of course i said its just IMO, maybe i know that match up too well BUT, i will try to respond to gunters post.
“Of course there is. Traps have, BY DEFINITION, holes. Otherwise, they’d be a block infinite. That doesn’t make them bad. If you have to use alpha counter or alpha roll, then it’s just as good - you no longer have one full meter. That’s a mini-victory in and of itself.”
yes there are holes, but if i have the option to roll i have more options to get out of the trap than k groove and pgroove, if i alpha counter it nocks you down and puts me in a better situation you have to deal with my wake up games, if i alpha roll your eating super or a bnb or its putting you in the corner or both since her moves take a while to recover since they do multiple hits, and c groove is not worried about have a level 3 as opposed to a level 2, on top of that sak now has to worry about my RCs
“When it is all-purpose, it qualifies for everything. It’s actually better because you don’t have to worry about which one to use. You use the one that works almost 100% of the time.”
IMO its actually better when you have multiple pokes to choose from that work high and low and different distances, perhaps its a preference…
“But they don’t set up as many mixups as hers does. Most c.short BnBs don’t even knockdown… and if they do, they don’t position the combo’er for an ambiguous crossup. And if they do, it’s only one KIND of crossup. Sakura has 3 different kinds of crossups to use.”
actually i was just thinking of ioris, kyos, and sagats bnbs all which puts them at the advantage maybe not as much as sak but its definately there, i fear wake up from the 3 i just listed then i do from sak…
“Untrue. To my knowledge, the only national tournament to date that enforced one team throughout (and thereby provides accurate data) was SBO. There were 6 A-Saks and 3 C-Saks. That’s 9 total, and only about 66.7% were A-Groove. She needs roll because of her AC, and at the time, N was losing popularity. That leaves A and C, and A is her better groove… but not by much. Her role changes in C (more of a battery than a user), but without meter, she is still a good character.”
i was referring to evo, i didnt see any sak used outside of a groove, except maybe 1 or 2 c groove saks…and a groove is her better groove my a lot IMO…
“Basically what I’m saying is that you are wrong. DEAD wrong.”
ok maybe i should have refrased it, she is not NEARLY as effective in anyother groove other than a…
“I won’t be going to Evolution anyway… but I’m sure I can find some people who would be willing to take you up on your offer to play for money.”
the challenge was mainly aimed at kcxj but whatever…
“That is the reason it is being RC’d. If you just want to use it to pressure (and thereby be bait for an alpha counter), you don’t need to RC it. As with all moves you need to use it intelligently. You don’t do it all day long so that they know when to roll/AC it.”
the only reason hurricane kick is effective is because it is RC, if someone didnt rc and tried to use it as pressure against me he would eat super or dp 80% of the time…
im outi