yo bucktooth, or anyone who can contribute positive info, can you give a quick review of the basics, i.e. BnB Combos, Footsies etc.
that’s extremely broad…
heh. thought so.
if someone can’t answer that, please answer this:
what do you guys practice during training mode? what do you practice and how?
Busy today (it’s Saturday!) so I’ll just answer these questions for now.
He’s usable. He makes for a good battery since he generally draws out matches really long while running around. He can also do some decent damage (and build lots of meter) doing his basic throw/counter hit jab into combo mix up. The problem is, pretty much the only way you’re going to land his CC is by doing it randomly (after a roll, jumping in, mashing on it when they’re close). Also, since A-Groove really doesn’t have any other groove-specific options that help Rolento (other than dash) it doesn’t really leave him with much to work with. Definitely give the meter-using slots to a different character.
A-Akuma actually isn’t bad… except for the whole taking damage like a bitch thing. He doesn’t really do a whole lot of damage, but at least his CCs are easy to combo into and the opportunity comes up often. However, given the choice of a Raging Demon or a versatile CC, I’ll take the Raging Demon.
A-Kyo has some good tools. Good anti-air/trade uppercut CC, and when he gets you near the corner his roundhouse throw/low short mix up becomes deadly… pretty similar to any other groove except A-Kyo’s does a little less damage and a lot more stun. As long as you can make your mix ups count he’s a good character.
I wouldn’t know. Maybe you can ask Gunter when he gets back from Japan.
The 2nd hit of the fierce rekka is slightly less unsafe than the jab/strong version. More people RC the fierce one simply because it goes farther, though.
Fierce red fireball is at -10 if blocked. Depending on how close you are it might be difficult to punish though. If you do it to a cornered opponent and they block it you’re gonna die however. Still a decent trick, just don’t abuse it.
The setup is as follow ( of course there is no way in hell I’d d this on a Lvl 3’s blanka )…after I manage to combo Hurricane Kick I would dash back the super jump and at apex do dive kick, the spacing is so that I when I do it i looks as if its meaty but I land and do Short (demon flip)… of course an AA Level 3 slaps this tactic on the ass and call it Charlie, but I just as wondering what your inputs would be on that…**
Wait, so you do an empty dive kick, go into a low short and then demon flip? If you’re gonna fake them out and go for a low short you might as well be looking for a combo. Since they’ll probably be standing up if you catch them just do 2 low shorts into short hurricane.
AFAIK, Ver never played Kyo. Well, not seriously at least. His old tourney team used to be A-Athena/Eagle/Chun I think, and his current team is A-Maki/Joe/Chun. I dunno who Shinji even is. -_-
Can i just double tap mash on the lps when they do this? will i be safe? what are pros and cons?
What about P Groove ROlento??
Hey buck can you teach me how to not get hit by choi’s ken level 2 super?
-on a side not p-rolento is garbage,it kinda limits him,plus rolento having mobility options is high priority for him,p-groove is the least mobile groove,his level 3 arnt worth using(kinda).maybe a good batery?
My small tip-when playing c-guile vs p-blanka(best p vs cguile char, imo)jump around alot cause you almost cant stay on the ground vs him,or let him come to you by parry booms and c.mk,small jumps are good and dont try to punish c.fp antiair with j.fk!
i read in another groove there were p rolento users in sbo or something… they just jumped backwards… kk starting to build meter… then ppl would jump in for an abvious attack and rolento parries, c.mk xx patriot circles… i just read this in another thread… no credit to me
Actually what I meant was when I do Dive Kick I would immediately go into demon flip(short Kick Version). but you do make a good point about just to to a combo since it would make them stand up. Shinji is probably just some random player that I an old capture of in a match may not even play anymore.
P-Rolento gets whiff punishing with c.forward into lvl 3 super. He gets a tripguard anti-air (parry, c.forward pipes) that knocks down, and you can’t do fast wake-up after because you eat a sweep (and after sweep, they can’t do it either because they eat a dash c.forward xx pipes, get the point?).
It doesn’t limit him in many ways as you thought.
his hops you cant pary from,anyone in the game has a level3 punishable from jumpin,and rolentos is weak.You basically either have to completly slow romlento down into a diff character,or play him the same way with out A-setups,or RC’s
Buk, can you give us any advanced strats for Balrog like you did with Dhalsim (I dont see ANY Balrog strats, or Tricks on SRK)? Also how do the Japanese use him?
did you know that if you are playing k groove and p groove and you are playing against iori or kyo and they delay their rekkas you can JD or parry the 2nd rekka??? haha good shit to prevent kyo mixups with delayed rekkas and limits his game on getting in…
ok some KEN tips--------------
i dont know if anyone knows these tips but they are tight i think…
in the corner, knock down opponent, DELAYED lk funny kick where the last couple of frames of that move hits into super, it combos…good shit considering you can RC it if you are in a roll groove…
jumping in with hurricane kick, if it hits you can super…or you can knock down opponent walk forward a little jump and use it as last minute cross up and super after the hurricane kick hits…
i found out that you can cancel kens j.lk didnt know this haha…theres some interesting shit you can do off it…
j.lk, lk hurricane kick, super
j.lk, lk hk, c.lk, super
j.lk, lk hk, c.lk, lk funny kick…
all this shit combos, its new to me so i thought it was cool sorry if this is already known…even if you dont have super you can do some mix up off it…and normally after a small jump rh with ken you can do lk funny kick most of the time after it…i play k ken so i dont have the RC option and i still use this move a lot because its good…
im outi
ps…you can kick super after lp dp in corner, didnt know this till yesterday haha…
You can’t hit a person after a anti-air parry if they land.
yeah, you can actually cancel neutral jump HK and any jump strong into hurricane too.
Mr.Bukk, can you break Geese down for us.
I use Geese quite a bit but I’m wondering if you have some imput or just advanced tactics, I know about his power, gc, and combo/super. So if you could just some tactics or advacned techs.
actually, you can do this anywhere on screen as long as they are floating above you after getting hit with the dp… usually works if you stop a crossup with it…
heh, i got this to combo last week during a match at school… jab dp a cross-up, lvl 2 shinryuken, cancel into whiffed air hurricane, jab dp… then i fucked up the lvl 1 shinryuken… but i think it woulda hit
The weekend is over. T_T
Ehh… time to catch up.
If I knew, you wouldn’t see me getting hit by it all the time. -_-
Anyway, the most obvious solution is to not let him get anywhere near you. Don’t get knocked down by uppercuts/sweeps, stay out of the corner, don’t give him anything that can be rolled through. Of course, easier said than done. If/when Ken does manage to get in, try to resist the urge to try to parry or push buttons; Ken has a ton of counter hit set ups to work with. Be patient and wait for a clear opportunity to push yourself out of the corner… taking Ken’s throw is infinitely preferable to eating his lv2.
As long as you’re doing the jabs early enough then yes, you’ll hit him out of the hop and you’ll be safe. This falls under the “continually sticking out random moves” category. The downside to this is since you’re just jabbing Blanka out of the air, you’re not really discouraging him from trying more dash into RC elecs.
As far as I know, none of the good players in Japan use Balrog. Shrug. Aside from the strong headbutt as perfect anti-air thing, most of the Balrog tricks I know are fairly basic. I might post them up another day eventually.
Yes you can. I just tested this a few days ago. The timing is fairly tight (2 frames iirc), but it’s a guaranteed hit. The opponent can’t even uppercut or anything if you do it right. Since the window is fairly small, the ground combo after an anti-air parry should start with your fastest move.
Beating Alpha Counters, Part 1
One of the major annoyances of playing against C-Groove is that the C-Groover gets plenty of alpha counters to abuse and keep you out. These alpha counters totally reverse the flow of the match and often give the ACer some kind of really buff set up. There’s a number of ways to get around people who frequently AC… though the safest and easiest way in my opinion is to simply bait them into ACing nothing.
As we all know, the command for an alpha counter is f+strong+forward. If you input that command without blocking anything, the game interprets it as f+forward kick. By either accident or design from Capcom, most characters have a f+forward move that leaves them really open if done close to the opponent:
Sagat standing forward- if done close enough so that Sagat gets 2 hits, he’s left at a huge -12 disadvantage… which is enough time for you to punish it with basically anything.
Blanka standing forward- basically the same thing, his 2 hit knees leave him at -10.
Ryu hop kick- if your character crouches it, just wait for the whiff and combo him. Otherwise just hit him out of the air.
Ken overhead- get a nice juicy counter hit combo before he finishes kicking.
Chun f+forward kick- If you can crouch it, combo her. Otherwise counter hit combo.
Dhalsim f+forward- it completely whiffs. Free combo.
Vega f+forward- his fake “overhead” leaves him at -6 when blocked. Free low forward into whatever.
Sakura overhead- counter hit combo.
Rolento pogo- though it’s hard to hit him when he gets back on the ground, it’s really easy to just hit him while he’s still sitting on top of his pogo. A fast special move like an uppercut is preferred, since it knocks him down.
Kyo overhead- counter hit him out.
Iori overhead- counter hit him out.
Kim s.forward- crouch it, combo.
Benimaru f+forward- counter hit it.
Yuri overhead- block it, combo.
Todo slide- block it, combo.
Athena hop kick- block it, combo.
Rock overhead- counter hit, combo.
Chang s.forward- block it, combo.
Ways to bait out these moves should be obvious enough: empty jump ins, walking up to them and not pressing anything, abruptly ending attack strings, etc.
That is pretty strange considering most people will only perform an AC as they are blocking so I don’t see how they could be baited. Have you tried downtowards+mp+mk? If that works then it would eliminate the toward+mk.
You can only counter when you’re in blockstun. Every single move in the game leaves you in blockstun after the hit connects. All one would need to do is react to a hit by immediately doing the counter command.
That being said, is it possible to recover from a jab or short (or other quick move) fast enough to block/JD/parry the counter? Or is a counter a guaranteed hit as long as they are close enough to you?
Also a related question, when I use my K-Groove Hibiki, it appears that I recover a lot faster from her distance slashes when I JD a return slash from another Hibiki. Does just defending shorten your recovery time/frame disadvantage, or is this simply the game playing tricks with the mind?