I’m just wondering how Choi and Daigo deals with RC ball with ken(assuming they both use C groove. Gunter? Buk?
Sure, ken can RC but what is that gonna do?
I’m just wondering how Choi and Daigo deals with RC ball with ken(assuming they both use C groove. Gunter? Buk?
Sure, ken can RC but what is that gonna do?
Not get hit by the stupid ball that’s for sure. There’s a few ways to go about it. RC funky is what most are compfortable with so you can do that and depending on where Blanka ends up hell you could have yourself a free B&B or CC mebbe. It’s kind of a vague question really.
There’s always a few things any character can do about RC ball, or even RC electricity, it’s turtle RC Blanka that can really stump any Ken player.
PokesYOU reminded me that you CAN fwd+RH after a blocked ball, I think everyone’s seen/done that. Free CC.
so the best N-groove team is theoretically N-iori/chun li/blanka or sagat?
i never realized you could hit blanka with towards and RH without activating CC. Well I guess that would make him a better shoto than ryu.
you need to walk forward a TAD but it WILL hit.
Yup. I dunno if I’d say he’s better than Ryu though, they are like apples and oranges despite their similarities so I never compare them.
Even their best grooves vary quite a bit.
Whats crackin buck.This is P-groove player from svgl(C,S,B,)I got a quick question I dont own the game so i Cant test it out so here,-If I parry jump in w/sagat and do s.Fpxxtiger knee,is it safe or tricky depending on what kick i use??on a related note does that work with cammy and her cannon air roll move(tiger knee punch)lets say cancelled after a Fp??
@ Gunter -
There are some good Ken players around here, but I have NO idea what awesome Ken cross-up you are talking about. The only one I see used ever is j.forward. Could you PLEASE enlighten me!?!
@ Anybody -
If ANYONE knows where I can get some vids of Choi or Daigo playing shoto’s could they please tell. I have been searching FOREVER and I can’t sem to find any on the GoForBroke Hub.
@ Buk -
Great thread, don’t be put off by the conversation in the middle, it’s a good resource for learning… as long as it doesn’t drag on to long. Anywhoo, keep up the tech tips ;).
Why is Rock such a good ‘user’?
if ken is so good, then why did dan switch out ken for guile in his C-groove team? now he plays C-ryu/guile/sagat (not necessarily in that order)
Are you talkin about those casual matches from last year or somethin recent?
Any vids on good shoto players I’d love to see if anyone has.
As for Rock he is just really good at using super. Storm is a great AA and Shine Knuckle does great dmg for lvl ratio, and can easily be comboed into.
I just played against Dan two days ago, and he was using Ryu, Ken, Sagat-2. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
You don’t need to walk forward at all. You just have to block the ball high.
Just a thought… Perhaps this is just another case of Daigo “making” a character great? Similar to how he brought Guile into the spotlight?
One does not “make” a character great. One only reveals the greatness of the character. Guile was always good. Daigo just showed people WHY. Same with Ken.
that’s why I had the quotations… Is there anything specifally NEW that he brought to the table, or is it more him rubbing our noses in it until we realized the obvious?
Hrm. I hope he picks Vice next week.
Why is Terry put so low as a user? I thought his C-groove combo was real good.
Actually yeah it is. Of course Daigo just has to use him before anyone else can though. Daigo’s st rh is more effective than anyone elses I guess so people just started using him, so I hear. I actually haven’t noticed any shift toward Ken around here.
Let’s see, the Japanese RC, we do, they start using Chun, we do, they use Guile, so do we, who else…? A Yun was looked at differently after evo2k2, now it’s Ken? Not many people use K Geese or Yama that I know of, yet people say Geese is sick and Yama is overrated because that’s what Japan says. Obviously we should learn from them since they’re ahead of us, but we just keep copying them, not doing as well as them, and then they move on and it starts over. It’s pretty funny
okay, wasn’t positive.