what was 3/60 referring to? it’s impossible to super from neutral i think. But in most situations you already have the motion done and are just looking for a button tap to confirm it.
60 frames in a second.
is it practical to practice counter super against lk scisors?
Like he said, usually you perform the motion during blockstun.
So it only matters if your super’s startup before the super flash, and how fast it connects after the flash, will fit in the -3 disadvantage.
i learned this shiz when i went to southern hills golfland when it still existed playing Valle.
its actually mentioned in this thread but it was used as character specific. ducking a cross up, buk mentioned you can duck cammys cross up with vega.
BUT you can duck a lot of characters cross up to make it wiff. what happened when i was playing valle was he was kyo and i was ken and i went for a cross up and VERY last second he ducked making my cross up wiff and threw me. you have to know your characters hit box and your opponents cross up. like with sagat you are not going to be ducking too many cross ups hahaha. smaller characters can definatly take advantage of this and medium characters can too but they need to know the situation a little better.
the key to ducking cross ups successfully is timing you want to do the very last moment before the cross up makes contact with your hit box. also what helps is walking forward into their cross up a little then ducking. for example ken do c.lp, c.lp then goes for cross up, what you would try to do is walk like 1 step forward then duck last second. on your wake up i dont recommend trying it.
anyway ya you can utilize this with a lot of characters and its just not character specific. you just really have to know the match up and your character well.
im outi
Ya i got that trick from playing gill in 3rd strike he would be standing against a normal jump in and at the last second duck.It seemed like a good idea to me,but if you play good players they do cros ups eally deep so you can combo afterwards so…
but it might be useful to get your opponent comfortable hiting you high and then out of nowhere duck one.I dont know it might work??
If you wanna make the crouching under cross-ups more effective just don’t block. This is actually an old school technique.
Put any sf game on training to block. See? Easy as pie to cross-up. Now put it on no block. See? Totally different, isn’t it? Much harder to cross-up opponents that aren’t blocking(unless you set him up in the corner). That goes for standing or crouching.
Late anti-airs make use of this too. Prolly because things come out faster avoiding any block animation? Dunno. Don’t care. I don’t like getting too technical. Takes away from the “natural” feel for me. Just know that it works or maybe Buk can explain it technically.
If you’re playing hsf2t:ae you’ll notice that you can’t even avoid many ticks, front and cross-up, if you block but will get a clear reversal if you don’t block the tick. Talkin’ jumping tick here, heheh.
Anyway, blocking can f*ck u up:P This also helps you to turn around faster when they cross-up as well.
Bored…thought I’d add, heheh.
Yeah, I was really surprised when you told me Bison could get hit back, Buk. I went into training and sure enough you can, it’s HARD though, very strict timing.
ya thanks for adding i forgot to say that you shouldnt try to block it and duck from neutral its easier that way…i thought it was old school but i havent been around a long time so i found out like 2 years ago. i know this tactic really works well in alpha2 if opponent actually jumps at you hahaha…
i was thinking this happens maybe cause the hit detection box is smaller than the hit decetion box while blocking??? dont know…
im outi
Someone sticky this shit, so much good info here.
No time for a new update lately, so I’ll start small by doing some catching up on my backlog of questions.
Bison CC is actually easier than Sak’s CC. I’m 90% sure you’re trying to do it too fast, which results in your motions getting sloppy and that leads to accidental psycho crushers and s.fierces. Just do it nice and slow, very controlled, and it should be cake after a bit of practice. Most Bison players I see that can do the CC are still doing it too fast, getting 3-4 hits on each rep instead of 5.
Certain characters can whore some RCs that are problematic against P/K groove, but yea. The main advantage is that A-groove benefits way more from the meter building game, which makes P/K Groovers have to come to you. Once you do get the meter, it’s basically free damage/control.
Outside of dps/supers? And how is he supering you after he low jumps? Unless you’re jumping up really late he should have lost his charge.
Sagat: Jump up roundhouse, s.forward randomly to pre-emptively stop the low jump.
Bison: RC psycho crusher (really easy), jumping strongs
Blanka: RC Ball (really easy), jump up fierce
If you’re asking if it’s possible to counter a blocked Bison level 1 with a super, no. All supers have at least 4 frames startup before the super flash even happens.
yo buk do you have anything for p groove rugal hola back.
Blankas diagnal ball has no recovery frames on the ground,so they can only hit you in the air or tey and throw
ditto. unless he means the charge back, forward + kick, which has 3 recovery frames once blanka hits the ground. too bad i don’t know what “tey” means…
charge back/down then diaganal up forward kick move,where it’s really quick
Don’t know what tey means either. But he can be trip guarded in both circumstances.
charge down for 2 seconds up and kick, if you dont hit him when he is in the air you wont be able to hit him when he hits the ground. in other words if the ball wiffs and your sagat and you wait for him to land to do s.fp,dp it will not hit him. i have not been able to hit him at ALL and ive tried everything so its either he has no recovery when he hits the floor or the timing is rediculous…
im outi
It’s really good,and I’ve never been hit out of it,I use this agaisn’t chunli all the time,the light one is really good for tricks
-Can someone setup a situation after a throw where blanka uses this move and comes down rite next to them randomly??PLZ!
-For instance throw them walk back a step,do the move and you fall rite on top of them,if some one can do this for me thx!!
It has 3 frames of recovery, so OBVIOUSLY you can’t close s.fierce him - close s.fierce has 4 frames of startup! You need to do something that is LESS than the 3 frames of recovery that the Upball has - like his s.jab. It has 2 frames of startup, so the timing is strict, but since Blanka has to block the s.jab even if he’s crouching, it sets up a guard string.