Campbell's Tip Of The Day

mashing throws

How do you guys mash to get the most hits out of a throw/super? Is there a technique that you guys use? I’ve seen matches where blanka bites really fast, must faster than i can get him to bite when i mash.

Any help would be great thanks!

Just open your palm so your hand is flat and mash the buttons. It’s not hard. Go to training and try cammy’s lvl3 vertical super. If you can get 17 hits you’re all set

I find I mash better when I go from left to right with the stick, and piano the buttons I want.

There’s more to button mashing then just mashing the buttons.

The game compares all the inputs you’re doing to however many inputs the other person is doing for multi-hit throws, or how many inputs you can put in, in a set time frame for mashable supers. Button presses are inputs, of course, but what a lot of people forget is that joystick motions are also inputs.

Spinning the joystick with your left hand and mashing at least four buttons with your right will be more than enough to get the maximum number of hits for your super or those one or two extra hits in for the throws. I say spinning the stick, as opposed to jiggling it back and forth, because you get a lot more direction changes (inputs) when you twirl it, and it’s easier on your wrists to do it at heated speeds. A lot of people do this naturally when trying to get out of throws, but don’t realize this also works for supers as well.

It’s really easy to see this for yourself. Pick someone that has a mashable super like Ken or Cammy, then do a the Level 3 three different ways:

  1. The super without any mashing
  2. The super just mashing buttons with all your might with your whole hand
  3. The super with a good amount of stick rotation and rolling your fingers across three buttons

You’ll see how much easier it is to always get the full amount of hits and damage by simply using the stick and buttons in concert, as opposed to trying to squeeze the maximum amount out of just the buttons. Check out the damage differences between 9, 15 and 17 hits, and you’ll see why this is really important.

The way I mash is using Method 3 (Rotate stick in 360s and basically piano the buttons I need), it gets the most hits possible out of the super/ throw. I used to wear gloves to prevent my hands from getting hurt from mashing, now I just wear them for grip on the joystick.

I have a question though, (for Cammy’s “Shinryuken” Super) is there a difference between doing 360s on the joystick and piano the buttons in a lk, mk, hk motion as opposed to 360 motions on joystick and pressing all 3 Kicks instead?

360s on Joystick and (lk, mk, hk, lk, mk, hk, lk, mk, hk)
360s on Joystick and (3K, 3K, 3K, 3K, 3K, 3K)

I think that more than 1 button at the same time is just recognized as one input during mashing.

You don’t have to get so technical. Just mash with your palm and move the stick in whatever motion comes natural. Most of the input will be from the buttons anyway, in fact if it does register any input as a “mash” then stick motion isn’t even necessary if you mash the buttons, since that will give it an input at all possible frames. Besides, if you mash like an animal you’re gonna move the stick a little anyway unless you try not to ( like for Cammy’s lvl2 shaft breaker). It’s really simple


Quickie! Hrm. Actually, these were all supposed to be quickies, but sometimes I get carried away and write a lot more than I intend to.

Cammy jumping short cannot cross up a crouching Vega… similar to the Nak vs Balrog scenario in CvS1. Well, if you’re Vega you shouldn’t be letting anybody cross you up anyway… but the knowledge still comes in handy.


Sagat vs Cammy tip:

Throw tons of low tigers, ST style. Well, intelligent low tigers of course. Cammy is basically forced to jump over them since her roll sucks and her drill won’t go under them. If you’re throwing low tigers from a good enough distance an RC drill will still trade with the low tiger and knock both people down… which leaves the distance game in Sagat’s favor.

Once Cammy gets into the range of her roundhouse just push her back out with standing shorts. It beats anything that will reach Sagat clean, meaning her s.roundhouse and low forward are severely neutered. Since her comfortable footsie game is beaten, she has to work really hard to get in on Sagat.

Sagat also beats drill.


what about cammys cross up small jump lk vega can duck that either???

but ya sagat vs cammy is a hard match for cammy, your best bet with cammy is low jump rh to get in, and some random s.mks and random run in something, and dive kick mix ups…but that match sucks for cammy, its better for p groove cammy but still not that good…

im outi


are you kidding i hate that match,I think sagat has a hella hard time,cammy can walk so fast that you get tempted to throw hard moves(c.FC)and jus get stuffed all the time,he can barelly jump in and if she has a level 3 say goodbye to low tigers,all you can do is poke with s.wk,and her fierces are much better than sagats.
-on a side note though i was wondering if blanka can beat any crossovers or trade hits with his elect.?(sucha s ken m.k jump cross??
Hey buk you gonna be at svgl tommorow?

I’ve been reading this thread for a while now, and I don’t remember if it has been said yet but if it is then it should be said again. Thank you Buktooth for making this thread, It’s awesome that a top player helps by giving back to the community. And Good Luck @ SBO2!

I’ve got a few questions i’d like to throw out. I recently picked up A groove and am able to fairly easily do Sakura’s repeated uppercut CC, yet I’m still having the hardest time doing Bison’s Paint the Fence CC. I can manage to do it after practicing in training for a while, yet I’m still not comfortable enough to even use it in casual matches rather opting for an easier CC. I either accidently do a psycho crusher midst of the CC which I know why and how to fix… just need practice, and the other is the CC is interuppted by random standing fierce, do I just need to do the DP motions faster? I’ve noticed that using strong makes it a bit easier with the tradeoff in damage… Any Tips?

Secondly… playing against good P/K groovers. I figured the runaway, charge, land CC is the way to go, is there much else? If when I try going head on against P without bar i often loose as rolls get thrown, crossups and pokes get parried.

Cammy can’t really beat his st lk and his cr fp trades with her st rh in his favor. His j hk trades with her st rh too most of the time. He can win on just hit trades, Cammy has to get in with dive kick and low jumps then just ruch him down. They’re pretty even but the edge might go to Sagat because of the trades

From a jump-in roundhouse, the combo does 71 dizzy.

Wow ive been doing this for months, I was starting to think I was the only one doing it. Sorry its the first time I ever actually checked this thread and im far to lazy to look through the other 20 something pages. That is from what ive seen completely safe though.

Another thing you can do against P Groovers on occasion is do the standing strong into dp. Most P Groovers always try to parry the standing strong not expecting the dp afterward. Just make sure you dont do it to often. Not much I know but its little tricks like that that can matter. Also you can do cheap shit like crossup short into crouching short, throw. or crossup short to standing jab, jab, strong, dp. etc etc etc

i always told ppl a joe can compete then i saw the sbo vid and some dude was beating with him lost to ino but that made me feel better way off topic :smiley:


Cammy vs Sagat tip:

If you’re going to beat Sagat without a lucky jump in or a super, you’re going to need to beat that standing short. From a good distance, Cammy’s standing fierce will trade with Sagat’s short. Obviously, that’s in your favor. If you have a level 3 you can combo the super off the trade, but you’ll lose a lot of hits.

IMO, trading the fierces with Sagat’s s.short is the key for Cammy to winning this match. Once you get Sagat to be more wary of throwing them out the ground game becomes a lot more fair.

Is there hope for Cammy against Sagat players that just whore on C.HP everytime you get close? My dive kicks and small jumps also get stuffed. It seems like the only thing I can do is to turtle until they start throwing tigers or jump in at me to even get damage without the fear of trading hits.

You can punish wiff c.fierce with st.rh.