early standing roundhouse. Not something to base your game off of, but it works really well in certain situations.

So when your valentine tries to jump on you tonight, be sure to roundhouse her in the face. Or something.


who would have thought all u have to do is spin the joystick …and hit one button :lol:

just hop forward with blanka when chun jumps=the ownage:lol:

im outi


buktooth: have you noticed any characters that are on the up and coming in the US… or at least in Northern California?? A lot of SBO qualifiers have started using Kyo.

As most of you could probably tell already from my last few updates, I’ve lost most interest in continuing this thread. I’m actually surprised that I kept updating the thread as long as I have. I also haven’t been playing/practicing hardly at all lately, and I have some FAQs to write so I’ll be retiring this thread indefinitely. It had a good run, and it was nice to have some actual relevant CvS2 discussion for once. I still have some good tips to put up, but they’ll have to wait for whenever I feel like running a daily thread again. If you people would like to keep the thread alive until then, I can make this a personal Q&A forum for everybody where I’ll get to everybody’s questions eventually.


From the SVGL videos it seems like Iori is by far and away your best char, I could be wrong about this. Also Ohayo’s Rolento is dope. And Gunter’s Sakura made a hell of a comeback.

nice thread to bad it died.

I doesn’t have to die if we keep posting in it with useful information. I know that I can’t post good tips since im just a scrub but I hope that other top players besides campbell come in and contribute.


err well no 1 has as much knowledge as buck… =[

cool ken trick i saw in a daigo vid was

lklk lvl 2 cancel into roll mp upercut. walk forward a bit roll “crosses up” lklk level 1, walk forward command lp roll “doesnt cross up” lk lk lk funky kick.

it looks like a 50/50 mix up. tested it out at arcade other day worked pretty well.

damn campbell… thats a gem

Jeff1: Do you have MSN or something so you can send me that Daigo video? :cool:

i would like to see that daigo clip as well… :slight_smile:

Nice strats jeff:cool: . What event was it from, evo? I’m going to try it out laterz.

Damn I wish I had a server so I could post that vid if i could find it


okay, i’ll try and post up my random tips. although i’m obviously no buktooth, this thread is just too good to let it die…


Eagle’s qcf+mp counter is a very under-utilized move. It absorbs certain attacks such as Blanka’s RC electricity, Honda’s RC hands or Headbutts, Sakura’s RC fireball or hurricane kick, and many others while building Eagle TONS of meter. Just input the command, absorb a few hits or whatever it may be, then let go of mp and smack them in the face.

Now here’s the trick. If Sakura ever gets over-zealous with her RC hurricane kicks and you’re playing A-Eagle, activate, qcf+mp, absorb the hits until Sakura reaches the ground, then smack her in the face and continue your ground CC. You can’t be RIGHT next to Sakura when she starts the RC hurricane kick, but it’s not too hard to spot.

I was gonna save that trick for an Eagle video I was going to make awhile back, but I’m too lazy:D



Ok this is pretty late but it has to do with Buk’s comment about RC electricity and how to counter it. He said you can either dp or throw it. I know about the throw, but I’ve never played someone who does it early enough so that I can dp it. Most of the time they time it so it hits right on wakeup, and that shit is powerful. About half the time it beats my lvl 3 supers clean (even shaft breaker and Ryu’s hk) , even if they’re done at the same time. Their electricity comes out, my super flashes right after, and I get hit. And you CAN’T train yourself to know if you’ll be able to throw it any more than you can see ambiguous crossups, it’s just not practical. So, basically, from my experience those counters aren’t as great as he made them seem. DON’T try to dp rc electricity

ya i experimented with them a bit, but they are pretty impractical.

If it is being RC’d and timed so it hits RIGHT when you wake up, you can throw it. IF they do it early, so that it is essentially no longer an RC (and apparently no one around you does, but ppl WILL do that just to mess you up), you can DP it. Since no one around you messes with the timing of it, just throw it every time.

I know that, but the timing is fairly strict and it’s hard to tell if it’s still invincible or not. It just doesn’t seem worth the risk to try to dp it. Unless they’re sitting right over you for a few seconds and you know it ran out, but how often does that happen? People intentionally time it so it’s confusing.