Campbell's Tip Of The Day

i c. i just remember seeing him in some a-cho footage a few months ago and he was using C-ryu/ken/sagat. i thought he dropped ken after SBO for guile, but i guess not.

thanks for the correction.

EDIT- do you ever play tokido in your area? do you think he’s the best player in japan or somebody else?

It’s absolutely hilarious how openly mindless some of you silly drones are. :lol: I’m not the only one laughing either.

Just curious: what are A-Sak’s and C/K-Sagat’s counter characters, if any, and how bad are the matches? I do remember having some success with Hibiki and Guile against Sagat, and my own (admittedly poor) Sagat was having major problems with turtle Blanka. Of course, I haven’t played in an arcade in like 6 months… anyway, I was just curious.

see the thing here is when does C-chun not have super??? most teams with c groove chun played on them have her 2nd to use the super from the battery…

so now you are facing chun with full c meter…IF she misses her combo (you shouldnt be missing your combo with chun if you are dont play her) IF, actually this is a pritty big if because like i said dont play chun if your going to be missing her b&b…she STILL has level 1 super, which again is still very dangerous…

lets say she has no super for some reason, what it takes like 10 secs to get level 1 super in c groove??? run away and build meter…

of course i still believe ken is better but i dont think having or not having super is what makes the difference…

im outi


“P/N-Kyo: 9/3/6”

actually, i will challenge the 3, if you mean the person who uses the super as what you described “User”, then i dont see why kyo should get a 3 in p groove as user…

Kyo is HELLA dangerous without super and agreed he is a good battery, but the 3 as user doesnt give him justice…with super he becomes even more dangerous especially with stored super and his rediculous low jump mix ups…its almost guaranteed you will land super…and he has parry on top the of the mix ups to help him EVEN more on landing a super…

3 to me is rediculously low…for p kyo that is… actually p kyo and n kyo should be seperated IMO…

im outi


what is that in reference to? i think we’re just curious how ken is better than chun li all of a sudden. i don’t agree because it takes chun li no time to build up a level 1 in C-groove, then she’s right back to being dangerous with standing mp xx super as a damaging whiff punisher. i also think chunners still has a better ground game primarily due to her faster walking speed and quick standing mp (and a few other normals). that’s just me though…

i’m dope because i’ve thrown gunter before… but thats cause i use cheater ass characters with untechable throws

to the guy who asked why rock was such a good user… it’s because he needs super to do damage. he doesn’t have any good solid bnb combo but from maximum range of c. forward he can do a lot of damage with a lvl 2 into lvl 1 shine knuckle or just a lvl 3 shine knuckle in k-groove. you can’t jump at him because he has raging storm that stops cross ups. You always have the option of doing an untechable 360 throw into lvl 3 shine knuckle, and it’s really easy to do a deadly rave if you see a low jump roundhouse connect. he’s not a good anchor character though cause he has a lot of matchups that aren’t really bad but definitely not in his favor

Anyone want to let me in on this amazing cross-up Ken has that is totally unpredictable? ty.

It’s in reference to those pitiful scrubs (not suggesting specific names) who flock to the next character pros like Daigo begin to use seriously. How can anyone have any hope of succeeding anyone when all they do is follow around all the pros? Get off your asses and find out character ability yourselves.

On the C-Ken vs. C-Chun as batt matter, I think it could go either way. Chun is not entirely shit without meter, but Ken is definitely better IMO, but you said it yourself you won’t have to worry about being meter-less much with Chun in C anyways. is the killer crossup.

I assume you can react to a hit s.strong every single time to know if you should continue it for the super? Anybody can do her b&b. It’s her POKE combo that is what makes it or breaks it for her. S.strong is her main footsie BECAUSE you can combo the super off of it. But once in a while you’ll miss that. And when you do, you’re in for a REALLY big job ahead of you, because without the threat of a level 2, you are going to be rushed the FUCK down. Especially since your blocked level 2 put EVERYBODY in the game in a position to either A) combo you or 2) sweep you and set you up for an even BIGGER combo.

yes we know you played c ken 1st, you are a god.

I thought Daigo switched out C-Chun for C-Cammy and not C-Ken.

On the evo dvd it seemed like he only used Ken once (against Dr B) and the rest of the matches (including the 8 man finals) he used Cammy.

On another note… Ken has great runaway capabilities with his Air-hurricane kick. Really annoying sometimes

You have NEVER thrown me after a SBK with Chun Li.

And you NEVER WILL. THAT is what I was referring to.

Evolution was a loooooong time ago. When I saw Daigo at More on Sunday (and when I saw him there on the 14th), he was using C-Ken, Guile, Sagat-2.

He was probably just testing out his Ken at Evolution. Now it’s on his main team.

What is killer about!? I’ve been using this cross-up with shoto’s all the time and it just seems like any average cross-up to me. Am I missing something? I don’t see how ‘not even the Ken player knows what side he’s gonna land on’… am I missing something special about Ken’s? Is it different in any way to say Ryu’s or Akuma’s?

You should’ve seen when Ken (of A-Yun fame) was here at UCLA playing C/A-Ken. It was the most bullshit ever. I don’t intend this to be a “bah, this is old”, but Ken has demonstrated to me for many months already how dangerous C/A - Ken is in capable hands, and it is HARD for Chun-Li to win (I know from a lot of many painful experiences and lost quarters):

Ken’s RC funky kick keeps Chun out of her primary stand and crouch strong range, so it is really hard to get in. Mixups with RC funky kick and stand roundhouse make Ken extremely dangerous on the ground. The best bet is to attempt to bait the RC funky kick and punish it…but then again…there is that lame stand rh…

One of the nastiest (I call it cheap :P) things Ken did to me was after a knockdown: meaty stand rh, c, rh XX short hurricane kick into either RC funky kick or jab whiff throw. Extremely lame. The stupid thing is, you are pretty much forced to block it all. All pokes will get stuffed by RC funky kick, if you roll, you will get thrown because Ken recovers fast enough. Heaven forbid if you eat a counterhit standing meaty rh (for show, Ken did meaty rh, stand fierce into shinpu jinrai kyaku). Takes off a sickening amount of guard meter. You can try to super in between the hurricane kick and the RC funky kick, but the timing is very tight, and there’s a good chance that the RC funky kick will hit you anyway.

Everyone knows about Ken’s infamous c. short x 2 into super, but Ken can also do c. short, c.jab, activate, c. foward into bootleg off of a crossover.

Gunter - Ken told me that N-Groove was making a comeback the last time he was in Japan. Is that true now? He told me that N-Groove is extremely strong, but you need to play characters with good roll cancels. Unfortunately, he failed to elaborate.

Try doing it directly on top of them. Its hard to explain.

lets say you cant react to it, when she has super everyone becomes scared so you will get free pokes that MIGHT lead to guard break, so right at the beginning opponent is scared, all she needs is one opportunity to get in on opponent, once your in that position it gets styupid, you want to flinch so you get hit by c.jab into b&b??? but i mentioned before that chun is still styupid without level 2 super, even with level 1 super, her level 1 super still does decent damage, and you will be rushing rushing chun down and she will be getting bar and will get to level 2 in no time…

if you miss your super and you do get triped, all you need to do is block 1 barrage of poke strings and you can get out of it, hell you even have alpha counter on the wake up so they cant get something started then you can run away, i guess chun can get rushed down but she has a decent runaway game especially with her roll, high jump, and off the wall jump…just run till you get another bar…

but i still dont see why she gets rushed down for free??? its kinda hard to get past her footies of s.strong and seems like you would rush into these moves and eat damage, especially that move comes out fast and in the air chun has styupid priority and a hella good anti air ( i havent seen it get stuffed ever), so im not seeing why she would get rushed down for free…

im outi


ps…ken is still better hahaha:lol:

Considering N-Groove players have little else to defend themselves besides blocking, I would imagine that RCing is the only way to make the groove useful in competition.