Campbell's Tip Of The Day

Why is morrigan such a good ‘user’ in N-groove?
Ifyou’re using the B/U/A combination does that immediately imply that the anvhor should be R2??

I’m looking forward to seeing the SNK-characters’ chart.

i really dont get what you been by - User

is that overall damage with the meter?

Because comboing into DI is VITAL to the damage in her offense, and she’s even more threatening in her mixup game with a potential level 3. Also she can combo into DI relatively easily.

This has nothing to do with CvS2, but I watched a vid of a jap beating Super Mario Bros. 3 in 11 min. and getting 99 lives in the process. Elite tactics.

Anyway, any for Vice?

OoOH! I can be the first!

“OLD! DUH! Someone posted that in GD 800 years ago! n00b”

:smiley: I am soo cool.

Cammy: 8/6/9
Blanka: 9/6/9
Sagat: 9/8/10


c-blanka against cammy

why does he die SO badly :mad:

I dunno about that. It’s a pretty quick cancel if you ask me.

Hey hey! What do you think you’re doing trying to learn?

Honestly though Buk, lots of people say Cammy vs. Blanka is pretty even , but Cammy seems to have an edge. The only thing I can really think of in Blanka’s favor is the big gap in stamina, and of course RC helps, but how does he get in on her? How does he keep the pressure on her? How does he keep her away?

best team/worse team

from bucky’s list. this is considered the best team available, using the battery/user/anchor format.

Guile: 11/3/7
C-Chun Li: 1/10/8
Sagat: 9/8/10

(11+10+10=31) uh i thought 30 was max

Doesnt this team look familiar, its Daigo’s team. Does this mean he uses his players at max potential, better freaking believe it.
Sorry to say but, you guys have noticed that ChoiBoi been using the same team, hmmmmmm.

worse team, well just look and you know why

Morrigan: 0/9/5
Kyosuke: 5/1/0
Dan: 8/3/0

(0+1+0) a whopping one point, lets see someone use worse team and beat down the max potential team, come on Kid Lee i’ve seen you use this team.

Both Daigo and Choi dumped Chun for Ken.

Any reason why?

Ken is the future. :cool:

Look at the chart and it’s pretty obvious. C-Chun is a 1 as a battery. That means that without meter, she is pretty much SHIT. So, IF she lands her combo, then she’s good. If she misses it, she’s down to SHIT. She can’t do anything without meter except against bigs (blocked SBKs).

Ken has good footsies (he’s a SHOTO), killer combos off c.short (again… he’s a SHOTO), and THE absolute CHEAPEST crossup IN THE FUCKING GAME. :mad:


But did Choi or Daigo use Chun as a battery? No, not from what i’ve seen.
Chun also has good footsies/mixups, so she’s not “pretty much shit”.
Was there any other particular reason other than the obvious?

I agree, I think Chun Li can hold her own without meter. C and A groove both build meter very quickly also, so even if she does start without it, it should fill up pretty quick.

Yes,…we will get our money match…
Whats up MZ?

If Chun misses her combo, she has no meter. So, at this point, is she a user? What does she have to use? NOTHING. She is now a BATTERY. Which is why I gave the example of missing her combo. She does NOT have any mixups without meter (the only good mixup she has is walk under AFTER a super). And as far as footsies, she has s.strong, s.strong again, s.strong to fireball, some crouching hits, and so on.

Ken is just much better all around. With meter he’s a bitch, without meter he’s a whore.

how does ken create openings vs - sagat - blanka - cammy - chun
does he have any pokes?

It’s called roundhouse.

okay…but Chun still has a good enough ground game that she can build meter fast enough to have SUPERS.
She doesn’t only have st. strong, st. strong again…etc

cr. jab x2, st. strong, fireball
cr. jab, throw
different SBK’s…you can mix those up.

Get a knockdown, roll behind, meaty fireball, st. strong, fireball

Knockdown, roll behind, crossup meaty lk, cr. jab x2, st. strong, SBK
All this stuff can be effective if used smart, and still build METER fast enough to have SUPERS.