Campbell's Tip Of The Day

Blanka vs. Sagat

Sagat jump in HK from far range beats Blanka’s d.HP every time. Whenever I’m playing as Blanka, the way Sagat has invincibility at the tip of his foot can really get on my nerves. When I’m playing Sagat myself, I don’t bother jumping in anywhere from midrange or less. At that range, Blanka d.HP and jump up HP eat up every jump in I try to do anyway.

If anybody’s looking for a perfect d.HP anti-air against Sagat, start playing Bison instead. I haven’t found a range yet where Bison d.HP won’t beat every jump in Sagat has.

Yup, Bison knock Sagat out of the air every time, even his low jump:cool:

block, dash back/forward, jab (timing)

Yeah, I get annoyed with Sagat’s J.HK too. With Blanka, if Sagat tries to do that up close, I DF.HP slide that shit. It seems to nail him everytime if timed correctly.

I’ll fuck him up with c-sak just for you gunter :wink:

oh and on a side note… i’m in the computer lab on campus, and the girl across from me has to be the finest woman i have ever seen… fuckin perfect face hair body… whoo

also mixed up with rollgrab/roll upercut


The slide is good with blanka only if sagat attacks if sagat empty jumps u can’t tripguard him and ur gonna take a huge combo up blankas hairy ass so make sure u see him attack b4 throwing that shit out.

I think everybody needs to experiment with Blanka’s low fierce as anti-air against Sagat more. It works at pretty much all ranges against all of Sagat’s jump ins except for MAX ranged jumping roundhouse. The range Sagat is most likely to be jumping in from (about s.short range) is easily covered by Blanka’s low fierce. If Sagat is jumping in from about 3/4ths distance away to get his max ranged jumping roundhouse, it’s a simple matter to walk up a little bit and low fierce. If you don’t want to risk that, it’s even easier to just walk back a little bit and make his roundhouse whiff, then make him block a s.strong or low fierce when he lands.


For people that have trouble doing Sagat’s low short, low short, uppercut combo consistently on shorter characters, try this out:

low short, low short, link the uppercut. It’s a pretty easy link, and should help out all you people who have trouble doing uppercuts from a crouch.

^This works incredibly well on Roll super ppl, fucks them up completely.

Just a quick question:
Is there anything about Ryo? I don’t hear anything about him at all lately…
I just started to play him, but info on him is pretty scarce…

Sorry to be a jerk, Buk. Please tell me the upper, low or full invincibility on these dp’s/charge moves please. I only wrote em out so you could copy, paste and just insert the answer. Thx! And perhaps if you could be so kind as to add in frames of invincibility too!

Ken’s dp
Kyo’s dp
Iori’s dp
Beni’s lightning kick
Akuma’s dp
Rock’s rising tackle


easy scrub shit that I didn’t know…SHAME ON ME.:lame:
Thanx moose.


lol… pretty presumptuous of you, don’t you think?

Oops, forgot to post this here also:

**CvS2 Systems Guide v1.7, SvC Chun v1.0 and Frame Data Trainer online **

My latest projects are up on GameFAQs now. They’ve actually been done for quite some time, but I just kinda sat on them till now. Anyway, the link to all my guides on gameFAQs is here:

Anyway, my next projects in order are:

N-Morrigan v1.0 (finally)
Hibiki v1.0
N-Iori v2.0

…all that will take a while. Eventually I’m probably gonna have to retire my CvS2 thread to work on those.

Can you guess a final date or month for the hibiki v1.0 ???

WHAT WHAT nigga KCXJ ???.. you think you are better than me…AND YOU THINK YOU ARE OLDER THAN ME ??? Funny shit check my profile and you’ll understand.:rolleyes:

PS: I made that quote up hahahaha.

o yeah, RYU’s Hurricane super does wonders against the roll.

shout super blanka

Buk i love doing sweep into shout super especially in the corner for level 2 anyway to get good damage out of it mashing w/o cancelling into electricity early. cuz i can only mash 1 kick butoon w/o jungle hop or electricity come out :(. But i can do a level 2 cancel so i guess its ok damage…anyway to get full damage on it tho

shout super blanka

I am not 100% sure, but does spinning the joystick in cirlces or back and forth register as mashing?

Yes. The angles on the joystick count as inputs. Or somethin…