Campbell's Tip Of The Day

If you play c, p, or s groove just delay your get up and get the free dp. If you’re playin k, n, or a and you’re not in the corner safe fall or whatever its called. It’s pretty simple

i wouldnt safe fall if i were you… when im blanka and i fierce grab them after i let them go i always do a mp ball to cross up and chip away or whatever… theyll get hit if they safe fall? thinks of c.roundhouse of bison

If u safe fall they just have more time to react with the rc. if u safe recover against blanka in most situations u get hit by a ball instead of chipped electricity…Nothing is that simple. That is a reason why blanka is top tier. Not much to do about his stuff on a good player. Got to have high reactions and know when to throw, dp, super or just block to stay on the safe side. Most good players don’t wake up super anyway… cuz 9/10 on a good player your getting rid of a good level 3 or 2 super.

I’m outi Billy!

kyos tips

A few kyo tips here and there.

If Kyo gets a roundhouse kick throw he can either do a short dp+lk and land on the other side for mix or even better…A short RED kick (b-dp+lk) to land on the left or A medium RED Kick to land on the opposite side. From there its a 50-50 mix up.

After Rekkas, a sweep, dp, upkicks (if not comboed afterword) always do (hcb+k)to get close to them for a mix up or to catch a safe recover.

If ur having trouble with sagats and blankas or cammys or whoever jumping in…expect a trade with his lp dp. If his dp trades its a free wave super. In C groove a Huge C cancel and if ur in the corner close to a 10 K combo or dizzy. In N groove or any other a free super. If u time the dp in the middle it will either trade or beat the jump in clean…very rarely will it get beat 100 percent unless u miss time it. (*exception on a chunli jump lk, use a fierce dp for the trade) kick beats the dp about 80 percent of the time. if u hit the dp early as well u can activate custom or level 3 super without a trade. Although a trade is alot better.

Kyos dp cannot be airblocked so don’t be afraid to throw it out. Its underused by most players. If u don’t want to take this risk a simple anti-air or rced grab will work too.

and my last tip of the day is STAND ROUNDHOUSE. If u are a kyo player this move is a must. His best normal in my opinion. This move keeps opponents out of the air and is high in priority. It can only be crouched by a few characters i believe. Most notable i can think of is iori. have any questions post them here.

PS if anyone has a good link or can make me a good kyo avitar send please :slight_smile:

P and K have it good against the whole Blanka mix up, but mainly P. Delay your get up, and you’ll be able to tell which side Blanka will be on. Parry on wake up and retaliate with a move with invincibility if you can. You can also throw after the parry. Personally, I parry it into Hibiki’s black out super. I have a video of me doing it, but I can’t put it up till the first.

Isn’t it funny how everyone wants to put up movies of them being good/cool? I’m the same way…except… I got this matchvid of me sucking on GFB. REALLY sucking!

Are there more moves that give you free super after a trade?

When some Blanka player does mp ball after a punch throw and goes for elec-chip… do ppl RC it? Does the RC prevent it being reversal DP’d? I dont’ play any top tier at the moment, so this may seem like a silly question.

I’ll ignore your first comment.

As for your trading question, which character are you asking in particular? It can vary. Chun can do puff super or activate after trading her cr rh (not to sure on the super actually) … Iori can activate after his.

Buktooth addressed your second question earlier, its in this thread.

Here’s the vid : I’m almost out of bandwidth, so if you want to see replays of the vid please hit “play again” instead of hitting refresh. I had been knocked down by Blanka’s throw at the beginning.

By mentioning it…

Kyo stuff!

Usually after Kyo’s rdp+mk after his throw, they can just wake-up throw. It’s good to qcf+lk,k after a set of rekkas to cross-up, from there pressure or throw, if the safe fall they get hit and thats a free super. Also note that some characters like hit Kyo like Hoah can, Sagat can s.fp, Yama can s.rh a blocked mp rekka, I believe Iori can sweep. So when doing a blocked combo use the jab version, I’d go for a throw though. Also from experienced Sagat, Vega, Blanka will usually beat Kyo’s jab/medium dp unless done very very deep, they have next to no invin… Best to use mp dp if you go for the trade cause the jad dp does shit for damage(and mp doesn’t do more damage on counter hit than fp). The best anti-air vesus Sagat (and Chun) is s.fp anyway. If someone can crouch Kyo’s rh, just use Kyo’s c.rh, it’s IMO one of the best sweeps in the game speed, priority, and recoverywise.

Kyo’s j hp has high priority against many AA. small jump hp w/out pressing down is good for preassure. is a great poke, often overlooked, it also is superable.

I’ve been trying out c. mk into his flame super, but I can’t get the timing down reliably. Does he have to be somewhat close? I do it from max range. I also remember seeing something that it has to be counter hit.

wait, flame super as in the cloud motion or the super haduken motion? i don’t think you can connect cloud motion super off of can you do chunner into super??? the timing is the same.

Another Kyo tip:

Can’t do link into i find it much easier to do into S.MP. People Kyo size and taller can get hit by the while crouching.


No ur wrong the jab Dp will almost always trade has awesome priority strong is his worse dp. And if ur expecting the trade u can super after the trade with a super. All traded dps of kyos do the same damage about 1000. u want to expect a trade from them if not the fierce dp is always the way to go. His fierce dp will beat almost any jump attack in the range of his crouch fierce meaning unless there in K or P thats the way to go. Just do it deep. stand fierce is perfect small jump anti air. In conclusion, JAB DP for a trade-super/activation…fierce dp for anti-air. jump straight up roundhouse works too.

Cloud motion. I’ve seen it combo before … and yeah, I can do Chun’s c mp into super, thats easy.

I do like using his st MP instead of crouching, but there’s a lot of people that can duck it … and a lot of people duck when they block.

no try short short short light qcf k/k into flame level 2 or 3 or crouch fierce into super.

st. rh into flame super =\

edit - the far st rh

I can do all of the above … I was just hoping that he would have it guaranteed because his cr mk has a lot of range. Also comes out quicker than his st RH (i think). I suppose st RH into his super would be a better punisher.

all u need with kyo is, c.fierce xxx rekkas

Kyo has the best mixups in the game and you’re going to make it so they only have to worry about ONE thing?

I was just messing around.:smiley: